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Chapter 244 Refinement Obstructed (2/4)

Now, outside of the Jōnin, no one can see the trajectory of Neji's movement.

Neji's body was already reaching the limit of his dynamic vision.

"Fist, soft and rigid fist sixty-four palms!"


Neji's fists rained down on him with pale blue chakra and red steam.


Gaara wanted to manipulate the sand to resist Neji's stormy attack, but the sand had not yet condensed and formed, and Neji in front of him had disappeared from the front and came behind him.

"Two palms, four palms, twelve palms, sixteen palms..., sixty-four palms!

I love 653 Luo's body was hit from the ground to the sky by Neji, and then fell heavily to the ground with a fall from the sky.

"I love Luo!"

Neither Kankuro nor Temari thought that this white-eyed guy could know both Dunjia and Rouquan at the same time.

"Cough cough!

Gaara's mouth spat out a little blood.

Although he had already made a double layer of protection with sand and earthen armor, Neji's soft fist still smashed Chakra into his body.

Although it was only the last blow that really hit him, Gaara was also injured.

"The refining of chakra seems to be blocked."9


Gaara's hands that were about to seal the seal froze for a moment.

"Can I still use ninjutsu?"

Neji Hyuga saw Gaara's seal gesture.

He had obviously sealed one of the other's acupuncture points just now.

"Rou Gang Quan gossip, one hundred and twenty-eight palms!

Without any pause, Neji once again used a violent fist technique.

Although it was the first time that he used one hundred and twenty-eight palms, he knew that he who had opened four doors should be able to use this move.

The light blue chakras were flying in the air like bees, Gaara's eyes couldn't detect Neji's movements at all, he could only control the sand again to form a sand wall.

"Desert Wave!"

All the nearby sand gathered together and turned into a ball, wrapping Gaara's body in it.


Neji didn't care about the opponent's defense, his fist slammed into the sand round wall with the chakra that seemed to be flying.

Boom boom boom.

In order to quickly break through Gaara's defense, Neji's attacks all hit above one point.


Neji punched a hole in the circular sand wall.

"Humph! I got you!"

Neji rushed directly into the round wall.

"Thirty-two palms, sixty-four palms. What?

Although he was in darkness, the scenery he saw with his white eyes was like daytime.

He was surprised to find that a sand tentacle suddenly grew on Gaara's body, grabbing both of his arms accurately.

"You are too impatient. 35

Gaara's light tone came from the sand cave.


The sand wall just now cracked completely, revealing the current figures of the two of them.

"Neji! 35

Xiao Li was surprised to find that Neji, who had just gained the upper hand, was suddenly trapped in the sand by his arm.

how so?

"You, you used more than one ninja just now. That sudden stunned action fooled my eyes, right?"

Neji tried hard to get his arm out of the sand tentacle, but the sand on Gaara's body was obviously unusually strong.

He couldn't move at all!

"Well, also, I did it on purpose when I was hit by your soft fist just now." Gaara calmly looked at Neji, who had begun to be completely covered by his sand.

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