The attack range of the Buddha on the top is not something that can be avoided with the instant body technique or other stand-in techniques.

Uchiha Ye Du is now standing on another high ground, watching from the sidelines the "Senju Hashirama" that is still going on.


Senju Tobirama, who noticed the change in Ye Du's eyes, had changed from surprise to shock.

"The pupil technique of the Six Path Immortals?"

"That's right, Ye Du's writing wheel has evolved into a reincarnation eye."

"The Eye of Reincarnation. 35

After listening to Naruto's explanation, Senju Tobirama finally understood why the expressions on Naruto and Ye Du had not panicked since the beginning.

this era

Maybe it has really changed.

"Ye Du"

After re-perceiving Ye Du Chakra, Orochimaru's face became gloomy again.

How on earth did this Uchiha Ye Du escape from the most powerful of the original Hokage - attack ninjutsu.

"Orochimaru, is this what you want to pursue?"

Uchiha Ye Du showed the eye that was covered by his hair.

"Wheel, Samsara Eye!"

Orochimaru was surprised to loosen the fangs that were biting on the neck of Senju Hashirama.

"You, why do you have reincarnation eyes?"

After a brief shock, Orochimaru gave a heart-piercing, hysterical roar.

"How can you, how can you?"

Uchiha Ye Du obviously did not have the cells of the original Hokage transplanted on his body. How did he get the reincarnation eye?

Orochimaru suddenly found himself encountering a very unscientific thing.

Is the direction of your research all the time wrong?

He couldn't help but start questioning himself.

No, not right!

Madara Uchiha has obtained the eye of reincarnation, and his method is not wrong.

This must, this must be an illusion!

It's a kaleidoscope illusion!

Orochimaru began to deceive himself and controlled Qianshou Zhuma to form a seal to get rid of illusion.

"Damn, how come there is no response, isn't it an illusion?

After finding that there was nothing unusual about the chakra on his body, Orochimaru's face suddenly turned ashen.

"You don't think this eye of mine is just an illusion? Orochimaru, it's ridiculous.

Ye Du's face was full of sarcastic smiles.

"Well, let's let you feel the power of the eyes you want the most." Ye Du sneered as he let his body float from the heights.

...... ask for flowers .....

He slowly rose into the air.

"Feel your powerlessness, and your self-righteous remorse for you."

Ye Du has already stretched out his arms in the direction of Orochimaru.

"Oops, I didn't expect Ye Du to use this trick, we have to stay away! 35 It was the first time Naruto saw Ye Du use the Samsara Eye to use this trick.


"What? Isn't it enough that we've come this far?"

Qianshou Tobirama had absolutely no idea what kind of ninjutsu Chiha Ye Du was trying to do.

"Well, the scope of this ninjutsu is bigger than the thousands of hands just now. If you don't leave, it will be too late. 35

Naruto had already sensed that Ye Du had extracted almost all the chakras in his body, but kept absorbing the nearby natural energy.

The power of this ninjutsu is probably greater than the one Nagato performed in Konoha in his previous life.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Senju Tobirama has completely lost sight of Uchiha Ye Du and "Senju Hasuma".

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