Chapter 176: Stained with the blood of his companions, a real torture for Roger!

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“Let’s do it.”

“It’s time for them to feel what true despair is!”

With a command from Locks.

Zepha, Roger and Luffy also moved quickly. The bodies of the three people suddenly turned into three remnants and quickly rushed in three different directions. The place where Zepha rushed was the gathering place of the naval headquarters and the main government of the world. More precisely, he rushed to the Sengoku and Tsuru and others who were at the forefront of the soldiers at the naval headquarters.

Roger, on the other hand, rushed directly to the location where Roger’s pirate group, led by Reilly, Jabba, and others, was located. Apparently, the former captain of Roger’s Pirates, now a member of Locks’s army of hybrids, was going to take action against his crew.

On the other side, Luffy, who was transformed into the White King, was wrapped in an incomparably terrifying power and quickly attacked in the direction where Karp was.

As the movements of the three people unfolded, the breathing of everyone in the field could not help but hold again at this moment. All of them stared dead at the three men who were embarking on the action, waiting for their next move.


The first to reach the target was Roger, the former One Piece King armed with the famous knife Ace. In the blink of an eye, Roger had already arrived in front of Reilly, Jabba and the others. At this moment, Roger was expressionless, looking indifferently at the crew members in front of him, and there was still a hint of killing intent in his body.

He looked into the eyes of Reilly and the others, and there was no radiance, it looked a little hollow.

By the time Roger was resurrected, his consciousness had been erased by Locks. Now he is just a puppet who obeys Locks’s orders. Looking at his former companions who were paralyzed in front of him, Roger did not show the slightest emotional fluctuation.


Even if Reilly and the others opened their mouths to call out to them, Roger still didn’t react at all.

“Damn, is Roger really completely controlled by that guy from Locks?”

“No matter what we do, I’m afraid we won’t be able to wake up Roger again.”

“It seems that Locks wants to kill us at the hands of Roger in order to complete his revenge on us.”

“Maybe that’s the end of our lives..”

Reilly and the others looked at Roger standing expressionlessly in front of them, their faces full of despair and lovelessness. Things have come to this point, and Reilly and others certainly don’t have the luxury of thinking they’ll survive.

··· Ask for flowers…

It was only a matter of time before he was killed. However, if they could, they would rather die at the hands of any of the minions on the field than at the hands of their former captain, Roger. It’s not because they’re afraid of being killed by Roger, or that being killed by Roger will make them feel more tormented. It’s because they really don’t want to see…

Roger’s hands were stained with the blood of his companions. In the minds of Reilly and others, Roger is a man who cherishes his partner immensely.

And if Roger personally killed his cherished companions, let his hands be stained with the blood of his companions, let him bear the ghosts and lives of his companions…

Even if Roger is manipulated, even if Roger has no consciousness of his own, even if Roger is already dead… Reilly and the others would still feel that if they did so, even Roger’s spirit in heaven would not be able to rest in peace. In the eyes of Reilly and the others, Locks’s move to let Roger personally kill them was not torturing them, the crew members of Roger’s Pirates. Instead, he was torturing the dead Roger!

This is the last thing Reilly and others want to see.

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