I lost everything but my will

12 Time to infiltrate

"Where am I?" Asked Olive. Olive was tied to a chair restrained from moving and if he did, it would trigger a bell, so when olive woke up he was very disorientated and had a major headache, he couldn't even see clearly.

"Yayyy, Amber he's up," Said Jena excitedly. "Sleepyhead, wake up now, I thought you were a tough energy master," Jena said ridiculing him and the state he was in now. Olive tried to look up with much difficulty due to his headache. When he did he was even more confused, "I still can't see well, there's a child in front of me," Olive said and shook his head, but immediately regretted that decision because as he shook his head, the headache got even worse, so he decided to bend his head back down.

"Wow, you've hurt my feelings. So because of my size, I'm incapable of doing this too you, have you forgotten who killed that servant of yours. And by the way, he was quite a handful," Jena said chuckling at the supposed joke she just told.

The fear Olive had in him now was clearly expressed by his face, but it was soon wiped off, how could an energy master such as himself be threatened by a child. The only reason Olive was still in the slums was because of his low mastery and no organization would accept him, so for energy masters like him who faced this problem, they would result in joining the Overlord of the slums and live like self-made kings.

But outside of the slums, they were, considered thrash. The middle district was the largest of all the districts. You could see various cars and skyscrapers of various heights and energy masters filled the streets, although you couldn't bump into very powerful energy masters, you could easily find low leveled ones. Life there wasn't as easy as it would seem, you had to be constantly on your feet and never miss an opportunity.

There was a saying in the middle district that for every opportunity you miss, five would've taken. That was just how tough the competition there was. So for the lazy ones, they would rather live like kings with their mediocre power and bully the ones weaker than them.

"So you think to tie me up, would stop me? you naive little girl, I don't know how you managed to kill my servant and catch me off guard but you were just lucky" Olive said giving a threatening glare to Jena.

As he finished that statement and was staring at Jena to give off a domineering feel and snap out of the ropes with his energy, he soon discovered that he could not, he decided to use his physique that has been strengthened by the energy gathering, he discovered he still could not. Now, this was where fear truly descended on Olive as he stared at this child in front of him who was smiling and looking at him like he was a fool of the highest caliber.

Energy gathering was simply storing the energy you have an affinity for in your body, Kinda like a battery stores electricity in units, you store energy inside of you in units called energy points.

The purer the energy, the more points you accumulate and the faster you gather it. Various technological advancements had gotten too the stage where there were places called cloud chambers. These cloud chambers were like small rooms that did the gathering for you and all you needed to do was use your gathering skill to absorb the energy and its purity was quite high compared to the raw gathering through meditation, fighting, or skills.

The energy that is being gathered and stored in your body then strengthens your whole physique and every part of your body becomes much more advanced even down to your appearance. so imagine Olive's shock when he couldn't break through just ropes.

"You're shocked right, well I presumed you would try to escape this way, so I had a contingency plan, I injected a poison into your neck directly, now what this poison does is it slows down your body's processing ability in general, resulting in extreme weakness, severe headache and sometimes even death when given the right dosage and trust me I gave you just the right one," Jena said laughing at the shocked expression on Olive's face as he stared at her with fear and curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, I've wasted enough time already, you have just 30 minutes to live, so on with the questioning, tell me everything you know about the overlord, his palace, basically anything of use to someone who wishes to infiltrate his base and capture him for questioning. I beg of you not too miss any details, I can be nice but I hate lies and trickery," Jena said while staring daggers at the Olive the whole time

-25 minutes later-

"Are you sure that's everything you know?" Jena asked staring suspiciously at Olive only to end up smiling and getting up from the seat she had placed in front of him to listen to everything he had to say. "Please can I get an antidote ar at least have this poison suppressed," Olive asked hoping to get a sly chance at life and not die so early and disgracefully by the hands of a child.

"Well, see what you don't know is. I never poisoned you, I'm just suppressing you with my energy and concealing it so you don't notice. It took a while to master it but let's say I had help from my guardian angel and that idiot who sent you to kill me is dead and his building destroyed." Jena said expressionlessly while still staring at Olive.

Now at this point, the shock and fear further intensified in him at how ruthless this child was and how he wasn't guaranteed his life in the slightest except somehow he was of use to her. But now his only use to her was gone, unless... Olive suddenly had a plan.

"Jena why don't I help you with your plan on the basis that you please spare my life," Olive said using the last option he had to save his life. He had realized that the person seated before him wasn't a human at all. But olive couldn't help but wonder what this child had been through to become like this.

"Hmmm, well welcome aboard then, your life finally has meaning again, but try me and you'll discover death can become a luxury," Jena said coldly to Olive before releasing her suppression on Olive.

As Jena released him from her suppression, a few seconds later he got his strength regained to a certain level and snapped free of the restraints holding him and turning to face this small girl he had now decided to follow on one of the craziest missions he had embarked on.

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