I lost everything but my will

2 I Regret My Existence because of you

Jena woke up the next morning a little sore and her body ached all over, but how else would you expect to wake up when your bed was the ground and your pillows your arms, and as though this wasn't enough already, she had to deal with the incessant shouting of the neighbors outside, constant fighting of the local street thugs and the policemen as trigger happy as ever, always ready to kill random people for the pettiest of crimes.

Now I know you've been wondering how such a horrible place is allowed to exist, why the heavens itself didn't decide to destroy it to alleviate this show of wickedness by humanity. well, welcome to the fireheart nation or hell as the residents of the slums called it.

The fireheart nation was divided into three regions, the upper district, mid district, and the slums. The upper district housed all the upper echelons of the government, rich tycoons, energy masters, and the servants to all these people, either energy servants or mortal servants.

The middle district on the other hand housed the middle-class people and was where the central branch of all the organizations was located. The organizations stayed here because the middle district was nicknamed the black market of the fireheart nation, any product or service could be procured here and anyone that lived there or went there had to be under and organization, needed something done or wanted something.

The middle district wasn't all bad anyway, although it's a major source of income for the organizations there were not so clean, the middle district was involved in some legal activities too, it just wasn't as lucrative as the more fraudulent and illegal activities, but they still had to be involved because no matter how horrible a person as they wouldn't shamelessly show it until they ruled everyone or had sufficient power and they didn't possess either of these yet.

And finally the slums, the thrash of the fireheart nation, you needed a slave, servant, torture victim or specimen the slum was the place to go to.

Now I want you to imagine this, imagine waking up every day only to realize this was your reality but still persevering, imagine the cruelty of this world and remember that a 13-year-old girl lived every day like this smiling as though she was playing with her friends or she was oblivious to this fact, it's rather shocking isn't it, But alas this was Jena's reality and once again life was about too give her one last blow to see how long she would keep that smile up or if she'll finally take that painstaking but decisive step of ridding herself of life finally.

"Wow, what a pleasant night that was, mother slept rather soundly and didn't wake up to her usual nagging and confessions of love for me," Jena said laughing as she stretched and got about her chores soundlessly so she wouldn't disturb her mothers sleep, she wouldn't want her birthday to be horrible, would she, after all, today was a joyous day, she has successfully spent 14 Years in this hell hole and dearest mother would want nothing more than to make it a living nightmare just for the fun of it.

As Jena was rounding up her chores she heard something she didn't want to hear so early in the morning, at least not on this particular day."Oh no, mother's calling, what poor luck I have" she said as she answered her mother's call, while heading to her mothers' room she cursed those noisy pigs for waking her up, 'for this there will be no dinner for these dumb pigs this evening' she thought to herself, but the damage has already been done unfortunately and there was no going back now.

she could only answer and hope that this time her mother would have become another person or her soul would've transmigrated and that this was a reincarnation of her mother that would at least be nice to her, even if it was only once in a week she didn't insult her or hit her it would be appreciated.

"Mother you sent for me," Jena said as she entered her mother's room, "Girl if I'm correct today's your birthday right," Jade said as she stared at Jena with a piercing glare that didn't have the slightest bit of emotion for the person she was talking to, "y...yes ma" Jena answered shivering from head to toe hoping that her mother wouldn't take offense to what she had just uttered and as though the heavens had decided to bless her, her mother suddenly smiled, "well well, this runt of a child will finally be of use for once at least she is capable of being useful, even if this is the only way to use her".

after hearing that statement Jena became very scared as well as skeptical because as worthless as she was to her mother she wouldn't want evil to befall her, right?. But how mistaken she was.

In that brief moment of fear Jena unknowingly said "Mother, is there anything on your mind towards me or is there something you want me to do or better still do you want to give...." before she could finish that statement her ears started to ring and her skin suddenly registered the pain on her cheek from the slap she just received, in that brief moment of happiness she had unknowingly let down her guard.

"you worthless swine how dare you speak to me, have you forgotten your place suddenly because I smiled at you, for your notice you're getting sold to Mr. Feng of the Daji organization, he specializes in turning children to sex slaves for energy masters, and guess how much he offered. let me not stress that already muddled brain of yours, he offered 20 credit points and I took the offer" almost as though everything was synchronized the sound of cars blaring their horns were heard outside.

In this period Jena's head was spinning the rush of emotions, regret, and anger suddenly engulfed her so much so that all she could do was scream, she didn't notice the ring that lay idly on her finger given to her by her father suddenly glowed slightly and a calming sensation suddenly came over her and a series of notifications were suddenly ringing in her head

Ding!!; 'Servant ring activated'

Ding!! willpower check; 'successful'

Ding!! power upgrade using willpower; '20%...40%...80%...100%'

Ding!! 'sensing that host is in turmoil and is under threat'

Ding!! 'transporting host to secure personal dimension'

Jena didn't understand what was happening but one thing she was sure of was the fact that her mother and everyone would pay, they just had to wait. And then suddenly she was covered in a white blinding light and passed out.

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