Did he only do 8,000 damage?

So low.

Sneaky returned to the backstage in a daze. For a moment, he forgot about losing the game——

My head was empty, a bit like I was drunk to the point of fragmentation.

It wasn't until he saw the coach's face and the content of the game emerged that Sneaky felt angry at himself: He had been abusing people so much that he no longer knew how to play.

Thinking like this, Sneaky felt a little embarrassed.

He is actually a mentally strong person. Since he discovered that women's clothing is helpful for fame, he has taken the initiative to do many cosplays.

Just this year, he made a policewoman cosplay, which immediately became popular all over the Internet.

The problem is that.

He is a professional player, and being an internet celebrity is just another way to make a living. So after losing the game, I still feel numb.


He was a small cannon, and he dealt very little damage. There were probably only a few scenes in the whole game - he even felt like an outsider.

I am confused.

The staff came over to inform me that he was here to be interviewed by North American Flow.

Sneaky looked at Jensen, and Jensen looked at Damu. No one wanted to move.

Just such a short time.

Everyone was very resistant.


Not everyone has the mentality of a big brother. While the front foot is still feeling sad, the back foot can run to the commentary box and say dirty things.

Especially for Jensen, he doesn't want to be asked why he lost, and he doesn't want to praise his opponent for playing well.

But if you are being interviewed, besides praising your opponent, you can't say that you are too good. He is a famous troll in North America, but he is not stupid enough to comment on his teammates casually.

Seeing that the players were silent and the head coach was about to give orders, Omu took the initiative and said: "I'll go."

Damu doesn’t have that much idol baggage.

After transferring to C9 in the summer of 2016, he followed his teammates to the S-level twice in a row. He personally feels that such a report card is definitely worth it.


When asked how to evaluate the opponent.

Damu thought for a while and said: "It is they themselves who decide how far LGD can go."

"Do you think LGD can qualify first?" The host grasped the core of the answer and continued to ask: "Group A has a strong opponent like SKT."

"SKT's current problem is that they are playing very chaotically and their thinking is not particularly unified."

"You don't expect SKT to succeed in revenge?"

"From MSI to now, SKT has not solved this problem."

Damu didn't answer yes or no, but he seemed to have said his answer.

The other end.

When Qin Hao was interviewed by Yu Shuang, he was asked similar questions.

"They are very strong, but they don't like to put pressure on them, so the lineup we have is more focused on control."

"So, do you feel nervous during the game?"

Qin Hao told the truth, "There is a certain amount of pressure. I feel that I have lost the opening game. I am sorry for the cheering of the audience."


Hear this.

Anyone can read the sincerity in Qin Hao's tone.

[I was at the scene, and everyone was really enthusiastic. 】

【Everyone in the row can roar. 】

【Ha ha. 】

"Last question, I want to ask player Penicillin, what do you think of the qualifying situation in Group A? Are you confident that you will get first place in the group?"

"It's definitely a lie to say you don't have confidence." Qin Hao joked, "But being too confident is actually not a good thing."

This answer almost made Yu Shuang confused.

Fortunately, she thought quickly and added, "Can't be drowned in applause."


Qin Hao bowed to the audience and returned to the backstage with enthusiastic cheers.

And resist it.

Someone already translated what Da Mu said.

Many yellow cards found it funny to hear Amuri commenting on SKT.

[Previously, MaRin said that Penicillin is the best mid laner, and later Impact commented that SKT has a big problem - why did SKT's second-generation top laner choose to backstab their old club. 】

[Is it possible that they left the team? 】Some SKT fans are dissatisfied, thinking that MaRin and Impact are having a backlash.

[Do you know what an e-sports succubus is? Also leaving the team, Tarzan was interviewed some time ago and said that the player he admires most is Penicillin. 】

[Da Fei has a tough mouth, but I have never seen him admit his shortcomings. 】

[In terms of emotional intelligence, the big devil really needs to learn from Qing Shen. 】

[If I were to play professionally, I would also choose Qingshen as my teammate. You are strong and young, and I like to praise you. 】

[Losing at MSI is due to not eating bananas, losing in the intercontinental competition is due to lack of preparation - Damn it, if you want to switch to LPL, it has already been ruined. 】

[Hey, don’t mention it. Last year at MSI, except for Mata, who was a little bit crazy, everyone else was pretending to be dead. I was puzzled, can you be so tough even if you lose? 】

[Although Faker has a tough mouth, don’t blame Nuohu. 】

[Today’s last game is RNG vs. AHQ. We can’t return the favor after a rough fight. 】

[A group of black men, Xiaohu S6 is the penultimate mid laner. From this starting point, no matter how you go, it will always be upward! 】


Hundreds of floors have been built under related discussion threads.

The Problem SKT has been in a headwind lately.

Fans are getting darker and darker.

After all, these are what Faker himself said, including but not limited to Lucian winning the lane but not the game, and then he messed it up in the playoffs.

Until now, some people in the counter bar are making fun of the boomerang coming too fast, and mocking Faker Lu's low proficiency to achieve the same effect as Penicillin.

Regardless of whether the fans are convinced or not, the game video is there. Compared with Faker's Lu Beisui and Penicillin, even Scout and Xiye are more skilled than Faker.

In addition, there were no Dragon King and Rock Bird last year.

As a result, many people criticized Faker for not practicing heroes.

50 minutes later.

SSG played steadily and narrowly defeated G2. It can be seen that Crown's Rock Bird is very proficient, and it has the effect of blocking the position in several waves.


After Dalang brushed it up, he felt more grateful to Qin Hao.

This one.

Kennen has an advantage against Narbon, and with his teammates helping to grab the early grass, the opponent loses the way to enter the grass and gain experience, and is forced to exchange blood for experience.

After establishing an advantage at the beginning, the midfielder came to help from time to time——

Let's put it this way, from beginning to end, Damu was passive and had no situation to fight back.

the most important is.

Qin Hao would praise him for playing well from time to time, which made him very excited. The psychological pressure before the game had long been forgotten.


When Dalang saw that netizens gave him a high score of 8.9, they commented that he had a containment effect and made the opponent dizzy, which he felt was a beauty in his heart.

Which professional player can bear this.


When zoom saw the big wolf, he looked up and snickered from time to time, feeling very envious. He felt that the early content designed by the coaching staff was too targeted at C9's jungle.

Taking advantage of the red side, banning Shen and Rambo, not to mention grabbing Kennen, Xin Zhao is still wild in the red zone. Even if you don't expect the opponent to open blue, Gnar's health will bottom out in about 3 and a half minutes.

For Cvmax, he doesn't care about these, he cares more about whether there is any black technology.

But on the first day, everyone was very stable.

Either choose the top laner in the front row, the rhythm of the midfielder and the bottom lane incense burner, or the top laner to contain the jungle, the rhythm of the jungle, the double C core plus the incense burner... There is no third plan.

As WE faced off against IMT, Linglong Tower was played.

The barrage of barrages shocked me.

In the fourth game, GAM brought a little surprise to everyone. Just looking at the lineup, GAM chose a very ordinary one, with Galio in the top lane, Nightmare in the jungle, Kassadin in the middle, and Cannon and Lulu in the bottom lane.

But when it comes to fighting, GAM is quite bold.

At three and a half minutes, Little Peanut wanted to jump over the tower. Galio took the initiative to turn T to cooperate with Nightmare's arrival, but was still manipulated by Bang and Little Peanut. They lost Lulu's first blood in 4-on-3.

After this wave of problems has passed.

Xiaopao and Lulu went directly to the top lane to beat Huni's big bug, while Galio stayed in the bottom lane after finishing the tower line.

At first glance.

Seems silly.

Actively gave up the next tower and river resources.

However, Levi's nightmare is thread-eating.

Every time Bang's line comes in, Nightmare comes to eat the tower soldiers. And because Galio is holding W, Little Peanut doesn't want to go over and down, and is not very interested in Galio and Nightmare.

Just like that.

Levi only missed the stone beetle in the first round, and the five groups of junglers added two tower lines at the beginning. Then they cleared the blue zone in the second round and went to the middle to eat the tower line.

Relying on the "Wild Core" move.

Levi reaches six one minute earlier than Peanut's blind monk, and flies up to catch the big bug, making it easier for the cannon to eat the first-blood tower on the road.

So far.

SKT's line advantage was wiped out by GAM's defensive tower economy.

Although this GAM still lost, it was useless to lose against Kassadin, the cannon jumped randomly.

But if we look at the problem from another angle, GAM was able to drag the game to 36 minutes against SKT, and the final head ratio was 17:10. Does this mean that GAM is still tenacious?

I don’t know what others think.

SKT fans are somewhat unacceptable.

What they want to see is to be crushed, not to be once tied to the economy by GAM, so that SKT must play steadily and not give Nightmare and Galio a chance.

After the game.

Bang commented on GAM's lane change, saying that they thought it would be difficult to go on the road, but... looking at Bang's calm face, fans felt a little distressed.

West Eight.

I can't even beat the Vietnamese team ruthlessly, so I'm just playing crazy!

In the end, Bang did not comment critically on his teammates or discuss the details of communication within the team.

But let Qin Hao think about it.

It should be Huni's problem.

Big Insect is definitely at a disadvantage facing Xiaopao and Lulu. If he doesn't pretend, Nightmare has no chance to fly up. At most, the next tower will be replaced by the next tower, and SKT will receive an extra fire dragon.

It was precisely because the big bug was half-healthy and died under the tower that the upper jungle area fell and the small cannon took the head, and the electric knife was made in advance.

"This line-changing tactic can be learned."

Cvmax chatted: "As long as the jungler reaches six in advance and can do things, the loss of the army line economy can be easily made up."

Cvmax sees the essence of GAM's approach.

In this team, the jungler is the father.

I chose Galio because I felt that it was more comfortable than the big bug if I changed it.

Because it is also resistant to pressure, Galio is not as afraid of being overtaken as the big bug. It can hold off for at least five or six seconds with a W, until Kassadin turns T.

Of course, the reason why this is a design rather than a coincidence is because the route planning of Nightmare perfectly covers the mid-to-upper tower entry round, and it seems that there is no lack of online experience.

If you suddenly thought of playing like this.

Nightmare certainly couldn't be this detailed.

For example, in the 5-minute mid-lane Bota line, Kassadin took the initiative to follow Faker's snake dress. Faker did not choose to push the line, but sent Kassadin home.

Cvmax looked at Qin Hao, and Qin Hao expressed that he received it.

If appropriate, switching lines like this can indeed avoid the weak parts of the lineup.

But as the coach said, unless the jungler reaches level 6 in advance and can do things, otherwise, this change will be regarded as giving up part of the army line economy and river resources (river crabs, dragons).

Wait until you finish watching TSM and then lose MSF.

Eimy let out a big yawn.

He didn't sleep well last night, and he was more involved in the first game, so he has reached his limit now.


This version is really slow. Counting intermissions, equipment debugging and BP, the average is close to one per hour. In addition, everyone is very cautious and does not want to leave any loopholes, which makes it very tiring——

Most of the content has little nutrition.

It's nothing more than pushing the wave line to grab the wave's vision, and then pushing the wave line on the opposite side to grab the wave's vision...

He looked at Qin Hao and found that Qin Hao was looking at it with great interest.


Qin Hao found Eimy poking him.

"Huh?" Qin Hao also lowered his voice.

"What are you looking at?"

"Well..." Qin Hao only pondered for two seconds before saying, "I'm analyzing their visual field habits."


He didn't expect this answer.

But for Qin Hao, he did find it interesting.

After looking at it for a few times, he found that An Bixin often had only half of his field of vision. I think this habit is useful.

However, this kind of observation is boring to Eimy.

If he knew that there was such a thing as simulated space in the world, he might be able to understand Qin Hao.

After all, Qin Hao often observes the game content alone, and occasionally talks to himself.

Another 40 minutes passed.

In the last game of the first day of the group stage, RNG used Uzi's perfect performance to push away AHQ's main crystal.

When the game is about to be won.

Qin Hao sent Xiaohu a WeChat message to congratulate him on winning the game.

On the way back to the hotel.

Seeing that Big Wolf was fine, he glanced at Qin Hao. C Bo couldn't hold it back: "Big Wolf, do you know that you are very wretched?"


Da Lang firmly refused to admit it and was about to refute when C Bo said again: "Did you put a needle under your butt? It's moving around."

"No way."

"Then why are you moving around? Your butt is itchy. Isn't it just to win C9? You still haven't recovered yet?"

Qin Hao smiled and exposed C Bo: "You were also very excited last year."

"Shit." C Bo refused to admit it.

"You yelled the loudest during the five-kill wave when I, Jace," Qin Hao helped recall: "Actually, I didn't even want the five-kill wave in that wave, but you kept shouting for me to give up my head - have you forgotten?"

Eimy laughed mercilessly: "Big dogs are like this, they only play with their mouths."


Big Wolf was stunned at first, but because his admiration for Qin Hao kept soaring, he quickly added: "It's really cool today, I beat Impact Level 2!"


He had thought Qin Hao was so damn handsome several times today.

Although he was very handsome in the league, it is different in the S game!

A year ago, when he was still in the SN dormitory, he never thought that he would be able to stand on the stage of the World Championship so soon, compete with the owner of the weapon skin so quickly, and lead from the beginning to the end!

He doesn't care about the three-man route. Conte has no advantage and is pure waste.

After all, before the game, he felt that there was a unique pressure against Impact. Later in the game, he realized that Impact's Gnar was not as much pressure as Qin Hao.

And at this moment.

Karsa came across a very interesting post, “Have you seen Impact’s interview?”

"What's wrong?" Until he heard this, IMP was a little curious. He always felt that PYL was quite childish and refused to participate in PYL's childish behavior.

"I've sent the link to the group." Karsa also gave it a try.

A few minutes later.

C Bo shouted: "Damu can do it, he has vision."

"Brother Hao, do you know Impact?" Da Lang was simply curious.


After reading Impact's answer, Qin Hao said strangely: "To say we know each other, we played in a training match last year, but..."

Qin Hao wanted to say he wasn't familiar with it.

It wasn't until I remembered that MaRin had helped to find out information from Impact at the beginning of the year, that I suddenly realized: "I guess we know each other."

"No wonder." Eimy muttered.

He just said, if you are not familiar with it at all, there is no reason to boost others' ambitions.


Impact does have a personality.

When Eimy became more fond of Impact, Qin Hao received a WeChat message from Xiaohu. It seems that RNG has just finished the interview.

Li Yuanhao: It would be too shameful to lose to AHQ.

Qin Hao: Your goal is to win SSG and strive to qualify first.

Li Yuanhao: Let’s see.

Qin Hao felt that Xiaohu lacked confidence.

If it was before.

Qin Hao simply couldn't detect the information and attitude revealed in this sentence.

But some time ago, RNG always lost to IG in training matches, so Xiaohu often talked to him. Occasionally, I complain that Ming has a heavy burden and likes to keep quiet after making mistakes.


Qin Hao felt that Xiaohu had a heavy burden.

Qin Hao: Let me teach you a trick. The SSG team basically does not play midfield. If you can push the lane, Xiangguo will be very comfortable.

Qin Hao: Also, Xiao Pao is a hero who is very good at fighting Yanqiao. If you know the opponent's open field position, you can bypass Tao Xue Q and fight him at level one, and he will definitely connect in advance. By the way, are you practicing small artillery?

Qin Hao usually doesn't like to be so sure.

But he found that Xiaohu preferred this method.

Li Yuanhao: Yes...

Qin Hao: The few heroes he usually uses are uncomfortable to play with. What's more, you guys also play small cannons in the bottom lane. If it doesn't work, you can use it.

He actually knew that was not what Xiaohu wanted to hear.

But as an outsider, Qin Hao can only give him confidence. So sometimes when Xiaohu complained about his teammates, Qin Hao basically didn't answer.

The problem is that the more Qin Hao does this, the more Xiaohu loves to chat with him.

Human psychology is like this, it's incredibly complicated.

Xiaohu didn't want someone to complain to him alone, he just wanted to talk.

On the bus.

Xiaohu edited the text several times, but gave up.

Looking at the city night view.

Xiaohu inexplicably found himself thinking about the scene where the cannon retreated to the opposite side...

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