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Chapter 337 Hot Potatoes (3/4)

He now feels like his Samsara eye is a hot potato.

"Only by hiding the eye of reincarnation can there be hope that Madara Uchiha's resurrection plan will fail."

Obito finally revealed his purpose.

"Hide? Where?"

Nagato did not expect that the conversation between the two would lead to this direction the most.

"Naturally, it is hidden in a place where Madara Uchiha can't find it."

Obito pointed to the forest on the right, which was the direction of Konoha Village.

"I plan to give the Eye of Samsara to the Fourth Hokage 15 of Konoha Village.

"Fourth Hokage?"

Nagato didn't expect Obito to say the name of the fourth Hokage.

Indeed, if it was the fourth Hokage, Madara Uchiha might not necessarily be able to grab the Samsara Eye from the opponent's hands.

"How about it, are you willing to give me the eye of reincarnation now?

Obito threw two small bottles at Nagato.

Inside is the culture medium used to preserve the eyeballs.

"I understand."

Nagato took the small bottle and took the initiative to gouge out his eyes.

The sooner he handed over the eye of reincarnation, the sooner he would get rid of this nightmare-like curse.

"Thank you for your trust, I will hand over the Eye of Samsara to the Fourth Hokage as soon as possible." Obito's face did not fluctuate in the slightest because of the Eye of Samsara.

"Can you understand with just a fist bump?"

Uchiha Itachi glanced at Ye Du's outstretched fist in surprise.

"Well, I can tell you the future in the form of memory with just a punch... 55

Ye Du didn't intend to waste any more time, he had already sensed that Madara Uchiha's direction was the direction of Yuyin Village.

In this way, Madara Uchiha should have only one target, and that is the eye of reincarnation.

"Okay." 9

Uchiha Itachi also stretched out his fist.

Soon, he was immersed in the memories that Ye Du saw in his mind.

"It turns out that in the future, the Uchiha clan will be exterminated by me and Obito, and Shisui will also be destroyed by Danzo...

Uchiha Itachi already knows most of the truth.

But Ye Du didn't let him know about the dragon veins.

When he opened his eyes again, Ye Du saw that Uchiha Itachi seemed to have tears in the corners of his eyes.

It seems that the tragic situation of the Uchiha clan being exterminated has greatly changed Uchiha Itachi's mood.

"I'm going to get rid of Madara Uchiha now, time is running out, I have to leave right away!" Ye Du once again turned into the nine-tailed chakra model.

Madara Uchiha is about to arrive at Yuyin Village, and he has to speed up his journey.

"Ye Du, I'll go with you!"

In an instant, Uchiha Itachi's eyes seemed to be in the shape of a kaleidoscope.

Ye Du gave Uchiha Itachi a slightly surprised look.

"Okay, we have to hurry up!"

Ye Du distributed some of the nine-tailed chakra to Uchiha Itachi, and the two quickly swept forward.

There was only the sound of two people walking through the forest.


Sasuke suddenly realized that there was something wrong with his brother's figure.

"Shadow Clone?"

Sasuke soon realized that Uchiha Itachi should have gone somewhere else.

Then he looked back at Ye Du behind him.

Sure enough, it is also a shadow clone.

Why did the brother leave with Ye Du and what happened?

"Sasuke, what happened?"

Sakura saw Sasuke in the team suddenly stop.

"No, nothing."

Sasuke can no longer perceive the direction of Ye Du and Uchiha Itachi.

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