I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 590 Stop the attack! (4/4)

Zhou Pucai said, "Stop attacking!"

Then the intercom switched to a channel and said: "The Valkyrie fighter group is ready, close to the sky, ready to attack at any time."

At this time, the screen had been bombed all over the ground, and the heavy armored vehicles that had been left there had been bombed into black smoke wreckage.

As for the bombing center where Madara was standing, the situation of the bombing center could not be seen clearly because of the smoke.

The unmanned combat aircraft group in the sky has reached the bombing center position, waiting for the next order at any time.

Because of the huge destructive power displayed by the howitzer, everyone present relaxed a little. After all, no matter how strong the opponent is, at least it is still a humanoid creature. Under such bombardment, it is impossible to be safe.

"Ah!" Officer Xiao Zhao shouted fiercely, pointing to a monitor.

This display was showing the footage of the Valkyrie drone, and in the picture, there was a huge blue unknown creature faintly appearing behind the smoke.

Before everyone could react, two blue giant swords suddenly stretched out from the dust, and suddenly drew a cross in the sky.

The 12 Valkyrie fighter jets flying in the shape of a swallow did not have time to react at all, and were directly split into two halves.

There was a huge explosion in the air, and then the wreckage fell to the ground.

Some landed on the blue figure and were immediately bounced off like a small speck of dust. Only then did people see what the blue figure was.

This is a ferocious-looking giant, the size of which exceeds the mountain peak, showing the posture of a god of war, with a pair of huge wings on the back armor and equipped with double swords.

At this moment, he was standing there motionless, but the aura he exuded really made people dare not move.

"Me, what are we fighting?" Zhou Pu said desperately.

Li Zhishui looked at it with interest. This is the complete body of Susanohu, and it is also the true state of Susanohu. It can use the ninjutsu that the caster is good at, and its long sword can easily split mountains and meteorites. ?

The entire battlefield fell into a terrifying silence because of the appearance of Susanoo. Chen Huijie immediately turned to look at Itachi, who suddenly appeared. This giant who suddenly appeared was somewhat similar to the orange-red giant that Itachi had summoned, but there was a slight difference in size.


Itachi shrugged and said: "This is the embodiment of pure power, there is no weakness, it can only be destroyed with pure power.

Itachi's words extinguished the illusions of everyone present.

"Use the airborne vacuum bomb!" Chen Huijie said with a trembling voice.

Zhou Pu directly lowered his head to the walkie-talkie and said, "Prepare the vacuum bomb."

Chen Huijie suddenly said: "Let all the engineers retreat after firing missiles, it is meaningless for them to stay."

"Okay." Zhou Pu understood what Chen Huijie meant, nodded and started giving orders.

Chen Huijie turned around and grabbed Li Zhishui's hand and walked outside.

The people present were staring at the screen nervously, and no one paid any attention to her.

Although Li Zhishui was strange, he did not resist, and was led outside by Chen Huijie.

Because this place was requisitioned, there was no one around.

Chen Huijie stretched out her hand and took out a key from behind and handed it to Li Zhishui: "You go first, can you drive?" Jiu.


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