-Jena's Dimension-

"Wow, did my head get hit with a club or something cuz that person hit a major home run, my head is spinning badly and this migraine isn't funny either," Jena said as she struggled to stand to her feet, but seeing as every time she tried to get up her head would hurt, even more, she decided to sit and calmly meditate for a few minutes to get herself.

A few minutes later after she had gathered her thoughts and her headache had stopped she realized something off, "wait, where exactly am I?!!" she said in a panic-stricken voice, "am I dead? Is this what death feels like? Well, it isn't what I imagined, like I was wa...y off" she said laughing.

"You aren't dead, I transported you to your dimension, is there a problem?", after hearing this Jena stopped dead in her tracks as if waking up in an empty white room wasn't enough now she was hearing voices "well, it seems even death is going to be troublesome, but hey at least I have a companion," Jena said accepting her fate like every other circumstance she had come across.

"I said you aren't dead, or does the host seek death", now after hearing this Jena was conflicted 'If I'm not dead then where am I? Well, I guess the only solution is to ask whatever this voice is, it's the only way to get answers.

So here goes nothing', "excuse me Mrs. or Mr. mysterious voice that knows I'm not dead, would you mind filling me in on what I missed while I was out, for some reason I can't recall anything, my memories are just scattered," Jena said not expecting a reply, for all she knew she was talking to herself".Ding!! 'Host has received a quest from the relic.


1. Name your servant whom you are currently attempting to speak with.

2. Open your stats bar.

3. Open your servant's stats bar. Understand what happened before you were transported here

But since that mysterious voice was going to play games with her why not play along at least it would be fun. 'Maybe this is the heavens birthday gift to me' Jena thought to herself and chuckled slightly at how she was joking at such a time as this.

-Back in the real world-

"You think it's funny right?, all this is a big joke to you, I promised a client a young sprightful girl but I get to your house and you tell me your daughter vanished after a blinding white light had engulfed her, I'm supposed to believe that crap you call the truth right?, I look like a fool to you don't I?, since you took me on a wild goose chase and have decided to involve me in your delusions of grandeur, I will also have my fun with you, it's only fair that I do, isn't it?" Mr. Feng said, clearly infuriated at the utter nonsense he believed this woman to be spouting.

"Well I know the perfect game for us to play, would you like to know the game, I trust you'll have fun because as you can see I found your game to be very fun," Mr. Feng said with a smile that meant this was going to be fun but he'll be the only one having the fun and the other player would only experience agonizing pain.

all Jade could do at the moment was nod her head with tear-filled eyes that only expressed deep regret and hatred. "Very good, very good indeed, so here are the rules, I hope you can comply. Rule 1; you're not allowed to dodge, Rule 2; you can't have any clothes on and my favorite rule out of them all, if you scream you lose one part of your body. Fun isn't it well would you like to get started or would you like to tell me where your daughter is" Said Mr. Feng as he summoned his servant "blade Lord" and ordered him to step 50 feet away from them.

every time he snapped his finger he was ordered to throw a dagger at Jade, but not at vital points so she would remain alive and feel every bit of the pain he planned on inflicting on her.

"Sir I have told you everything that happened w..." the next thing Jade heard before she could finish that statement was a snap and all she felt was pain from something sharp piercing her shoulder and Mr. Feng forcibly pulling out that dagger and making sure to twist it as he did.

At that point, she nearly passed out from the pain but it was as though her body denied her of that pleasure. "Since you have decided to play, and you didn't deem it fit to adhere to my rules, I'm increasing the number of daggers to two, dope right", "now STRIP!!" said Mr. Feng with a smile that would mistake him for a demon in the form of a man.

In this brief moment, Jade has lost all hope of surviving, it was like Mr. Feng's words were the finishing blow to all the hope she had left. "If only I had moved on and treated that girl with the love she deserved," Jade said with tear-filled eyes, but alas it was way too late for regret and now she will bear the consequences until she finally dies a horrible death and that's if she is allowed to die.

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