Chapter 177: Locks’ Move, Open the Nibelungen!

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Looking at Roger standing in front of him, although there was no amount of reluctance in the hearts of Reilly and the others, they were powerless to save anything.

They can only passively accept the fate they are about to meet next.

“Forget –”

“Dying at the hands of Roger is actually a relief.”

“Compared to Whitebeard, our way of dying does seem to be much easier.”

“When we get to hell, we and Roger can really be reunited…”

After sighing several times, the looks of Reilly and the others gradually dimmed. Faced with this unchangeable fate, Reilly and others could only use such words to comfort themselves. And, as they say, being killed by the controlled Roger himself, such a way of dying is actually much better than how much torture Whitebeard had suffered before.

There is no peer fighting each other, and there is no need to face any torture and choice that is worse than death. After thinking about all this, the mentality of Reilly and others gradually calmed down. He was ready to face his own death.

However. Distant battlefield.

Sitting on the dark throne, Locks noticed the reaction of Reilly and the others, but a playful smile curved sharply above the corners of his mouth.

“Oh, that’s naïve.”

“How can I have been so relieved by the revenge I have carefully planned for so long?”

“The real drama you are going to face is still to come!”

Locks muttered so and so in his heart. Then, I saw him raise his hand slightly again.

He stroked lightly above the void beside him. Immediately afterward, a slender crack in the space spread rapidly from where Locks’s fingers had passed! On the other side of that space rift is the Nibelungen, a land of death filled with endless undead! The cries of countless undead beings came from within their own Nibelungen, resounding through the cracks in space above the battlefield of Malin Fando. The people who heard these wailing noises immediately gave birth to a feeling like falling into an ice cave! Even they could clearly feel that the temperature of the entire Marin Fando seemed to drop dozens of times at this moment. It’s like winter falling!

However, this feeling is different from the Ice Age released by pheasants with the ability to ice ice fruits. The coldness that everyone felt at this moment was not only the cold of the flesh, but also the bone-chilling cold that seemed to come from the depths of the soul!

It was as if their souls were going to be frozen at this moment! And it’s all because of the cold air that comes out of the Nibelungen root and comes from the depths of the Yellow Spring!

It was these Yellow Springs that made everyone in the field feel as if they had really arrived at the Yellow Spring, where countless undead spirits were housed! In that space rift is the legendary Nibelungen, the kingdom of the dead ruled by Locks, who possesses the power of the Black King! At this moment, Locks tore open the rift of space and revealed the Nibelungen in front of everyone…

Suddenly, the people who were already extremely afraid of it were even more terrified.

“This is… Hell? ”

“It’s horrible!”

“So many undead are crying, it’s like purgatory!”

“Is it true that Locks still has the power to control Yellow Spring?”

“With such ability, is he really not a god?”

“Locks is as omnipotent as a god!”

“But what is he going to do now?”

3.5 Looking at the Nibelungen that appeared on Locks’s side, everyone was terrified and became more and more curious about Locks’s intentions. First of all, you need to know what the other person really wants to do.

And under the gaze of everyone, I saw Locks slowly raise his hand, and it was a hand…

Straight into the Nibelungen! Immediately afterward, an undead who was crying out of the Nibelungen was captured!!!。

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