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Chapter 243 Hesitating to Talk (1/4)

Thinking of this, Neji couldn't help but look back at Naruto in the stands.

"Come on, Brother Neji!""

Naruto was still treating Ino's wounds, but Hinata, who noticed Neji's eyes, shouted cheers without hesitation.

"Miss Hinata, I still like to stay with that guy.

Hyuga Neji retracted his gaze with a complicated expression.

"You've lost your mind too."

Fine sand is already emerging from Gaara's gourd.

"Does that Naruto have a good relationship with you?

He noticed that Neji should have looked at Naruto just now.

"not too good."

Neji also put on a soft fist stance.

There were blue and green auras all over him at the same time.

Blue is chakra, what is green?

Gaara immediately sensed something was wrong.

The Hyuga Neji in front of him is likely to be more powerful than he imagined.

"This feeling, Konoha's eight-door Dunjia?"

Gaara found that he seemed to have seen this green aura somewhere.

"It seems that you know a lot of information~".

Neji's face became even more solemn.

"This is the third gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, the state of the Shengmen."

"Huh? 35

"So fast!

Gaara could only see a few afterimages rushing towards him, but they were all blocked by the sand around his body.

"It's also very powerful.

The sand defense around Gaara's body had been broken by Neji's soft fist, and the soft fist that passed through the sand many times was not so fast. Gaara turned slightly to the side and avoided it.

"That guy, Ningci, really learned the eight ways of Dunjia."

Naruto supported Ino's body and walked to the railing of the stand, watching Neji who was frantically attacking off the field.

"Brother Neji, so strong. 35

Hinata's white eyes couldn't understand Neji's movements at all.

"Ningji's talent is very high, although he has only learned the Eight Swords of Dunjia for more than a year, he has already mastered the knack of opening doors.

Xiao Li and others and Kai also came over.

"Mr. Kai? Mr. Kakashi, didn't he come? 99

However, Itachi should go on a mission.


Kai hesitated.

"He was attacked by unknown ninjas. 55


Naruto didn't expect Kakashi to be attacked.

"What is the other party's purpose?"

Naruto continued to ask.


"A photo of Kakashi-sensei's writing wheel?"

Naruto immediately speculated what happened to Kakashi.

"Looks like you already know.

Kai didn't expect Naruto to guess it all at once.

What the hell happened?"

Ino and Shion both looked puzzled.

They didn't understand what Naruto just said.

"Kakashi-sensei was attacked."

Naruto explained a little about Kakashi's current situation.

Kakashi's writing wheel was taken away by the soil?

Ye Du also heard the conversation between Naruto and Kai just now.

Did not expect this to happen.

Obito, what is this guy going to do now?

Ye Du thought about Obito's motives in his heart (Wang Lihao).

"Can you continue to open the door?

Although Neji's attack was very fast, Gaara still hadn't moved much, and his sand was enough to deal with Neji's current attack.

"Humph! Don't be too complacent!"

Neji's speed gradually slowed down, and he also found that his current speed and strength were not enough to break through the sand on Gaara's body.

The momentum of Neji's body was raised again, and the speed was also raised by another level.

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