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Chapter 642 In Distress (4/4)

Weasel, ghost shark, Xiaonan. Jiaodu didn't come because he was busy with infrastructure and was still busy. Hakuma was working as a concierge, so it was useless to come with her strength. The last five came.

Seeing people come down, Qizuo Jiehua immediately waved his hand, and the music started.

This battle made Chen Huijie stunned for a while, but she didn't expect the reception standard to be so high.

The girl in kimono walking in front led the team to Chen Huijie, and after a very polite salute, she introduced her in fluent Xiazhou language.

"Director Chen Huijie, hello, I'm the prince of Cheng 15 sons, and I am very grateful to Xia Zhou for being able to help in times of crisis."

Chen Huijie was stunned for a moment, the inner prince was the title of the princess of the emperor of the Neon Kingdom, which meant that the girl in front of her was the daughter of the contemporary emperor.

This made Chen Huijie take a few more glances. She was seventeen or eighteen years old, a little over 1.7 in height, black and straight, and a well-fitting kimono. She looked very well-behaved and polite, a typical Japanese beauty.

Chen Huijie did not expect that all the princesses from the other party would come, and also introduced her people to each other very politely.

The people present immediately gave the Xiazhou delegation a ranking.

Chen Huijie is so young, as the leader of extraordinary power, he must be the strongest, and then there is the ghost shark who looks very powerful.

Then there is Xiao Nan with lip studs, as for the little loli, it should be a newcomer who has been cultivated.

The sound was transmitted to Orochimaru, and the news was quickly received.

After a little accident, it did not swim in the intended direction after being resurrected, and is now catching fish in the sea.

Ye Du covered his face and said, "I will do biological experiments in the future, don't mix it into the inter-column cells for that little self-healing ability, that monster will try to attract it. 99

After the two sides greeted each other, they soon came to the command center of the Space Science and War Preparation Department.

The Neon Nation did not intend to directly ask the people from the Security Bureau to participate in the war. The two sides only exchanged very polite greetings.

Because everyone's goal was on members Chen Huijie and Xiao, the insignificant administrative staff on her side seemed to have nothing to do.

Prince Cheng Zinei quickly found Ye Du who was smiling and looked a little out of tune with everyone.

He walked up with a smile on his face: "Hello, Miss Li."

"Hello, Princess." Ye Du smiled.

"Miss Li is so beautiful." Prince Chengzine smiled beautifully: "I admire the culture of Xiazhou, so I started learning Chinese since I was a child.

Ye Du looked at Prince Chengzinei with a strange look, what did she want to express!

Prince Chengzi Nei also noticed Ye Du's strange expression, and immediately said, "Miss Li's skin is so good, how do you usually take care of it?"

In the eyes of everyone's nervousness, the huge scale armor that had been exposed suddenly rose up.

"Wow!" There was an exclamation in the command room, and the exposed huge scales were not the back at all, but the top of the monster's head.

And the monster is not swimming at all, but just walking in the sea.

"A legendary sea monster." Another biologist replied in horror.

"It's not a problem now!" Miyazaki Murakami was also frightened and shouted, "Who can tell me how big this monster is!"

At this time, a simulated model of underwater photography appeared on the screen in the command room.

In an instant, the noisy command room quieted down, and everyone opened their mouths with pale faces.


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