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Chapter 156: The most powerful swordsman master, the breath of the moon is activated (2/3)

Hei Dead Mou held the sun blade in his hand and slashed hard at the sarcoid bulge on the ground. Although he didn't know what it was, he decided to take care of it first because of the idea of ​​preventing it from happening. .

The blade moved quickly, leaving only a mass of black light, piercing the air, and slashing directly at the sarcoma.

But this sarcoma was not chopped up.


As if metal objects collided with force, the sun blade in Hei Dead Mou's hand snapped.


Hei Death Mou was a little surprised, his arms were a little numb, he didn't expect this disgusting-looking sarcoma to have such amazing hardness.

"What the hell is this?!"

Black Death Mou turned his head and questioned the members of the Ghost Killing Squad, but they were obviously puzzled and didn't know what happened "May 7 3"


The sun wheel knife in Hei Dead Mou's hand began to regenerate, and returned to its original state in an instant - this is Hei Dead Mou's blood ghost technique. The weapon in his hand has become a part of his body, so it can be like his body. regeneration.

At this time, the sarcoma also began to expand rapidly, the epidermis exploded like a bubble, and countless tentacles protruded from it, as dexterous as the hands that were making ceramic utensils.

After a while, the sarcoma became a complete individual.

During this period, Black Death Mou also launched several attacks on him, but to no avail.

A person stood in front of Black Death Mou.

Ye Du.

"Mr Ye Du!

Seeing Ye Du's arrival, Purgatory Kyojuro waved his hand with some joy.

"Is this Ye Du?"

All the members of the Ghost Killing Team cast their eyes on him, their eyes full of curiosity.

They were curious about how powerful Ye Du, who was called a god by purgatory Kyojuro, possessed.

At least, his appearance was enough to shock everyone present.

Even for the first time, these pillars thought that another ghost was present.

"Long time no see Mr. Purgatory."

With a polite smile on his face, Ye Du greeted Purgatory Kyojuro, as if he didn't pay any attention to Black Death Mou who was less than a meter away in front of him.

The other pillars were stunned, not knowing for a while whether Ye Du didn't see Hei Dead Mou or deliberately ignored it.

"You are Ye Du?"

Black Death Mou didn't have time to take action, but looked at the person in front of him with interest.

This guy killed three top-level people by himself.

However, Hei Dead Mou is not worried about these things, because even Tong Mo, who is the second in the string, still has a lot of distance from him.

He has the confidence to beat all the pillars in the Ghost Slayer team.

And this pride of being a strong man is also the reason why Hei Death Mou did not choose to take action immediately. He thought that he had enough power, so he was not afraid of Ye Du.

Instead, he was full of interest in Ye Du.

"Yes, what's the matter, are you my fan?"

The corners of Ye Du's mouth rose slightly, his eyes were full of contempt,

"Senior Jiguoyan wins.

Although Ye Du used honorifics, his tone was disrespectful and even had a hint of mockery.


After hearing the other party call out his name, the blue veins on Hei Dead Mou's face bulged, and his six eyeballs became red with anger, almost popping out of their sockets.

He hates this name, he hates this surname!

Black Death Mou took out his Sun Wheel again, but this time it was different.

A blood-red blade, covered with disgusting eyes, and the eyes are still rolling, looking for the poor prey.

This is also the blood ghost technique of Black Death Mou, using his own flesh and blood to form a weapon.

Not only that, he can also use his own Moon Breath, a breathing method created by him.

Able to echo the blood ghost technique and breathing technique, apart from Du Yue who was beheaded by Ye Du before, there is no second person.

As the earliest winding stringer, he ate far more human flesh than other ghosts. During the hundreds of years of becoming a ghost, he has continuously cultivated his sword skills and has reached a state of perfection. What's more, he has just obtained the ghost dance. The more blood of Tsuji Wu miserable, the stronger the strength.

"I'll cut off your head, cut off your limbs, hang it on the wall and admire it every day - and I'll turn you into a ghost, and you won't die if you're beheaded, when you're about to heal yourself Then destroy your body, listen to your screams and fall asleep every day, let you enjoy endless torture...  

Black Death Mou said fiercely.

"I hope you do what you say.

Ye Du tilted his head slightly,

"Don't continue to be the second place~"

"go to hell!"

Black Death Mou also launched an attack while roaring.

Moon's Breath - One Type Dark Moon - Night Palace.

Hei Death Mou activated the breathing technique, and his blade swung past, the sword was so fast that only afterimages remained, and in the afterimages, countless afterimages of the moon appeared.

This blade light was several meters wide, the air was torn apart by the blade, and the surrounding walls were also destroyed, leaving only countless huge cracks.

At Ye Du's side, there were countless tentacles composed of shadows in the void to defend, but the afterimage of the moon between the swords and swords was shattered.

Breath of the Moon, the second type of Zhuhua Nongyue!

Seeing that the attack failed, Hei Death Mou was not annoyed. As an experienced fighter, he immediately changed his fighting style. The attack just now was just a test. After all, he also knew that the other party had killed three people who were on top.

Hei Dead Mou picked up the sun blade and began to rotate his body, like a spinning top with a blade inlaid, setting off two sword qi that were still full of crescent afterimages.

His movements were quick, smooth, and graceful, like a dancer under the moon, without any extra movement or sloppiness.

He was originally one of the best swordsmen in the world, and his three-hundred-year experience has made Heishimo's swordsmanship perfect. If it wasn't for his ugly appearance as a ghost, he would have been wielding his sword at this time. The look can really be described as beautiful and picturesque.

However, Ye Du didn't come to appreciate it.

The tentacles around him were like pythons, entwining around Hei Dead Mou. Although they did not approach, the black blade light emitted by Hei Dead Mou was completely swallowed up.

"what is this?

Hei Dead Mou noticed these black vines and immediately escaped. He could feel that even if he hesitated for a second, he would be caught by the black creatures.

He knew it would never end well like that.

"What's the matter, as one of the top performers, did you choose to escape?"

Ye Du said with a smile.

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