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Chapter 643 Continue to Crash (1/4)

Several biologists sat directly on the ground: "This is impossible, impossible, this is unscientific!" The screen has already given Godzilla's approximate height!

"About 200 meters! 99

This is not only the people present, but even Ye Du is dumbfounded. The data that Orochimaru gave him is only 100 meters, why is it now 200 meters, even if he eats gold carat, he will not grow so fast!

Godzilla in the picture has stood up and looked around in a very humane way. A fresh and bubbling sense of sight.

However, the terrifying scales and exposed huge teeth will only make people feel horrified.

Godzilla soon saw the unmanned cruise ship crashing into him.

At this time, a radio voice came from the Qizukajiehua headset in the command room: "Report sir, is the cruise ship continuing to crash!""

After all, the current cruise ships are too small in front of the 200-meter-high Godzilla.

"The battle continues!" Kizuka Yuhua gritted his teeth and ordered, at least to see the monster's anti-explosive ability.

Everyone watched nervously as the cruise ship in the picture quickly rammed towards Godzilla.

Just when the cruise ship was about to hit Godzilla.

This terrifying prehistoric beast suddenly jumped back nimbly in the water and ducked directly.

When the cruise ship missed a hit, it turned around and planned to continue hitting.

At this moment, a huge wave suddenly rose in the water, and a terrifying tail swung directly over.

The cruise ship was reduced to countless pieces at the moment of contact.

"Why is it so flexible~"!" Miyagi Murakami seemed to have returned to Xiazhou, the kind of fear that was completely different from the one-dimensional contest.

"This is normal." A biologist next to him said with a pale face.

"The reaction ability of beasts is very fast, and it is impossible for those movies to be beaten by human weapons for a round and then fight back.

At this time, Ye Du had also contacted Orochimaru.

This monster is not the same as the one in the data, isn't it only 100 meters, how come it is several times bigger now?

The calm voice of Orochimaru came from the spiritual world!

"It is normal for biological experiments to have a little accident. It is common for a mutation to occur several times larger. This is only doubled, which is within the range of error. 99

"No, is the allowable error value of your biological experiment too large?"

"It doesn't matter, it's not a big problem, it's just that the body size has become larger, and the strength is actually similar. Statistics."

Ye Du could only hang up the call from the spiritual world.

Suddenly, he realized that his hand was being held.

Ye Du turned his head and found that it was Prince Cheng Zinei, who didn't know when he walked beside him. Reached out and grabbed his palm.

Is there anything in #Princess?" Ye Du said with a smile.

"Ms. Li is really brave." Although Prince Chengzi Nei tried his best to keep a smile, his face was obviously ugly, and his palm trembled obviously.

"Well, a small scene." Ye Du said with a smile.

"Is this...is that so?" Prince Chengzinei turned to look at the few people from Xiazhou.

Seeing the excitement on the face of the tallest ghost shark, the strong fighting spirit was about to overflow.

Xiao Nan even plays with his mobile phone!

Even the weakest little girl named Itachi was calm.

Just as the director Chen Huijie's face is a little ugly, but as the strongest director, it is impossible to be afraid.

She should be the type that is scary with one bite, and then a monster with one punch.

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