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Chapter 330 Don't Be Distracted (4/4)

After an unpleasant squirming sound, a huge clay flying dragon appeared in front of the flying bird. After Deidara jumped on the flying dragon, he immediately controlled the previous flying bird and rushed towards Xiao Nan in front of him. The huge explosion sounded again. .

"A paper clone?"

Deidara saw that the blasted pieces of paper gathered together again and became Xiao Nan's body.

"It seems that ordinary explosions shouldn't work on her, she needs more dense explosions." Deidara controlled the giant clay flying dragon and spit out a lot of ~ small clay flying dragons.

The little white flying dragons were like Xiaonan's paper shuriken just now, densely spreading over the entire sky.

"Xiao Nan."

After seeing such a number of clay bombs, Yahiko on the ground couldn't help but glanced at Konan worriedly.

"Hey, I'm going to look for you as an opponent, so don't be distracted!

As Hidean spoke, he threw his bright red sickle in Yahiko's direction.


As soon as Yahiko came back to his senses, he found that the sickle had come to his face.


Sparks fly.

A tentacle with black silk threads appeared in front of Yahiko.

It was the Kunindan on this tentacle that flew off the opponent's scythe just now.

Yahiko looked behind him.

This is said to be a ninja who has experienced the first ninja war, but he spent a lot of words and money to invite the Xiao organization.

"Let me deal with this guy who looks a little out of his mind, chief." Jiaodu took a long time to find Yuyin Village, a place for the elderly, he didn't want to know that the organization was destroyed by these inexplicable gangs.

"Well, please, Jiaodu."

Yahiko slowly retreated to the back with the other subordinates.

Jiaodu's strength is very strong, he is not worried.

It's just Xiaonan in the sky, Yahiko is still ready to support each other at any time.

"You mean, Madara Uchiha put my reincarnation eye on me?"

Nagato did not expect that his eyes belonged to Madara Uchiha.

"That's right, he just wants to use you to help him collect tailed beasts, and finally use the power of "Heavenly Reincarnation" to help him resurrect. 99

Obito already talked about Madara Uchiha's eye transplant on Nagato from the battle of Kannabashi.

"But I won't, he...

Nagato never wanted to collect tailed beasts.

・・・・Seeking flowers・

"That's because the two ninjas who appeared thirteen years ago interrupted Madara Uchiha's plan!

That's right, although a large part of Zhi's pots are Danzang back, but these are also the driving forces behind the scenes of Uchiha Madara.

"Not only that, Uchiha Madara has planted a spell on the hearts of both of you and me, and he can use this spell to control our actions at any time.

Obito pointed to his heart.

He knew that there should be the same spell as him here in Nagato.


Nagato hurriedly looked at his heart with his Samsara eyes.

Sure enough, as Obito said, a spell has long been planted in that place.

"Not only that, but this spell keeps us from killing ourselves."9

Obito took out a kunai from his hand, and the moment it pierced his heart, his hand stopped uncontrollably.

After confirming that Obito's words did not lie.

Nagato was silent for a long time.

As expected, the spell on his heart was the same as what Obito said, and he couldn't even commit suicide.

This feeling of being manipulated and always ignorant of it made him very frustrated.

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