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Chapter 338 Unstable Factors (4/4)

Even if he wanted to catch up with the two of them, he didn't know which direction to pursue.

Now there is still Orochimaru, a seemingly unstable factor in the team, and Sasuke must continue to stay in the team.


Sasuke cursed himself inwardly.

Then he followed the footsteps of the team with a gloomy face.


Yahiko and Konan saw that something was wrong with Nagato and Obito who came back.

Nagato's eyes were bleeding, and his eyelids were always closed.

"I'm fine."

Nagato stopped Konan and Yahiko who wanted to find trouble with Obito.

"He did convince me that the Xiao organization didn't need the Samsara Eye."

Nagato patted Yahiko on the shoulder gropingly.

"What everyone needs is your faith! Yahiko."

Although Nagato lost his eyes, he always had a smile of relief on his face.

On the other hand, although he obtained Obito of Samsara Eye, the other party's face was gloomy.

Although Obito didn't know that Uchiha Madara had been reincarnated by the dirty soil, but he vaguely sensed that things would not be that simple.

"What happened to Deidara~"?"

He glanced blankly at Deidara, who was dead on the ground.

The ghost shark quickly explained the reason why Deidara became like this.

"So that's it, it's no pity that the ninja who didn't obey the order died!"

"In the future, the people of the dark organization are not allowed to trouble the Xiao organization again, let's withdraw!

He has already obtained the eye of reincarnation, and the next thing is how to make the four generations of Hokage trust him.

"Obito! Nagato! You are all here!"

Before Akatsuki and Obito's dark organization left, Madara Uchiha's figure suddenly fell from the sky.


After a burst of smoke and dust, Madara Uchiha, holding a fan, stood in the middle of the two men.

"Looks like you've got Nagato's Samsara Eye, Obito.

Even though surrounded by so many people, Madara Uchiha's face was still domineering.

He glanced at Nagato, who had lost his eyes, and then at Obito, who was staring at him.

It seems that Samsara Eye should be in the hands of Obito now.

"Uchiha Madara.

Obito never thought that the other party would appear in front of him at this point in time.

Not only Obito's face was full of shock, but other people's faces were even more so.

Madara Uchiha's name is the same as Qianshou Zhuma, and it is quite loud in the entire ninja world.

"." How could you be resurrected earlier? 99

Obito's face darkened even more.

The appearance of the other party should be the appearance of reincarnation of the dirt.

Is it?

"I didn't expect to wake up so early, it seems that a guy named Orochimaru woke me up."

Madara Uchiha pinned the fan behind him and folded his hands on his shoulders, enjoying the surprised expressions of this group of people.

This is how (Zhao Haozhao) normal people see me. Those Uchiha juniors didn't look normal at all.

Especially that young kid.

Even a mere shrine can be indifferent.

Madara Uchiha felt angry when he thought that he was actually defeated by Konoha Village's Genin.

"Is it really Orochimaru?"

Uchiha Obito was not too surprised.

When he knew that Orochimaru stole Uchiha Madara's body, he already knew that such a day would come.

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