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Chapter 329 Huge Explosion (3/4)

Madara Uchiha quickly guessed the truth of the facts.

"In this case, we must find him immediately!"

Madara Uchiha walked out of the hole and made a strange seal.

This is the backhand he left behind in Obito.

"I found it. Although it is far away, it should be near Yuyin Village!"

Madara Uchiha stopped walking slowly, he began to shuttle through the forest quickly.

Although I don't know what Uchiha Obito is going to do, Uchiha Madara has already begun to have a bad premonition in his heart.

He must find Obito immediately, and then control each other.

"Do you feel it? Kurama?"

Although Yu 727 Chiha Madara had escaped by using the double technique, Ye Du didn't plan to let him go. The other party had not really been resurrected yet. This was the best time to completely eliminate this scourge.

"Well, that guy once contracted me by the means he made, and I won't forget his chakra." Nine tails seemed to have a lot of resentment towards Madara Uchiha.

After unknowingly replacing himself with a shadow clone, Ye Du quickly separated from Uchiha Itachi and his group, and ran quickly in the direction that Kurama sensed.

"Yahiko, these guys really still want to do it!"

After Nagato and Obito left, Konan kept paying attention to Deidara, who was still staring at them in the sky.

The opponent's clay bomb came nearby.

"The Great Breakthrough. 35

Yahiko blew the clay from the sky in one breath.


The clay bomb exploded violently in the air.

"Wind-type forbearance? It seems that the other members of Akatsuki's organization are not scumbags."

Seeing that all his sticky bombs were blown away, Deidara's face not only did not have any unpleasant look, but became even more excited.

The clay bomb just now was just a c1-level chakra, and he was just preparing to test the opponent's strength.

"This lunatic."

Look at the two clay birds spit out from the mouth on each other's palms.

Yahiko just felt that the other party looked like a disgusting lunatic.

"Yahiko, be careful!"

Seeing the two clay birds flying towards Yahiko, Xiaonan quickly blocked Yahiko, her body was already covered with a thick layer of white paper.


With Deidara's order, the two clay birds immediately exploded.

"Xiao Nan.

The smoke cleared, and most of the paper wall on Xiao Nan's body had been destroyed, and her indifferent face seemed to be missing a piece.


Of course, Xiao Nan's face was not because of the missing piece from the explosion just now, but because of the ninjutsu she was about to launch.

"Paper escapes paper hands! Liu!"

The white paper mutated into a sharp shuriken and flew towards Deidara in the sky.

The range of paper shuriken is quite extensive.

Deidara could only create a clay wall in front of him to block the flying paper shuriken used by Lin Xiaonan.

"The ability to make explosives from the palm of your hand?"

Xiao Nan looked at Deidara who was forced back by himself, without any expression fluctuations on his face.

"Yahiko, let me deal with him.

"Xiao Nan, be careful!"

Yahiko knew that Xiaonan's strength was no worse than his own.

To deal with the guy in the sky, it seems that only Xiao Nan, who can also fly, can deal with it.

"Zhi Dun? It doesn't seem like a small role.

Deidara chuckled and glanced at Xiao Nan who was flying into the sky with wings made of paper.

"Just let you have a taste of my explosion art!"

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