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Chapter 626 The Great Project (4/4)

Only then did I realize that the tentacle monster didn't attack me. The attack just now was towards Tobirama. After catching Tobirama, it stopped attacking, so I stood up embarrassedly and patted the dust on my body. Chen Huijie looked at the monster more than ten meters high, and then looked at the pistol in her hand, silently pinned it to the lower back, and asked strangely: "This monster doesn't seem to attack us?"

Although Hasuma looked anxious, he did not attack easily with "two three seven", but observed carefully, after all, his younger brother would not be in danger for a while.

"Could this tentacle monster belong to the mother?" Shi Zhiya asked with a serious face.

"No." Gu Ziyue said with certainty after observing carefully for a while.

"Uh." Shi Zhiya looked at Gu Ziyue with a strange expression: "Aren't you a doctor of psychology, you can also separate the male and female of monsters."

"It's very simple." Gu Ziyue pushed his glasses: "Judging from the attack mode of this tentacle monster, it is obviously male. 99

"Tentacle monsters also have gays?" Shi Zhiya's face turned slightly red, she secretly glanced, covered her eyes with her hands, and peeked through her fingers: "Actually, this uncle named Tobirama is quite good.

"Hey!" Chen Huijie came over, stopped the two of them from muttering, and pointed at the anxious Hashirama: "Quickly think of a way to save people! Who knows if this monster will attack us later."

After Shi Zhiya heard Chen Huijie's words, her expression suddenly became subtle.

"Hey! What the hell is your yearning expression! Pay attention to your status as a famous young lady." Chen Huijie roared angrily.

"You, don't talk nonsense!" Shi Zhiya jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and loudly defended Chen Huijie: "I'm trying to figure out a way!

On the other side, Hasuma couldn't wait anymore, picked up the samurai sword in his hand and started to attack, trying to find the weak point.

"The repair speed of this monster is very slow!" Hasuma quickly found the weakness.

The body tissue that the tentacle monster has cut off will turn into a pool of black water, and the attacked place will recover at a very slow speed.

In fact, in the real battle, it is impossible for everyone to cause damage to the tentacle monster so easily.

But now because of the tentacle monster's setting, it will only attack the transformed unit. This is a bug in the action mode, that is, it will not respond to the attacks of several people...

Although this is the case, but now several people are the bodies of ordinary people, using a samurai sword to cut a huge creature more than ten meters high, even if they stand still and let them cut it, it is a big project.

Everyone couldn't think of any other good way for a while, so they could only pick up samurai swords as kitchen knives and slowly cut them on the monster. The efficiency itself is slow, and although the monsters are not fast, they are still constantly regenerating, which leads to a geometric increase in the amount of engineering.

And Tobirama's voice became weaker and weaker, which made everyone not want to rest, and desperately began to dig.

It seems that there is no probability of day and night in this world, but everyone estimates that they have dug 5-6 until all the surrounding areas are covered by 4.8 in black water, and then everyone can find Chubby from the middle of the monster.

The column directly cut the core-like Kewpie in half with one knife. The huge monster turned into black water and flowed all over the place.

Tobirama, which was originally dozens of meters high in the air, also fell, and was caught by the column below.

"Brother, wake up!" Hasuma desperately patted Tobirama, who was already unconscious.

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