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Chapter 157: Evil Ghost Beyond Human Shape, Black Death Mou's True Form (3/3)

On the other side of the battlefield, the fallen pillars were watching the battle between Ye Du and Black Death Mou. Although they all wanted to go up and help, they were too badly injured to move, and the opponent's battle had surpassed their understanding.

"Ye Du...doesn't he have a sun blade?"

Toshito Wuichiro said in surprise.

And the wind pillar immortal Kawamiya was even more surprised,

"This power of his is definitely not breathing... What are these tentacles?"

He couldn't help swallowing, but in his heart he felt that these tentacles were even more terrifying.

"This is the power of Mr. Ye Du!

Purgatory Kyojuro kept standing and said with a smile on his face,

"When I saw him for the first time, I was also shocked by this kind of power, there is no room for any ghost to fight back in front of him, maybe this is the gap between gods and humans.


. . . . .

0. . . . .

At the other end of the room, Black Death Mou avoided the opponent's 15 attack, then immediately turned over and prepared to counterattack. The sharp blade seemed to be a part of his body, not just a weapon in his hand, and could perform actions that ordinary swordsmen could not do at all. .

The breath of the moon, the three types of hatred of the moon, and the eclipse.

Every attack of Black Death Mou is a powerful blood ghost technique, which is the result of his hard work for hundreds of years!

Hei Dead Mou held the knife in his backhand, swung the blade but set off two sword winds, but the shadow of the crescent moon in the wind changed again. tooth.

The blade light passed by, the shape of the blade body was blurred, and even the afterimage disappeared quickly, but after Ye Du's body was strengthened, the reaction was amazing. In his eyes, the speed of Black Death Mou far exceeded what he had ever seen. All opponents, but still within the range that can be avoided, just retreated slightly and avoided the opponent's slash.

But Black Death Mou's attack is far from simple!

Seeing that the first attack was dodged, he actually let go of the knife with empty hands, letting the knife out of his control, then suddenly turned around, faster than before, grabbed the blade with the other hand, and changed the direction of the sun blade. With the speed and strength of Chao just now, he slashed at Ye Du.

Such superb swordsmanship, and such astonishing speed, made the other pillars in the room stunned.

Even if Hei Death Mou was a ghost, they had to admit that his sword skills were superb.

Because everything that just happened was less than one tenth of a second.

Black Death Mou has absolute confidence in his own swordsmanship. In this world, except for Ji Guoyuanyi, no one can surpass him, and after possessing the body of a ghost, his arm strength is so powerful that he can easily smash boulders. The speed of swinging the sword far exceeds the speed of sound, and even the sonic boom drawn out can shatter the eardrums of ordinary humans.

No one can keep up with his speed.

Instead, Hei Dead Mou noticed that Ye Du's eyes were moving quickly, his eyes were fixed on his weapon, and there was a relaxed smile on his face.

He captured his movements.

And Ye Du wasn't ready to dodge.

A layer of purple flesh tissue covered Ye Du's body, and Black Death Mou's weapon couldn't destroy this layer of armor composed of void matter, and it couldn't even scratch it.

The huge impact force broke the bones of Hei Dead Mou's hands, the bones of his fingers pierced the skin, and the weapon in his hand turned into a pile of minced meat, scattered on the ground.

"What kind of hardness is this?!

Black Death Mou immediately took a few steps back and began to regenerate his body and weapons.

He did not expect that this layer of material that looked like only purple skin had such an exaggerated hardness.

Black Death Mou's weapon is made of his blood ghost art, and the hardness is far more than the ordinary sun blade.

Even so, it was easily broken.

"It seems that I need to play with you more seriously!"

Black Death Mou sneered,

"Let you see my true power! 99

The handle in Hei Dead Mou’s hand has changed again. A longer and faster knife grows out of the handle like bamboo shoots. Not only that, it splits from the edge of the blade. Spread like branches.

His hand worm's knife has become a deformed weapon. Even the use of "knife" to describe it has a huge deviation, but it is just a strange weapon composed of countless blades, which is huge and full of strange breath. .

Immediately afterwards, Hei Dead Mou's body also changed, sharp antennae clumps out from under his skin, and spider-like multi-segmented limbs appeared on his back, tearing his clothes.

At the same time, his skin became rough, and the flame marks on his face spread rapidly, almost covering his whole body, as if bathed in flames, his mouth began to deform, and rows of fangs spit out from his mouth, and the mouth of the mouth began to deform. The shape becomes like an insect.

At this time, Black Death Mou had completely lost his human form and turned into a world-shattering monster.

Hei Dead Mou seemed to be saying something, but at this moment he could only spit out a roar like a wild beast, and he couldn't say even a complete sentence.

There was a terrifying murderous aura about him.

Moon's Breath

Hei Dead Mou inserted the knife into the ground, and at the same time, countless raised sharp blades quickly expanded in the room like tree roots, followed by 573, split sharp blades stabbing Ye Du from all directions.

Thousands of knives blow, like countless moons falling from the sky!

Every blow was like a meteorite impact, destroying all the walls on the ground, and the room shook in an instant, almost collapsing at any time.

"What a terrible power!"

Shitotsu Wuichiro and the others hurriedly got up and activated the breathing technique, barely able to resist the aftermath of the sputtering.

They know that if they are in the center of the attack, they will probably die on the spot, and they will not even have the leeway to fight back.

But Ye Du was not in a hurry, and a huge wall appeared on the ground around it - a wall made of flesh and blood, blocking all the attacks of Hei Death Mou.

"How is this going?"

Black Death Mou increasingly couldn't understand what happened to the opponent's power. Sarcoma, tentacles, and now the wall of flesh and blood. In a sense, Ye Du's power was closer to ghosts.

"You are not human."

"I know with hindsight, Jiguo Yansheng.

Ye Du's eyes narrowed.

"No matter what level of power you have, you are useless in front of me!

Black Death Mou launched his strongest trick,

"Let you see my transparent world!".

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