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Chapter 625 Very Dangerous (3/4)

"Then why did you become Hokage?" Shi Zhiya asked strangely.

Chen Huijie looked strangely at the beautiful girl in front of her.

"What about your first Hokage?" Chen Huijie asked strangely.

"This..." Hashimama's originally hearty smile suddenly stopped, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and after a while, he said, "She ended the troubled times, and she is a great person no matter what.

"It looks like a rather complicated character." Chen Huijie didn't intend to ask in-depth questions, but said casually: "I really hope to see such a hero, in short, let's find a way to get out of here first, and then I hope to hear from you. story.

Chen Huijie said these words, of course, not to ask casually. In addition to asking for some information, it was also to bring the distance between the two sides. She does not seem to be a bad person, and her combat effectiveness is very strong.

But compared to these, Gu Ziyue's performance made Chen Huijie more concerned. The madness she showed just now was very dangerous no matter how you looked at it.

"These Cupids don't look very strong." Shi Zhiya walked to the body of a Cupid, squatted down and started to check.

"Why don't you talk?" Shi Zhiya suddenly found that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and looked up to find that everyone was looking behind her.

"Lie down!" Chen Huijie shouted.

Shi Zhiya jumped forward fiercely, and a black thing flashed past on her head.

Several others fell down.

Shi Zhiya turned her head sharply, and found that behind her, at an unknown time, a huge black object was standing.

This is a strange creature that looks like a liquid, with countless tentacles stretching out from its body, and it is one of the tentacles that just attacked itself in the air.

The black sphere was dodged with a single blow, and immediately launched a second round of attacks, and the target of the attack was Tobirama dressed in hot eyes.

At this time, everyone also discovered the problem, that is, the tentacle's attack was only Tobirama, and the rest seemed to be ignored.

Although Tobirama's speed has been greatly improved with the blessing of the magic wand, the attacks of the tentacles are too intensive, and they ignore other people's attacks. Although Tobirama tries his best to dodge, he is still caught.

Then there was a scene that made people's sanity go crazy.

Ye Du silently closed the notebook, feeling the strange eyes of Gui Sha and Jiao looking at him, and explained with a light cough.

・・・・・Seeking flowers...  

"There was a little accident. In the original script, they would get the wand at the beginning. The tentacle monster was set to use a special attack to transform into a unit, but now only Tobirama is transformed. "5

"And they didn't get the wand, so the speed of defeating the tentacle monster may be a little slower. Well, in short, I hope everyone is fine, after all, I have a good relationship with Tobirama.

The angle took a step back, kept a distance from Ye Du, and said calmly: "I have to check the information about the reconstruction. 35

After speaking, he left with a backward posture, which seemed more respectful.

The ghost shark also raised his hands and said with a grin, "Miss Zhishui has any instructions, just mention it, it's my fault to fight with your White Jue Legion, I will apologize.

"Hey! Although I have some conflicts with the Qianshou family, this time I really didn't do it on purpose. I'm not a devil." Ye Du said blankly.

In the underground world, Shi Zhiya was desperately tumbling to avoid the attack, but soon found that except for Zi, the rest of the people stood there and didn't move for a long time.

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