I lost everything but my will

21 What exactly is going on?

-Phantom Organization-

"You dare come back with this news right? I see you have no more fear and regard for me again" Shadow bane questioned the guard that was just relaying the news about what happened at the slums to him. He had decided not to go because it was too rash a decision.

The Phantom organization wouldn't have survived this long if it wasn't governed by a reasonable and logical leader. Instead of heading there and creating a larger ruckus he chose to send in a spy that would keep watch of what was happening and then relay the info back, but the news this servant brought back was simple too inexplicable.

"So you mean to tell me that when you got there a fight was on but you didn't see Viper and then you left? Is this what happened?" Shadow bane asked coating that statement with heavy sarcasm. "Master, I only left because I saw no one there, the other organizations didn't even come, and they most probably heard what happened with their spies at the organization,"

"Ok, it's all right. Since that's what happened, at least the other organizations didn't go too, so it's all ok, you can leave now" Shadow bane said smiling. "Thank you so much sir" The servant replied bowing then turning to leave. "Summon and kill this son of a b*\u0026%@" Shadow bane said softly still smiling.

Immediately that command was uttered Shadow banes servant appeared right beside the servant and snapped his neck, the movements were just too smooth and quick. "Incompetence is something intolerable, no form of it should be left alive. Now I must plan, I feel something coming and it's not good, not good at all," Shadow bane said.

"By tomorrow I must head there myself, this job is far too fragile to be left with these incompetent fools. Who would've thought that one day a single girl would shake a whole nation to the point of bringing back a master from that place? She probably doesn't even know what she has done, her pattern isn't erratic which means she has a goal, my job is to analyze this plan and find that goal. I'm having so much fun, this girl has managed to intrigue me to this point of excitement, and it's been a while since this happened. I am enjoying every bit of it," Shadow bane said soliloquizing and smiling. Few minutes later after organizing his thoughts, he got up and walked out of his office with a huge grin on his face.

-The slums-

It was late at night and the slums was at the peak of its crime rate, it wasn't the most ideal place to be especially not for children. But here were two children 10:00 PM at night walking on the road on one of the most dangerous places to be and rather than being scared or crying they were thinking of what to steal from the person who formerly ran this den.

You would call them stupid, but this was the reality of a lot of children living in the slums. The rule was simple, SURVIVE, in any way you can without offending the wrong person. Simple isn't it? But no, this was beyond hard, it was about the hardest things anyone could think of doing considering all the pros and cons.

The slums was madness within chaos, you would wonder, how could the largest region with the highest population be the poorest and weakest within the fireheart nation? It was simply ironic but this was the dystopic world they lived in. you just had to somehow understand the chaos and live with it.

It had been an hour since they started walking and they soon arrived at the base, the front gate was shattered, there was dried blood everywhere and the place reeked, but this didn't deter them from their set goal, they were determined to get what they came for and this wasn't the first time they saw a scene like this, although not on a scale this grand.

"So Luka you head in first, this place would usually be bustling by this time of the night but it's so eerie and quiet. I'm sure we're not the first to think of robbing this place but I' pretty sure we're the only ones who've had enough courage to actually come here to rob. I mean…robbing the overlord's base, how crazy can you be?" Tyler said laughing, Luka was just staring at him.

"Hey smartass why don't we go in together I mean isn't that the best thing to do at this point, there's no way I'm going in alone. I feel like my courage finished when we got to this ga...I mean what used to be the entrance to the entrance of this base, do you remember this was the most dangerous place within the slums?" Luka said staring at Tyler.

"So what you're suggesting is we both go in at the same time right?" Luka said. "I'm not suggesting it, I'm telling you…except you would like to go in first,"

A few seconds of bickering back and forth later Luka and Tyler finally agreed they would go in at the same time and without fussing over it anymore they did. But immediately they did as though everything was timed a bright blinding white light appeared out of nowhere and they were knocked unconscious.

The last thing they saw was the figure of a girl and a guy emerging from the light and the feeling of something hitting their head pretty hard, but not so hard that it was a fatal blow.

-Daji organization-

"Where am I? What exactly is going on?" Overlord Jing said as his head was throbbing with great pain and his eyes not seeing clearly. He tried to run energy through his body but he couldn't, it was as though all the energy he possessed was seeping out of him or had been taken away.

"Well…I would say you're in hell, but that would make me the devil and I plan on being worse so no you're not dead and you're not in hell, instead you're with me,"

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