"Sorry, I left it before departure.

Naruto smiled embarrassedly.

"never mind."

Qianshou Tobirama didn't plan to continue complaining, they were almost at the place where Orochimaru was hiding.

Below the rock, in front of a hidden hole.

Swish swish.

The figure of Naruto and his party quietly appeared here.

"Do you want to destroy this place before entering?

Senju Tobirama was worried that if he ventured in, he would be ambushed.

"No, I've lived here before.?"

Uchiha Ye Du almost understood where Orochimaru was hiding after seeing the mountains nearby.


More than ten years ago, when they hadn't rewritten the future with dragon veins, Ye Du used to recuperate here for a while.

At that time, it was just before the Chunin Exam.

Ye Du still remembers the scene where he and Naruto walked here step by step with scars all over their body after their duel in the Valley of the End.

Miss it a little bit.

"Have you ever lived here?

Did the kid with the word Chiha really come to help them deal with Orochimaru?

Senju Tobirama became more and more wary of Uchiha Ye Du in front of him, this kid wouldn't suddenly rebel.

"Let's go."

Ignoring the surprise on Hokage II's face, Uchiha Ye Du walked in directly from the hole.

Seeing that Ye Du and Naruto walked in with fearless faces, Qianshou Tobirama hurriedly chased after them.

"Master Orochimaru, they have come."

Yao Shidou's face was covered in cold sweat now, he daringly glanced at the Orochimaru in front of him, the other party's current appearance should not be called a person.

Snake head and snake body plus the body before Orochimaru.

And the perfect clone that was being swallowed by Orochimaru's Shekou. After hearing the report of Pocket, Orochimaru, who was swallowing, looked back at the person behind him with gloomy eyes. Pharmacist pocket.

Intense murderous aura swept toward the pharmacist like a real attack.

"Master Orochimaru."

(bfeh) But all of a sudden, the murderousness disappeared without a trace.

The Orochimaru in front of him did not know when it had finished devouring.

He is still alive.

It's just that the half-snake and half-human appearance is still very Liaoren.

"It's good, you can prepare for the reincarnation of Pirates!"

Orochimaru's deep voice came from the stout snake's mouth.


The pharmacist pocket opened the coffin of the first Hokage Qianshouzhuma again, reincarnated without corpse, and added the secret art of swallowing, and then used the reincarnation of dirty soil.

It's a really bold idea.

Yao Shidou did not know that the summoned Senju Hashirama would have the strength of several percent in his lifetime.

But one thing can be confirmed is that it must be the strength that can destroy the entire ninja world.


It's like taking a walk in your own home.

Ye Du casually turned on the street lights in the aisle.

In an instant, the entire underground base became bright.

"Orochimaru should be in the innermost laboratory now.

The expression on Uchiha Ye Du's face did not change in any way because of the twists and turns of the authentic.

He was still in front of him with a blank expression on his face.

Qianshou Tobirama, who was in charge of leading the way, had lost its meaning in his eyes at this time.

He has already sensed the chakra of Orochimaru, in the deepest place.

"There are a lot of people locked up here, do you want to let them out first?" Naruto saw that there were a lot of people in the dungeon passing by who didn't seem to be mentally normal.

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