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Chapter 158: Through the World, the Most Terrifying Scene (1/3)

"Let you see the transparent world!"

Black Death Mou said proudly, with a malicious smile on his face.

The transparent world is the highest realm a swordsman can reach, and few people can reach this realm.

In the transparent world, Black Death Mou can capture everything in the surrounding world, perceive the movement of the enemy, know the attack method of the opponent, and even predict the attack thoughts and movement trajectories of others in a short time in the future.

The transparent world will also make other people transparent in the user's eyes, the user can clearly see their blood flow, the direction of breathing, and can strengthen the user's control of their own muscles, so that their own strength can be obtained. further improvement.

Yiwozuo's blood ghost art can also feel the opponent's grudge, which is very close to the realm of the transparent world, but there is still a long way to go.

It can be said that penetrating the world is a comprehensive enhancement of Yiwozuo's ability.

Hei Dead Mou closed his eyes and the world became pitch black, but he could still clearly feel everything around him.

Every piece of gravel, every grain of dust, every column of heartbeats and even breathing creates fluctuations in airflow.

This is the power of penetrating the world. Once it reaches this state, it almost means that the user will not be hit by any attack.

Black Death Mou picked up the sun blade and was ready to attack Ye Du.

But he soon noticed something different.

"what happened?"

Hei Death Mou was a little surprised, the area in front of him was distorted, as if it was torn apart by something, and a terrifying vortex appeared in his perception world.

"What it is?"

It was as if a huge black hole appeared in Hei Dead Mou's field of vision, swallowing all the surrounding light.

Moreover, Black Death Mou can clearly feel that this black hole belongs to Ye Du.

"It's time to end."

Ye Du's voice sounded around Hei Dead Mou, but the latter couldn't judge Ye Du's specific location.

The size of the black hole was huge, and Ye Du's voice came from all directions. Even though he knew that Ye Du should be right in front of him, he still doubted himself in his heart.

With the nature of gambling, Black Death Mou drew his sword and slashed straight ahead.

Nothing! No touch on the blade!

Hei Dead Mou's heart tightened, and he instantly felt a little panic.

He didn't expect that his attack would cut through the air.

Hei Dead Mou felt that the current transparent world had become an obstacle for him. Now he was blind, and could not feel Ye Du's existence at all.

"What's the matter? Can't you hit me~"?"

Ye Du's mocking words rang in Hei Dead Mou's ears.

Black Death Mou immediately slashed FAW around, but all of them were empty.

Ye Du's body seemed to disappear.

Black Death Mou's heart became even more flustered, this was the first time he had such a feeling since the death of Ji Guoyuan.

The transparent world can't feel the existence of the other party!

No, it's not that Ye Du can't be felt, it's that Ye Du uses some special power to interfere with the perception effect of the transparent world!

Thinking of this, Hei Dead Mou's body trembled even more violently. He was clearly in a state of transparent world, and he could better control the muscles of his body, but at this time he felt that he had lost control of his body, and his body Every cell in it is screaming, wanting to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Leave the man named Ye Du in front of him.

But out of the dignity of a swordsman and the pride of a strong man, he would never escape from here.

"See through the world? It's so ridiculous that you don't think you've seen the world through. 55

Ye Du said with a smile,

"Let me show you what this world really looks like!"


When Black Death Mou was looking for Ye Du's trace, a hand was lightly patted on his shoulder.

Black Death Mou immediately drew his sword and slashed in the surrounding direction.

This time, it didn't cut through the air, but it hit a very hard object, and its hardness was much higher than the previous sarcoma and tentacles.

When Hei Death Mou was about to launch his second attack, everything he saw in his eyes changed.

It was like blood-colored scarlet exploded in his eyes, like ink that fell to the ground—and then, this red liquid began to change, forming a strange torso.

Hei Dead Mou felt as if his body was about to be burned, but he could see snowflakes flying all around him. The severe cold of winter and the scorching heat of summer were intertwined in this almost sealed space.

Immediately after that, he saw even more bizarre hallucinations, the heavy snow of unknown origin, the ghostly green moonlight, the dark and boundless wilderness, and too many bizarre scenes seemed to announce the end of the rational world.

"." This, what is this? 35

Hei Dead Mou wanted to shout, but found that his throat seemed to be caught by a pair of invisible giant hands, unable to make a sound at all.

For some reason, the snow reflecting the hell scene was blown away by a gust of demonic wind, and a black crack came into view.

Black Death Mou's heart was full of the urge to step into this ice cave, as if he could hear some kind of peculiar mourning, it was not a creature, it seemed to be a strange language, like some kind of ritual incantation, but Black Death Mou couldn't hear what was in it.

Black Death Mou was subconsciously resisting, but he didn't have enough strength to stop himself.

Soon, as if under the pull of some kind of gravitational pull, Hei Dead Mou finally gave up his resistance and stepped into it, still holding me up by those big invisible hands, dragging me into the devil's cave, floating, trembling, flying. Into that chaotic vortex never seen before.

Suddenly, Black Death Mou regained consciousness in a scream, but (Li Zhaohao) became dazed, blind and dull.

A sickly twisted, sensitive, sneaky shadow rolled and hovered in the dark too uncontrollable, the indescribable body was full of ugliness, as if huge pieces of flesh and cysts were randomly spliced ​​together, and it seemed that countless huge palms were reversed in the air, But it wasn't a palm, it was some sort of protuberance made of sick flesh.

This mass of flesh and blood grew bigger and bigger, gradually covering the entire sky.

Rotten creations, dead worlds, shattered cities are riddled with holes, all creatures have been deprived of their lives under this huge shadow, and corpses have been desecrated by this strange force, even ghosts can't live there. survive in this environment.

The gloomy cold wind swept past the pale stars, blowing the sun and the moon, and the sky and the earth were dark. The looming huge body was like a pillar standing between the sky and the earth, dividing the world.

And Black Death Mou, at this moment, let out a piercing scream.

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