Chapter 179: Roger’s Complete Resurrection, Next Revenge!

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As Roger’s undead fused into Roger’s body.

Roger, who was originally a hybrid breed like a walking dead, suddenly burst into his eyes at this moment with an unprecedented brilliance! Undoubtedly, this also means that Roger, who should not have had any sanity, is constantly regaining his original consciousness at this moment! Seeing such a scene, Reilly, Jabba, and the members of Roger’s Pirates in front of Roger were immediately surprised.

“What’s going on?”

“Roger’s undead are in harmony with the flesh?!”

“Look at Roger’s eyes, it’s obviously a lot more divine than before!”

“Is it true that… This is a sign of Roger’s resurgence of consciousness??? ”

“But why did Locks do that?”

“Obviously, if Roger killed us directly, why did he do anything more?”

“It’s hard not to… Is he trying to get Roger back to consciousness and kill us again in a sane state?! ”

Looking at Roger, Reilly, Jabba and other members of Roger’s Pirate Regiment, whose consciousness seemed to be gradually waking up, they were all shocked and confused. They certainly weren’t naïve enough to think that the sign of Roger’s awakening to consciousness at this moment was an accident, or something beyond Locks’ expectations. Obviously, the scene in front of him is also the work of Locks. But what is the purpose of the other party’s doing this?

Reilly et al. aren’t sure. However, they can vaguely guess a terrible reason. That’s it…

Let Roger really wake up and watch his former crew die at his own hands! This is undoubtedly an extremely cruel way of revenge.

It can even be said that it is a bit demented.

But the people who had seen what Locks had done to Whitebeard before had no doubt that the other party could really do such a thing.

For a time, the jealousy and worry in the hearts of the people also became more intense.


And under the concerns of Reilly and others. In front of them, the radiance in Roger’s eyes also became brighter and brighter. Immediately afterward, the eyeballs in his eyes turned sharply. The focus of the line of sight was finally restored at this moment. Subsequently, it landed on Reilly and the others in front of him! Seeing the scene in front of him, Roger, who had regained his sanity, was first frightened. It was as if there was no reaction.

After a long time, he finally came back to his senses, and a look of surprise appeared in the eyes of Reilly and the others.

“Reilly, Jaba!”

“And everyone…”

“Why are you here?”

“Is it true that… Are you all dead like me? ”

Roger looked at Reilly and the others and said with some surprise.

As he uttered his last words, a trademark grin appeared on his face.

Twenty or thirty years

“Haha, I must have been dead for twenty or thirty years, right?”

“Finally wait for you guys in this land of the dead!”

“But why are you guys still coming together?”

“Can’t you all die together?”

Roger laughed heartlessly, and kept telling jokes in his mouth. If you put it in the past, hearing these words from Roger, Reilly and the others would inevitably laugh along with them.

However, at this moment, no smile could be squeezed out of their faces no matter what.

The people of Roger’s Pirates looked at Roger who had fully regained his sanity with a complicated look, and he couldn’t say a word for half a day.

Just stunned.

And after Roger talked to himself for a long time, he finally noticed the abnormality of his old guys who had not seen him for a long time. Immediately, he also quickly narrowed the smile on his face. Looking seriously at Reilly and the others, he said again, “Hey, I said you guys.” ”

“Why did it take so long to meet again, but you all looked sad and miserable?”

This time, Roger’s tone was noticeably much lower. Then he seemed to perceive some general righteousness. Suddenly, he turned his head back and looked in a certain direction behind him! Looking up…

The figure sitting on the dark throne! Immediately after, Roger’s pupils suddenly contracted. The face was an expression of disbelief.


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