"No." Li Zhishui understood what Chen Huijie meant. It seemed that she had no confidence in defeating Ban, so she planned to let herself leave first.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Chen Huijie was not surprised when Li Zhishui said he couldn't drive, and still put the key in Li Zhishui's hand.

At the same time, he stretched out his head and touched his forehead with Li Zhishui's.

After a few seconds, Chen Huijie raised her head and said "One Eight Three": "You retreat with the others, wait for me in the safe area, I will come to you.

"I..." Just as Li Zhishui was about to speak, he was interrupted by Chen Huijie's eyes. At this time, the faces of Chen Huijie and Li Zhishui were very close, with gentleness on their resolute faces.

"Be obedient. 35 Chen Huijie looked into Li Zhishui's eyes and said seriously.

Li Zhishui's eyes narrowed, I treated you as a child, and you actually wanted to fall in love with me.

At this moment, suddenly "Boom!" A loud explosion sounded one after another, and the glass in the corridor made a crisp cracking sound, and it broke into countless pieces, which fell on the ground, and the airborne vacuum bomb exploded.

"Success!" An excited shout came from the command room.

Chen Huijie's eyes widened, and she hurriedly took Li Zhishui's hand and walked inside.

On the huge screen, the blue giant, which was originally as high as a mountain, disappeared from the right shoulder.

"It's so...great." Everyone present was excited, as long as the attack was effective, there would be a way.

"It's useless." Itachi suddenly said coldly: "If it can only cause this level of attack, it will be able to recover quickly. 99

Itachi's words were like pouring cold water on everyone's heads.

The people who were still cheering just now quieted down and looked at Itachi in surprise.

Without waiting for anyone to speak, Susanoo, who had disappeared from the screen, condensed and formed again, and Madara at the bottom still closed his eyes and didn't even move.

"Plopped", the police officer Xiao Zhao in the crowd sat directly on the ground.

Although the others tried to stand, their faces were extremely pale.

Despair spread in everyone's heart.

"Shi Zhiya, take Li Zhishui to retreat." Chen Huijie's body was shaking, but she still tried her best to calm down.

"I..." Shi Zhiya's feet were also weak at this time, and she didn't recover from standing there...

At this moment, Madara, who was standing still, suddenly opened her eyes.

The wings on the back of the huge Susanoo suddenly spread out and flew directly into the sky, flying in one direction.

"With such a huge body, how fast is the speed?" The last hope in Zhou Pu's heart was also dashed. He originally planned to carry out indiscriminate fire bombing, but the maneuverability displayed by this giant made the bombing a joke.

After all, modern weapons are powerful and can bomb continuously.

But the original design of the attack targets are immobile, or move slowly.

The appearance of this giant seems to have become a bug in modern weapons. The weapons that can hit cannot cause 4.8 effective damage, while the weapons that can cause damage have a high probability of not hitting the target. Isn't he invincible in this world? Such a terrible thought suddenly popped up in everyone's head.

There's nothing scarier than finding out that you can't beat your opponent no matter what. The only way is to drop a nuclear warhead, but the consequences of that are simply not acceptable to anyone.

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