Around one o'clock in the morning.

Kuoma stood at the door of the e-sports room, looking at the backs of the team members training, and turned to the assistant beside him and said: "It's easy to gain an advantage, but the difficult thing is to break through the high ground."

With that said, several people returned to the living room. At this time, the video of the game was playing on the TV screen. The assistant took a look and replied: "As long as you don't rush, winning shouldn't be a problem."

Several people are discussing how to deal with C9 tomorrow.

Just like Cvmax can rely on analyzing videos and knowing C9's tactical style.

As someone who has played against C9 before, I understand very well what aspects of C9 are difficult to deal with.

To know.

Last year was the least friendly version to C9. They were able to drag the game into the late stages despite falling behind, which proved how successful C9's shrinking tactics were.

To deal with such a turtle flow, the important thing is not to get the advantage, but not to make mistakes when advancing the advantage.

Think of this.

When you buckle a horse, you will be reminded of the game when LGD defeated C9.

Although he has reviewed the game, Kuma feels more and more that LGD's command system is closest to the five-in-one in his mind.

Because LGD not only won C9, but also won smoothly.

In his heart, the latter is far more valuable than the former.

If you want to win, you have the confidence to buckle a horse.

LGD can rely on early content design to establish an absolute advantage in the top half, and of course they can too. To be honest, as long as they help Huni grab Rambo, they will have an advantage.

Without Rambo, Peanut has a strong jungler, and they don't believe that C9's too lane-reliant style can withstand Peanut's gank.


Advantage is not the end.

C9 is a team that will not give up the means of clearing the line. When matching the lineup, there must be a clear core.

At this moment, Kuma thought of last year's policewoman and time, and did not have the confidence to play a switching operation like LGD.

Such a smooth line-turning method relies on a clear mind rather than micro-management and body skills. This is exactly where SKT is not top-notch enough.

He also watched the interview about Impact.


As an evergreen professional, Impact has no problem understanding the game. Of course Kuama knows where the so-called ‘chaos’ lies.

Including those things criticized by fans, they are actually all correct.

This SKT team does have a problem of insufficient unity of command.

Unlike last year, until the finals, they believed that the strategy of letting Duke go was right. They can just rely on the strength of four people to complete a frontal four-for-five, allowing Duke to develop, fight, and sideline on his own.

At that time, SKT had three insurances.

First, if others want to limit the laning ability of the mid lane, they can only use swing. For example, when they lost to FW in the group stage, Faker was arranged three waves by Karsa during the laning period.

Second, double C's ability to protect opponents, if the opponent wants to break it, it is best to force the team head-on. Generally speaking, SKT cannot beat SKT when playing with vision.

Three, Duke’s sideband sense of smell. The whole world knows that Duke is left alone and alone, and fans in the league even scolded him for not passing the ball. However, it is actually more difficult to restrict a solo kill king like Duke.

Duke often hits solo kills despite lagging kill statistics. Facing someone like this, you can't relax.

But what about this year?

They don't have particularly good insurance.

Due to version reasons, the assassin in the middle has been abolished, and the carry abilities of Snake and Victor have declined.

What is popular now are heroes like the mid-lane tools and Tsar, Lu, Pao, and Airplane.

So far in the playoffs.

The mid laners with the highest appearance rate are Rockbird, Galio, Ryze, Tsar, Clockwork, Airplane, Fox...

There is no doubt that these heroes reduce the operational intensity of the mid lane.

The most fucked up thing is.

Since LGD developed the incense burner, Kuma felt more and more that the appearance of the incense burner monster also reduced the laning intensity of the bottom lane.

What were you pursuing in the bottom lane before?

Suppression, advantage.

What now?

Hold the incense burner.

If you are more aggressive, I will let you, and I will give you a tower. Anyway, with the blessing of the incense burner, everyone is not very short of damage. It doesn't matter if you have an advantage or if you are lagging behind. The most important thing is whether there is an output environment.

if there is.

AD with a 2-piece set can beat AD with a 3-piece set. In the past, the combat method of relying on suppression, development, and stepping on equipment nodes to force the team was successfully suppressed by the version.

Just like this, S7 has many disadvantages. Falling behind by 3,000 points in the mid-term is a decisive factor for S6, but for S7, it is impossible to relax.

Such a deformed version makes SKT a little unable to adapt.


They couldn't find a distribution method that was particularly guaranteed to win.

How did they win in the playoffs?

Rely on Bang's teamfight performance.

Since Bang is in good condition and the incense burner is pretty good, is it okay to move around the bottom lane?

OK, but the effect is average.

As LZ coach Jin Jingzhu said in an interview, focusing on the top lane during the laning period is more beneficial than focusing on the bottom lane.

Because even if you get the advantage in the bottom lane, you still have to occupy the center in the mid-term.

If the opponent's line clearing ability is not bad, even if you are ahead by a thousand yuan, it is still difficult to turn your personal advantage into a team advantage.

But with a thousand yuan lead on the top lane, he can definitely overpower him during the transition period, and the jungler can definitely gain an advantage if he gets closer.



After losing to LZ in Xia Jue, I thought about how to deal with it.

But until now.

The content I practiced in training games has been hard to come by.

Looking out the window at the night view.

Dun Ma feels that this World Championship is very difficult for them. From version to status to confidence, they all have shortcomings.


The next day.

Korean forums are still denouncing Impact.

I think this champion member is ungrateful and doesn't respect SKT enough.

Many people even think that Impact won the highest honor of LOL while lying down.

Confiscating the champion's set.

Not only the LPL audience will.

When things pass, netizens can always find a place to tamper with their memories.

In the mouths of these people, Impact has become a beggar’s version of Duke. Not only is he afraid of the powerful hero (Crocodile) in the matchup, he needs help from the team to ban him, but he also always plays alone.

Under this trend.

Shenchao has become popular on Korean forums for no apparent reason.

SKT fans turned the overall BP decision at that time into proof that Impact was too weak and lacking in strength.

One of them said this - without SKT, Impact will never have a chance to reach the semi-finals in this life. It was SKT that turned a second-rate top laner into a world champion.

Fans are not talking nonsense.

They also gave data.

If you just look at the data, you will feel that Impact has indeed declined after leaving SKT.

not only that.

The most brutal conclusion comes from the inequality of a certain die-hard fan.

He said that Shenchao went to North America and led the team to the world championships in the triple jump. Impact's first year out of the division (S5), which is the playoff level.

According to the inequality, Impact is not as good as Shenchao.

Although no one who has watched the final video would think that God is stronger than Impact, in the Korean forum, this inequality has a basis.

after all.

What kind of teammate is God Super? What kind of teammate are you Impact?

The relevant remarks were transferred back to the Resistance Bar by the international students, which immediately made everyone amused.

"I hate it so much."

"Didn't Damu be deprived of the championship a long time ago?"

"It's not as good as Shenchao, but it's too cool. Without crocodile, Shenchao can't defeat it at all."

"No problem. Before Impact went to C9, it was true that he couldn't enter the World Championship."

"What this means is that in the first year, a person kills randomly in North America, and his teammates are not good enough."

"Apart from oil, Damu really doesn't have any suppressive power in the lane."

"Shenchao didn't go to North America alone that year."

"It doesn't make sense."

Wait until the inequality that Impact is not as good as Shenchao reaches Shenchao's ears. For a moment, Shenchao thought his friend was joking.


My friend repeatedly stressed that this is really the case.

After understanding the process, Shenchao was speechless, "I am just a tool used to attack Impact."

"It's not me they want to brag about."


There are no benefits to being blown away.

Since the last LPL semi-final match between LGD and RNG, the live broadcast room has become a little more popular than before.

But it's only a little higher.

It starts airing today.

Many people gave gifts and asked Shenchao to play with crocodiles.

that's all.

In front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, Shenchao, who had not played a game in two years, still played the Crocodile Teaching Game at the top of the canyon. Against the passer-by king, he showed a bit of his original sharpness.

"In this version, Crocodile's winning rate is average. If you want to improve your score, my suggestion is to play Big Insect or Kennen." Shenchao was as sincere as ever.

By 2pm.

A certain QQ group.

After the group members chatted about inequalities, they quickly talked about today’s game.

"It should be no problem for LGD to win against GAM. The key point is RNG versus SSG."

“It was a complete victory yesterday and I hope we can maintain it today.”

"We should have no problem winning against FNC."

"Believe in Xiye."

in the hearts of the group members.

The most nervous and uncertain thing is probably Group C. This is also the first collision between China and South Korea since the group stage.


Xiaohu replied to Qin Hao's WeChat message instantly.

Li Yuanhao: I tried it last night.

Qin Hao: Got it!


On the commentary desk.

Yutong's voice sounded very calm, but his partner Hao Kai was so excited that he thought he had reached today's crucial game.

"After losing to SSG yesterday, G2 also let go of the harsh words and said that they would get a 5-1 group stage result. The implication was that they would only lose this one..."

Yutong scoffed at this, "On the day the lottery ended, G2 even tweeted that it was a lucky draw."


Yutong analyzed the qualifying situation of Group C from various angles and concluded that G2’s qualifying probability is less than 20%.


In the first game on the second day of the group stage, WE and FNC fought fiercely for 48 minutes. In the end, I was shocked that I became a Greek den.

Seeing Caps stand up and hug the assistant, Qin Hao said: "Su Hanwei is a bit pretentious, he is anxious."

In the 7-minute wave, the plane was shot home by Ryze, which indirectly led to the top lane being overtaken and Condi's death. After that wave, Ryze kind of took off.


The cooperation of Ryze's ultimate move to send the big tree into the field made many coaching staff think about the value of the big tree. After all, the big tree's ultimate move is not that effective.

Firstly, the spread speed is average, and secondly, tanks can help block it.

But with Ryze, the strategic intention of the big tree's ultimate move is different. Like this one, big trees can often force planes and ice into positions.

After the game.

WE official blog fell.

60E doesn't quite accept losing to Europe.

Fortunately, after LZ won IMT, LGD helped the audience breathe a sigh of relief. When facing GAM, Cvmax respected the four-ban jungler.

BP ended at that time.

Levi's face turned dark.

He was forced to take out Xin Zhao, who had average jungle clearing speed. As a result, the online brothers were completely unable to withstand it. First, he was single-killed in the middle in four minutes, and then Xin Zhao was caught, and was beaten one-for-one.

can only say.

If Levi is not good at C, GAM will not have a second rhythm point to rely on.

Play for ten minutes.

Another single kill in the middle.

Levi was cursing at that time.

At 27 minutes, LGD played Linglong Tower and easily defeated GAM, with a total head count of 17:3.


"Except Levi, who is human, the other brothers are a bit green."

"If GAM leaves the wild core, it will no longer play."

"It's so funny, GAM even banned Nightmare."

"I said, call SKT!"

"Have you noticed that the Big Wolf's performance in foreign games is more stable than other leagues?"

"Don't say it yet."


C Bo handed over a can of Red Bull and asked: "PP, are you optimistic about SSG or RNG?"


This answer is slightly surprising.

But as roommates.

He knew that Qin Hao sent a WeChat message to Xiaohu yesterday.

"Why do I feel that SSG has a higher chance of winning... You see, Letme is at a slight disadvantage against CuVee. The mid lane is evenly matched, and the bottom lane should also be evenly matched. If played normally, Xiangguo is not very good at starting the rhythm."

Finish the conclusion.

C Bo took a sip of Red Bull and said, "What do you like about it?"

"I always feel that Anbixin will send it."

C Bo:? ? ?

There's no way An Bixin's jungle style has anything to do with sending, C Bo muttered in his heart.


After SKT defeated C9 in a fierce battle for 42 minutes, the focus of the second day came.

BP aspect.

The SSG blue side banned Big Mouth, Digger, and Lulu, and the RNG red side blocked Wine Barrel, Kalista, and Xayah.


SSG grabbed Luo, and RNG took away the prince and the cannon.

Seeing this small cannon, Karsa was still puzzled: "There is no need to release AD so early. I feel that Prince and Feng Nu are better."

LGD played training matches with RNG.

It's just that Xiaohu rarely plays with cannons.

Just like that.

Edgar didn't feel that there was any sway in the small cannon. He confidently took away the pig girl and the mouse, and then banned Kassadin and the big bug in the second round.

compare to.

RNG banned Troll and Gnar and locked Shen without the top and middle players.

Got here.

Qin Hao shook his head and predicted SSG's choice in advance: "CuVee has been kidnapped by this rat. If you want to beat Shen, you can only use the tank. Otherwise, if you get E flash, give it to one stably."

It's the same as Qin Hao said.

Even if Rambo Conte appears on the fourth and fifth floors of SSG, we still choose to take Rock Bird and Big Tree.

Because Zhu Mei has to protect the mouse, he can't live on the top road in the first round.

In other words, if CuVee chooses to press the lane, it is easy to give opportunities in the top lane, but Xiangguo is the kind of ruthless person who would rather not farm the jungle but help the lane.

Therefore, SSG can only choose this way in its final two hands. The heroes may be different, but the idea is the same, that is, if you are caught on the top lane, you will not suffer too much, and the collision intensity will be increased in the middle lane.

As for the rock bird.

As one of the most played mid laners in Crown, there is no reason not to consider releasing him. And this was one of the reasons why Qin Hao took action.

If you ask him to guess SKT or LZ, he might not be able to guess. Guessing what lineup SSG will choose is relatively easy to guess.

Intercontinental tournament.

Even Abramovich knows that if the bottom lane combination selected by SSG is too weak, CuVee will not dare to play too aggressive heroes.

in front of the screen.

The scene from last night's dream popped up in Xiaohu's mind, with a determined look in his eyes, "Liu Shiyu, just go in, it can't come over."

Hearing this, Uzi was actually a little worried. But he chose to believe it.


RNG locked Verus on the fifth floor.

This change of hands shocked Hao Kai, and at the same time, the enthusiasm bursting out from the audience instantly drowned out the commentator's voice.


Eimy mouthed turtle.

2 minutes later.

The four RNG players forced Pig Girl to leave the red zone.

Then, 10 seconds before the army lines converged, Xiao Pao ran to F6, clicked an eye, and then hid at the intersection.

It’s the same as Qin Hao’s judgment.

The crown gets the rock bird, and I like to wire it in advance.

Just like this.

The red side's line of troops has not yet been positioned, and Yanque has already handed over Q to advance the troops. It's just that Crown never expected that Xiaohu could come out from the flank and use the first-level Q to slide away from the A without attracting the hatred of the front row soldiers.

that's all.

The rock bird lost more than 180 blood at the first level. After giving up the last-hitting position, because the rock bird passed through the stone at the first level, he could only huddle in front of the tower and wait for the line to come over.

Get the line in the middle.

The prince entered the red zone in the second level to arrest the pig girl.

The two of them talked around the red buff for more than a minute. They saw the second-level prince riding the face of the third-level pig girl. The commentator from the outer competition area had never seen such a wild scene. For a moment, his mouth was full of OMG. .

But Xiangguo didn't panic at all.

He knew that after a while of delay, he would reach the bottom road, and this red must be his.

This is not over yet.

Destroying the rhythm of the first wave of the pig girl, Xiangguo just upgraded to level 3 and directly caught it. In conjunction with the pushback line controlled by Xiaohu, he played the rock bird flash and forced the crown teleport.

Without the help of the middle field.

Emperor Chi was particularly uncomfortable being beaten.

He had to resist pressure when playing a mouse, but he didn't expect Uzi to be so capable of stealing points. However, Chi Di was a little dissatisfied and always wanted to fight back. As a result, the mouse was beaten home continuously and was forced to use cloth armor shoes to relieve the pressure on the line. .

Seeing this pair of cloth-armored shoes, Uzi almost lost his temper.

And after discovering that the opponent was not very good, Uzi became aware of the abuse, and took advantage of the pig girl's ultimate move to be forced out by the prince and Xiaopao. At 8 and a half minutes, Uzi directed his teammates to turn up, and Siyue killed CuVee, taking advantage of the situation to eat up one of the top laners. Blood Tower.

After this.

RNG opened up the situation, controlled the vanguard and continued to develop, taking advantage of Verus and Feng Nu's advantage in the center, constantly squeezing the field of vision in the jungle and harassing An Bixin.


An Bixin couldn't stand such a face-riding play, and he, who had always been calm, opened up two or three waves of flaws. Each time, he either missed or missed.

However, SSG is a team that relies heavily on jungle rhythm.

An Bixin was silent, and the other brothers were unlucky.

Brushing and brushing.

First, CoreJJ's Luo died trying to gain vision, and then Chi Di defended the center, but was suddenly sidestepped by Prince and Shen.

Beat to 26 minutes.

The number of heads on both sides is 0:3.

Just when SSG was working hard to maintain the situation, An Bixin suddenly came up with an idea and ran to the middle and threw a big swing at Verus, thinking of forcing him to dodge or purify, but he was used by RNG to start a team battle.

After a wave of outbreaks.

RNG played 0 for 3 and added the dragon.

So far.

RNG establishes the victory——

"Uzi is still outputting, he hasn't fallen yet!"

"Oh! The prince's ultimate move reaches three frames."

"Pig sister can't bear the harm at all."

36 minutes and 2 seconds.

SSG was pushed flatly in three ways.

The moment he took off the headset, Chi Di was in a trance.


"Wow, Xiangguo is so cool in this group."

"An Bixin is so false."

"There's a reason for switching places."

"Looking forward to LGD playing SKT tomorrow."

"RNG should be safe in qualifying. As long as they double-kill G2, the worst they can do is advance 5-1."

The second day of competition is over.

Except for 60E, everyone is very satisfied.

Especially RNG fans, they never thought that the team is so strong, and beating SSG is like beating Kun.

"Civil War in the Bird's Nest!"

"The top four meet up!"

The slogan was shouted again...

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