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Chapter 278 Admire the Other Party (4/4)

Is this Samui from Naruto World?

Sure enough, he was the second person after Tsunade.

so big.

Naruto glanced casually at Samui, who was still struggling with his tentacles, and then continued to look at Kirabi, who was still dodging his tentacles.

Yuki and Erwei, who were caught by the other tentacle, had already come to Naruto's consciousness space, where they would be warmly received by the Kurama.

"What on earth are you trying to do? Konoha's nine-tailed man Zhuri."

Kirabi saw that Yumu and Samui were indeed only caught, not killed.

"You'll understand when you come in.

Naruto did not attack Kirabi with the nine-tailed chakra tentacles, but controlled the tentacles to make a fist-fighting posture.

"Come on, Uncle Octopus!

"You in the end....

Kirabi didn't expect that the opponent would actually make the punching action that he often did.

He glanced hesitantly at Naruto in front of him.

"Naruto? The son of the fourth Hokage?"

For the last time he lost slightly to the fourth Hokage, Kirabi still admires the other party.

"Yes, please believe me~"."

Naruto continued to put his fist up.

Although Kirabi was hesitant, it was just a punch, and he finally accepted it.

After some time.

"What have you done to them?"

Seeing Kirabi, who was fighting with Naruto, and Yuki, who was caught by Naruto's tentacles, lost consciousness and fell to the ground, the only still awake Samui's face changed drastically.

In the consciousness space, both Erwei and Yawei already understood Naruto's identity.

But for some reason, their people, Zhuli, fainted.

The goal has been achieved, Naruto will no longer stay, and now it is necessary to solve the problem of Orochimaru.

He let go of the chakra tentacles that held Samui.

"Sorry, it seems that I have to trouble you to take your two companions back by yourself.

Naruto was about to complain that Samui, a weak woman, might be in trouble with two companions, but the other party suddenly rushed towards him regardless.

The lightning on Samui's short blade instantly illuminated Naruto's cheeks.

"I want to avenge Kirabi and Yuki!

Samui seemed to have lost his mind.

Naruto, who was still in the Nine-Tailed Immortal mode, directly crushed the opponent's dagger.

With a tinkling sound, the short blade that was broken into several pieces fell to the ground.

It was only at this moment that Samui recovered from his anger. The strength of the other party was far beyond her comparison.

"." Are you alright? If you fainted too, they wouldn't have anyone to bring you back to Yun Yin. "

After pointing to the figures of Kirabi and Yuki, Naruto kindly used Chakra tentacles to stop Samui, who was about to fall to the ground.

"Are they really okay?

After realizing the powerful gap in strength, Samui finally regained some sanity.

"You'll know when you take a good look at it for yourself."

Naruto used chakra tentacles to send Samui to the valley in front of Kirabi and Yuki.

"Okay, remember to buy a stronger sword (of Wang Qian's) next time, I'll...""

After seeing that Samui was no longer ready to attack him, Naruto released the nine-tailed mode on himself.

"Flying Thunder God!"

His figure instantly disappeared from Samui's face.

With a swish, Naruto's figure appeared between Qianshou Tobirama and Ye Du.

"You brat, when did you leave the Flying Thunder God technique on me?

Only then did Chishou Tobirama realize that there was a flying thunder god technique on his shoulders.

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