Chapter 180: More terrifying torture is still to come!

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“How are you?!!!”

When Roger saw the face of the figure sitting on the dark throne, the whole person seemed to be alive and dead.

At the same time that his pupils contracted suddenly, he couldn’t help but exhale. Then, with some surprise, Roger turned his gaze to other places around him. When he saw the face of the place where he was and the looks of those around him, he was directly stunned.

“Here it is…”

“Naval Headquarters Marin Fando?!”

“Kapu, Sengoku, Crane, Five Old Stars…”

“How come these guys are all here?!”

“And the one lying on the ground… Isn’t it whitebeard?! ”

“What’s wrong with him? How come I can’t feel his vitality anymore?! ”

“This 013….. It’s not a world of the dead at all! ”

“This is the real world!!!”

“Is it true that… I was resurrected??? ”

Looking at the scenes around him, looking at the familiar scenes and his familiar faces, the shock in Roger’s heart was indescribable.

And this also made him understand one thing in hindsight. The place where he was now was not the world of the dead that he had thought before. It’s the real world!

And these old acquaintances who appeared in front of his eyes were not dead souls after death. It’s a real being that’s still alive!

It was he who changed.

He, Gore D. Roger… Resurrected!

And as soon as he was resurrected, he appeared on the battlefield of Marin Fando.

At this moment, Malin Fan was full of wounds and devastation, looking as if he had just experienced a great war that destroyed the world and the earth. Judging from the staffing gathered in Malin Fando at this moment, these old acquaintances should be the protagonists of this war.

“What the hell is going on here?”

“Why did they all gather in Marin Fando?”

“Why did I suddenly come back from the dead?”

“And… Locks! ”

“If this is really the real world, then the Locks who appeared on this battlefield have undoubtedly been resurrected!”

“This guy is resurrected, but it’s not good news!”

Although Roger was not yet clear about what the situation was at the moment, the mere resurrection of Locks had given him a strong sense of foreboding. In Roger’s eyes, Locks is definitely the trickiest and most terrifying existence. In the original Battle of the Valley of the Gods, they prepared so much, designed so much, and under the joint efforts and encirclement of so many people, it was difficult to defeat and kill Locks. At this moment, however, the most intractable being appeared alive in front of him again. This worried Roger.

“Reilly, Jabba, what is the situation now?”

“What’s going on with your looks?”

Roger forcibly settled his mind and looked back at Reilly and the others again.

I want to understand the specific situation from the other person’s mouth. However, at this moment, the faces of Reilly and the others were a complicated color. They looked sheepishly at Roger, who was exactly the same as before, unable to speak for half a day.

Seeing Roger’s appearance, Reilly and the others were very sure that the former Roger had really been resurrected!

It wasn’t the walking dead-like hybrid golem it had before. It’s Roger who truly has his own sense of independence!

However, in the eyes of Reilly and others, this is not good news. Because they knew that Locks could never have been so kind enough to actually resurrect Roger and then do nothing.

From before to now, all of Locks’s every move is related to his revenge. And this means that Locks will actually resurrect Roger, and such a move must also be part of the other party’s revenge plan! It is precisely because of this that Reilly and others will not be happy at all after seeing Roger’s complete resurrection.

They understand that something more terrifying may still be waiting for them behind! And the same is waiting for Roger!!!。

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