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Chapter 653 Feeling Art (3/4)

Then he turned his head to Chen Huijie, and said sincerely: "Chen Bureau, please order to give this terrifying monster a final blow to avoid greater damage."

Chen Huijie looked at the sincere Prince Chengzinei, with mixed feelings in her heart. Not to mention her own orders, the people outside did not know her at all, maybe it was just a passing member of Xiao.

But why are you still holding Xiao Zhishui's hand.

Just when everyone thought that the battle was about to end, Godzilla in the battlefield suddenly shouted and the sudden change shocked everyone present.

in the battlefield.

After Godzilla roared, he turned around abruptly, raised his foot in the other direction and ran.

It looked very much like a little gangster who didn't forget to speak harshly when he was running.

"This guy wants to run." Feiduan shouted while sitting on the big bird.

"It's not that easy!" Deidara spit out clay with both hands, and soon a white flying dragon made it in the air.

Deidara jumped onto the flying dragon with the flying section.

"When I throw you over, it will definitely swallow you, so that it can explode inside its body~"!

"Sounds like a lot of fun!" Feiduan cracked his mouth, his expression a little excited.

Godzilla moved very fast because of his size, but because of his injury, he was quickly overtaken by Deidara's flying dragon.

"It's you!" Deidara took the flying dragon, came to the top of Godzilla, raised the flying section, rotated and charged on the flying dragon, and then threw it towards Godzilla: "Feel the art! Drink!

"Come on!" Feiduan shouted, and rushed towards Godzilla's mouth.

Godzilla, who was running, immediately found the flying section thrown over, but did not open his mouth. Instead, he slammed it with his own claws.

"The plan seems to have failed!" Deidara stood on the flying dragon with an embarrassed expression.

At this moment, Feiduan's shout came from below.

Deidara looked over with the telescope device on his eyes, found the flying section of the evil god, and directly cut the scales on Godzilla's arm with a sickle.

Apparently, when Godzilla attacked, he was hung up by Feiduan.

"Nice job!" Deidara roared, making a knotted gesture with both hands.

With a loud bang, Godzilla's arm slammed into a huge explosion, and the fire caused by the explosion directly enveloped Godzilla's left body.

Godzilla, who was originally running, let out a long roar, and his entire right arm was directly blown off.

At this moment, Nagato also rushed over, looked at Godzilla who lost his right arm and said, "It seems that it is coming to an end.

"Haha! Deidara stared at one eye and said, "Just draw a perfect curtain call for this drama. "9

"I see." Nagato glanced at Deidara: "I will create a suitable stage for you.

Said the reincarnation eye in his eyes turned, and threw a black ball towards Godzilla in his hand: "Earth Blast Deidara also retracted the flying dragon, and directly entered the state of falling from (Zhao's) by.

However, when it was halfway down, suddenly the body was pulled by the gravity of the earth-blasting star and began to fly into the air.

At the same time, there are countless building wrecks on the ground.

After Godzilla's repeated attacks, it was obvious that he was already very weak, and he couldn't use his breath. Although trying to break free from the scope of the Earth-Blasting Star.

But under this level of surgery, even if there is 50,000 tons, it will only slow down the time of inhalation.

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