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Chapter 654 Infinite Shock (4/4)

As the sand and gravel piled up, a large terrifying ball slowly approached in the sky. From a distance, it gave people an infinite shock.

However, the attack did not end there. At the moment when the sphere was formed, the real explosion appeared as if the whole world became quiet, a huge cone with three sharp air waves in the center of Dongcheng City. rising.

"These guys are quite capable." The ghost shark put his right hand on his forehead and jumped at the rising air in the distance.

"Thank you for your compliment." Nagato's figure appeared in front of the three of them, and he turned to look at Xiao Nan and said.

"Looks like we're going to have to be apart for a while, but it should only be a while to tell me.

"I'll wait for you." Xiao Nan said calmly.

"Goodbye then." After Nagato finished speaking, his body began to slowly turn ashes, apparently Ye Du had been reincarnated from the dirt.

"Hey, wait!" Xiao Nan suddenly said: "I heard that people who look for Miss Zhishui to change their bodies will be played by her, is it true?"

The corner of Nagato's mouth twitched a few times with a free and easy smile: "I'm not her type.

Before Xiao Nan could continue to ask questions, he disappeared into the air.

The defense of Dongcheng came to an end with a terrifying (bfei) explosion!

Unlike in Xiazhou, the entire battle in Dongcheng was recorded by satellite. Although it was not disclosed to the public, high-level government officials had already obtained first-hand information.

Chen Huijie directly refused Prince Chengzinei's request to stay for a few more days and participate in the victory meeting. He took Ye Du and others on a special plane and ran away overnight.

At the same time, Model Workers came to Neon Country with a new reconstruction contract.

Because of the reconstruction case of City C, and the government of Neon State intends to have a good relationship with the Black Organization.

So this negotiation went very smoothly, and the Men in Black organization finally got out of the financial predicament.

Orochimaru's manned spacecraft is slowly being built. Anyway, the lunar resources are there, and there will be no Gundam. The Space Agency of the Free Federation can only stare blankly, but it can't beat it, and they are afraid that Xiazhou really has weapons of mass destruction. If he dared to speak out for fear of being laughed at by other countries, he could only smash his teeth into his stomach.

After everything went normal, Ye Du also became salty.

Standing at the security bureau and looking out the window, I couldn't help thinking of when Madara was young, when I was doing nothing like this.

"Xiao Zhishui, is there something on your mind?" Chen Huijie put down the document in her hand and asked strangely.

"Well. 35 Ye Du sighed, looking very melancholy: "I'm thinking about how to deal with the bear child. "

"Puchi." Chen Huijie burst out laughing. Like Ye Du, this weak temper really has no way to take the bear child, so she smiled and said: "The bear child is disobedient, just beat him.""

"Really?" Ye Du's head had a freckled look, not to mention hitting him, he had already stabbed him twice.

Shaking his head, he said, "Don't remember to hit."

"Is that so?" Chen Huijie leaned on her office chair, nodded earnestly, and said, "This must be an education issue from the family of origin.

"Well, that's true." Ye Du nodded. He taught killing in those days, and he didn't have any quality education at all.

"If you are young, you can send it to school and re-learn quality education.

Huijie nodded: "Education now is very good, it's different from what we had back then."

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