"So guys what's the plan? Olive, you know best so lay down a strategy," Jena said as all of them were seated at a table in the hall of that same building. Jena had taken a liking to that building because of how eerie it looked and how everyone avoided it like a plague.

She decided to touch it up a bit using the remaining credit points she had, to buy basic furniture and clean up to clean the place. So overall it looked much better and was now a temporary base of operations, rather than wasting her teleportation limit and bringing Olive into the dimension.

"I suggest we study that area for a few weeks and monitor the movements. It won't be easy to infiltrate that place without causing a ruckus. There are a lot of guards and a few energy masters, also minding the fact that the Overlord has just broken into the third level, plus he has a lot of skills, although low leveled they have proven useful times without number and finally he's a bloody overlord" Olive said while sighing and shaking his head at this child's impulsiveness.

"Are you sure you don't want me to kill this bastard?" Amber said giving Olive a threatening glare. "Amber will you calm down, as much as it would be fun to end him it would be stupid. He's an asset now and we have to show him hospitality and kindness until he loses his use" Jena said smiling and smiling at Olive as though he was a toy she couldn't have but wanted to play with.

"So the plan is quite a simple one. Study, strategize and…," before Olive could finish his statement Jena just cut him short and said, "Kill a bunch of guys then capture the overlord and his son, cuz I heard he has a very cute son". Olive Just shook his head and walked away in resignation while amber went off to practice with her sword, they left amber all alone at the table to continue her daydreaming, she was a teenager, after all, not your everyday teenager, but at least she was one and even if she was this cold her body was still a body with hormones and other biological functions.

-James' room-

"Lord you're beginning to become so lost in your thoughts, you'll soon be breaking into the level 2, do you wish to use the skill or purely want to break into level 2," a female servant said to James as he was seated in the lotus position on his bed with his eyes closed. "Lord…Lord!" The servant called out but to no avail, James remained in the position he was without even moving a centimeter.

"You refuse to answer me, well then drastic situations call for drastic measures," said the servant as she inched on James' bed and got much closer to him, and then she paused to see if he had a reaction but there was none. She then decided to get much closer, she got so close she could now feel James' steady and almost rhythmic breathing on her skin.

But rather than stop there since she saw no reaction, she decided to reach in for a kiss, clearly misreading the situation because in that next instant her face was frozen in the spot it was when she tried to kiss and the head was cleanly detached from her body.

"You worthless whore you think with this piece of trash you call a body I would waste my first time on you. My goddess still awaits me and until she is ready I do not wish to defile my body especially not on worthless trash" James said sneering and shaking his head in disgust, but not at the dead body but at the fact she had truly misread his behavior. "Am I now so caring that dogs now want to dine with me?" James said as he got back to his meditation summoning his servant to take care of the dead body.

"Lord Viper this situation is now out of control, every single major organization knows about this. And Dragonlord is extremely pissed off" said a Messenger to Lord Viper who was seated in a garden drinking tea on the 32nd floor of the organization in the upper district. He chose not to stay at the headquarters for various reasons, but none of them were the outcomes that took place, rather it just fueled the problem.

"Everyone thinks I know what happened but I'm choosing to hoard the information," Lord Viper said to the messenger shaking his head in both frustration and anger but his facial expression still remained calm. "Well I best head back to main headquarters, we can't have master Daji waiting, he requested my audience on this matter and has called a board meeting with all the heads," Lord Viper said as he downed the rest of the tea in the cup and headed for the teleporter on the first floor.

"Send me back to headquarters," Lord viper said on getting there to the man in charge before stepping on the machine and became shrouded by bright blue lights and his image was flickering out of that location.

-Main Headquarters-

"Welcome viper, it's been a while. I leave you for a few months and you're the talk of the town, you can only thank Feng for that anyways" said a chubby man dressed in a suit that made him look rather official but really brought out his large stomach.

"Mo Fei it's been ages, I see you're still as comedic as ever and isn't it the good old belly everyone missed," Said Lord Viper laughing at Mo Fei who was glaring coldly at him. "You retard my belly is quite beautiful at least I'm not single like you who seems to be extremely fit" Mo Fei retorted and had a satisfied look on his face at how he had managed to score a point of his own.

"Mo Fei you…, Well we shall continue this after we see Master Daji, I'm going to have all hell unleashed on me and the cause is lying dead," Lord Viper said with a pained expression on his face. "I win this time," Mo Fei said laughing like a mad man clearly not bothered by Lord Viper because he knew his friend could handle this situation this issue was just giving him a really tough time. When Mo Fei had had his fill of laughter Lord Viper and he then walked all the way to the board room conversing as they went.

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