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Chapter 284 True Power (2/4)

Thousands of hands clasped their hands together, and then five giant grimace iron gates fell from the sky!

Boom, boom, boom!

The three black flame arrows collided with the iron gate, and then burned violently.

However, Rashomon managed to block Ye Du's three black flame arrows.

But before Orochimaru was complacent, the next second Ye Du's Susanoo came to him.


Ye Du poured all of his thunderbolts into Susanohu's long sword, and then slashed towards "Thousands of Hands".


Although the wooden man caught Ye Du's long sword with both hands, his body could not support it and slowly retreated towards the back.

The powerful strength and the penetrating power of Lei Dun have gradually caused cracks in the wooden man's hands.

690 click, click.

Ye Du's Susa long sword was about to pass through the wooden man's hands and come to the top of "Senjuhashi".

"Ye Du, let you experience the true power of the God of Ninja World!

Orochimaru's head suddenly turned strangely into a white snake, and his teeth also turned into the fangs of a python.


Orochimaru bit his fangs on the shoulder of Qianshouzhuma.

Although Senju Hashirama, who was reincarnated from the dirt, couldn't feel any pain, he still made a groaning sound of pain for some reason.

Orochimaru's fangs have been biting on the shoulders of Qianshou Hasuma (bfeh) and never moved again, but after he bit it, Qianshou Hashirama instantly turned on the immortal mode, and also He used ninjutsu with the widest range of attacks in his lifetime.


Looking at the huge wooden statue that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the thousands of big hands behind the wooden man, Ye Du instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"It's over, Ye Du. 35

Orochimaru's voice came from his mouth.

"The immortal method is the top of the Buddha!"

In an instant, the countless huge wooden hands all clenched into fists and slammed towards Ye Du's Susanoo.

Not only Susanoo, but the whole earth began to tremble in the attack of the wooden fist like the sea.

Ye Du's Susan was not able to hold on for long, and the thousands of hands of Senju Hashima had already penetrated Susanoo's defense.

Even Susa's purple coat was broken.

"Hope you can survive this attack, Ye Du."

Orochimaru saw that Ye Du's Susa had turned into a real phantom under the attack of the wooden fist.


The wooden fist that penetrated Susanohue continued to hit the ground under Ye Du.

The whole earth trembled violently again.

Senju Tobirama and Naruto, who were watching the battle, had to shift their positions again.

"I didn't expect that Orochimaru could do this with the eldest brother who was reincarnated by Beetle. That kid from the Uchiha family is already dead."

Senju Tobirama felt that it would be better to return to Konoha first with the technique of flying thunder gods.

The big brother who can use this kind of ninjutsu is probably unmatched in today's ninja world.

"No, Ye Du is still intact."

Naruto's face also began to have a dignified look.

This "Thousands of Hands" indeed exceeded the intensity he imagined.

It seems that if you want to completely smash Orochimaru's trump card, you can no longer keep it.


Senju Tobirama quickly sensed Uchiha Ye Du's current position.

It's actually true.

He had already discovered Ye Du's current location.


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