I lost everything but my will

22 There must be a way

"What the heck man! What's going on?" Luka asked with great effort. His head was throbbing and he couldn't see properly, but surprisingly he wasn't even tied up and was instead on a bed, he was having slight amnesia and couldn't remember what happened yesterday, but that wasn't the highest problem on the list.

"Where is Tyler? Why isn't he here? And where the heck am I?! I have to get out of this place, I have to find Tyler too," Luka said with mixed emotions.

-Another room-

"Amber, why do we need them, they saw what happened yesterday. If they spread this information the results will be catastrophic. Those upper echelons would be swarming this place before we can even think of ways to leave, and mind you, I have just one passage left for James and he must come with us. I mean they're slum rats, after all, toss a gold coin or a few credit points and they could give you their souls. Shit is hard here, really hard," Jena said as she sighed, staring at amber dead in the eye.

"We can't kill them, they're useful. I have to find something to do to them" Amber said deep in thoughts.

"Guys, we need to go interrogate them first I'm sure they would've woken up," James said, waiting for a response. "So amber you better go check on them, if either or both of them are awake they'll most probably be searching for each other. By the way that's a neat trick I made, I didn't tie up any one of them, their just on separate floors. I thought it would be fun" Jena said completely ignoring James.

"You know…I'm not going to even ask what happened. So James lets head there now, Jena clearly doesn't want you around," Amber said rolling her eyes. "So Jena…You didn't think they would by any chance escape or do something crazy, oh sorry you happen to be an expert at crazy things, so you would know," James said with a lot of sarcasm in his tone staring at Jena dead in the eye. The only response James got was silence before Jena disappeared leaving for her dimension to think.

"James it's not like they can get far anyways, I can sense everything here. I wouldn't advise you to push her any more than she is vexed, the only reason you aren't dead is because of the love she holds for you. She would've killed you herself or ordered me too," Amber said as she walked away leaving James with an irritated expression on his face.

'You have no idea the bullet I dodged, I would be dead if I wasn't useful, love didn't play at that point in time, I refuse to accept it did. How powerful is this girl anyway? How could she discover something like that and not bring me immediately? Why didn't she even take me in the first place?' These were the thoughts racing through James' head at the moment.

"So are you coming or you want me to drag your lazy a#@ down here," Amber said already far ahead of James.

-Yesterday in Jena's dimension with James-

"What do you mean by that? Did you hear what I said earlier, I said I got there and didn't find your dad, I even left Amber there to come to see you and you're talking trash because you're angry. I even wasted one of my passes to bring back this thing here and I need to lose a skill to fix him up and now you're screaming because you might die or lose all your energy, are you insane in any way? You selfish son of a b%$#@!" Jena said angrily, then the other question James asked dawned upon her, "Why is it shocking that Scott Boulevard is my dad…do you know anything?" Jena asked coldly.

"You don't get to question me until you answer at least one of my ques…" James chocked on the next words he was about to say as he felt the cold feeling of a blade on his neck digging into his flesh. The energy Jena was giving off was cold and ferocious, James knew this form of energy all too well…It was death energy. "The only reason you aren't dead now is that I feel like you have useful information, now you will tell me what you know or I will force it out of you," Jena said coldly still pressing the blade against his neck, but James refused to say anything even until blood began dripping unto the ground.

"You might as well kill me and forget finding out anything about your dad, or you could answer just one of my questions. It's actually quite amusing to be killed by the one you would die for…This level of irony is unreal" James said grinning from ear to ear

Ding!! 'Mission altered'

Ding!! 'Because of the progress of 50% from the previous mission, a reward will be granted'

As soon as these streams of notifications entered Jena's head she ordered that James and she be teleported out of her dimension. 'James I can't let you die, and if filling you with rage is the only solution I'll stick with that' Jena thought.

-Jena's Dimension-

"I have to find a way to get his dad back, I just have to. He doesn't even need to be alive, I have to just find him. Nothing must happen to James, but it'll hurt him if he finds out that I know his dad is alive…Until I know where he is for sure, James will have to be in the dark. I will do everything I can to make sure I find him and fix all this, if he dies I'll be lonely again." Jena said with panic in her voice as she began crying.

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