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Chapter 331 is still fresh in my memory (1/4)

It turns out that everything about himself is controlled by people to live like this.

"Who was that ninja from thirteen years ago?"

Of those two ninjas, Nagato is still fresh in his memory.

"I don't know either. 99

But one of them died.

After all, he used the ninjutsu of reincarnation.

The other one doesn't know where to go.

Obito also wanted to know who the two ninjas were, but no matter how he adjusted "Seven-Three-Zero" to check, there was no information or trace of the other party.


It's like two ninjas appearing completely out of thin air.

"Then, after talking for so long, you still haven't said why you took my Samsara Eye. 35

After the two were silent for a while, Nagato brought the topic back to Samsara Eye again.

The densely packed clay dragons exploded violently at the same time.

The smoke and flames from the explosion instantly obscured the sky above the heads of the two men and horses.

It seems to be farther away.

The ghost shark and the scorpion retreated a distance again.

"This guy is too loud. 35

Scorpion didn't seem to like this new companion who joined the organization with him.

"However, that guy called Feiduan, I really want to know what his abilities are?"

Scorpion has not yet seen Duan's ability.

The opponent was still fighting with that horn using taijutsu until now.

If only physical skills, it would be too common.

"Don't worry, his abilities will definitely surprise you."

The ghost shark still had a faint smile.

However, after smiling, he glanced rather vaguely in the direction that Obito and Nagato had left.

"Old, what do you want to do?

The smoke from the explosion dissipated, and Xiao Nan's body was still healthy.

However, there was much less paper around her.

It seemed that the explosion just now had some effect on her.

"Isn't this level of explosion enough?"

Deidara didn't expect that his c2 bomb didn't play a big role.

"Paper Escape Paper Dance!"

After successfully dodging the explosion, Xiao Nan's body was completely scattered into countless pieces of white paper, and the white paper rushed towards Deidara's body like snowflakes.


Deidara was instantly flooded with thousands of scraps of paper.

After being submerged in the paper, Deidara finally saw the detonating talisman attached to the paper...

Xiao Nan controlled dozens of detonating charms hidden in the pile of paper and exploded together.

Although it didn't have the momentum of the previous Dira C2 bombs, but in terms of the power of a single point, these detonating symbols are even better.


Black smoke enveloped orange flames rising in the sky.

Deidara, who was bound by the paper, and the clay dragon under him were bombed.


Xiao Nan looked at the black explosion in front of him with a calm expression.

"Hey, I didn't think you were a ninja who used explosions to attack!

Before the smoke of the explosion dissipated, Deidara's figure appeared on a large tree next to him.

He replaced himself with a clay doppelganger long before he was bound by the paper.

However, 4.7 his clay "mount" is now gone.

Licking his arm with the tongue on his palm, Deidara looked at the female ninja in front of him even more excitedly.

"Didn't he die?"

The white paper was still flying in the air, and then slowly gathered into the appearance of Xiaonan.

Xiao Nan still had a poker face, even if the opponent escaped the explosion of the detonating charm, she did not show any emotion.

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