
The moment the crystal is removed.

Karsa imitated the tone of the big wolf and shouted. It can only be said that the feeling of beating SKT is so great. Although it is not impossible for them to do it during the FW period, compared with now, the way of winning in the past is not worth recalling.

After all, even if they were ahead, they always felt like they were lagging behind.


I always feel that things will get better once the lineup becomes stronger.

Thinking of this, Karsa looked at Qin Hao and C Bo clapping their hands, and smiled unconsciously on her face.

As a jungler, he knows the difference between the two.

Because he helped the middle to establish an advantage in the past, he would still worry about being unable to beat the middle. But paired with Penicillin, he doesn't have to take special care of the middle.

in addition.

Karsa is actually a little embarrassed.

He knows that the outside world says that he has changed a lot, saying that during the Lightning Wolf period, he was clearly known for his ganking and did not prefer map control.

The problem is that as a jungler, there is a way to play in a hurry and a way to play in a non-rush. It's just that he didn't have so many choices before.

He only knows that if he doesn't do anything, his teammates will be poor. In order to prevent discomfort in the middle and late stages, he could only speed up the tempo during the laning phase.

After coming to LGD.

As the champion AD, IMP has understood the way of playing singles, so he does not need to worry about it. As the champion mid laner, Penicillin does not need to worry about him.

As a jungler, sometimes there is no place to catch something you want to catch.

Maybe this is the trouble of happiness.

This one.

He often wonders what little peanut will do. After some guessing, I felt that if I were to take charge of the prince, I could at most make it look better than the little peanut data, but I couldn't change the outcome either.

Because after the intensity reaches this level, the jungler can not play as many places as in the passerby game. Take the wave of stone beetles for example.

Even if there is no reminder in the middle and Karsa proceeds step by step, the prince will still be at a disadvantage.

after all.

The coaching staff can affect up to 30% of a game. And BP determines 70% of the content in the laning period.

More importantly, Penicillin can achieve a draw with a weak opponent after getting certain matches.

Until today.

Karsa still can't forget the intercontinental finals.

That was the first time he knew the difference between the top four mid laners and the champion mid laners.

On that day, the scene where Crown showed off its signature Syndra being crazily twisted by Penicillin was something he would never forget.


There is obviously a better way, so Crown has to find a more stable combo.


It's like praying for stability to overwhelm the body.

And in the background.

Maple, who witnessed all this, kept thinking that this guy has become stronger.

Especially the last wave of dragons.

Just looking through the screen, you can feel the energy emanating from Penicillin. You know, this wave Faker calculated his timing well and flew with the explosive pack.

SKT used Gnar and Prince to attract attention, used small cannons to rush into the formation as bait to lure Jayce to the wall, and finally made the plane rush out of the fog of war to seek a solo opportunity.

When ordinary people encounter such a situation, not to mention stabilizing their position, at least they will be confused and at a loss. However, Penicillin reacted quickly and adjusted his position in time to avoid being covered by the flame belt.

The most important thing is.

After performing this operation, Jace, who was at a disadvantage in blood volume, was not thinking about how to run, but to fight back!


Just this moment made Maple's mood hit rock bottom.

It's not that I don't accept LGD winning, but after watching Penicillin's counter-kill operation, I was a little confused.

He was thinking at the time, how calm is this guy? Faced with this level of Imperial City PK, if Jace missed even half a shot, the plane would win.

in addition.

Can I really wash away the mark of shame on my body?

Since MSI was labeled as Bay Tigers, Maple wanted to remove the stereotype of the audience. Looking at it now, if you don't play the gangster hero, you will only lose worse when you meet Penicillin.


Snake didn't know his brother's inner distress. When he saw LGD win the game steadily, he felt a little emotional: "I feel like LZ and LGD have a good chance of reaching the finals."

Thinking about how difficult it was for FW to even qualify, except for bullying the Turkish Wild Card (FB), who would have pressure to beat anyone, Snake added: "I hope Hong Haoxuan can win the championship."


After being reminded by Snake.

Only then did he feel that he was thinking too much. It's obviously difficult to get out of the group, so what qualifications do you have to lose? Do you deserve it?

The words "Are you worthy?" echoed in my mind.

Maple felt inexplicably unwilling.

After all, Karsa had the same results as him before.


Seeing that Maple was sometimes anxious and sometimes calm, Snake bumped his shoulder: "Why are you silent all of a sudden?"

Maple forced an ugly smile. If he couldn't see the future, he really didn't want to leave the familiar environment.

The problem is that he doesn't have the image of leading the Lightning Wolves to win the championship in his mind. Maybe there was once, but some brothers have given up. At this point, I couldn't even dream of beating a star mid laner from another region.


At the end of the thought, there was only a sigh.


"May I ask Karsa players, why did you come up with such a lineup?"

Interview booth.

When asked by the Korean host, Karsa didn't hesitate too much. As one of the imaginary enemies, he knows how prepared the coaching staff is.

"What we thought at that time was to first produce a wine barrel, this heroic snake oil."

"But didn't SKT use a small cannon later? When we were discussing whether to move mid or low, Brother Hao, the mid laner of our team, said that we could use Jace to make another move..."

The host interrupted: "It was Penicillin's idea to bring out Jace?"

"Not entirely."

Karsa said: "We all feel that Jess is a worthy cannon, and we all believe in our mid laner. Once we catch the matchup, it will definitely be effective."

"It's just that the opponent didn't let the cannon hit."

Karsa's interviews are not as oily as C's, nor are they as talkative as IMP's.

Just like that.

Knowing the inside story of what happened at BP, the Korean Open audience was a little defensive.


What does it mean to believe in our mid laner, and what does it mean to not let the cannon hit the target? Is this what Xiba is talking about? Looking for trouble on purpose, right?

The barrage responded immediately.

[This is not the first time that LGD has spoken out. They are the ones who are talented but not moral. 】

Audiences have memories.

Before MSI, they said that the Summer Games had no gold content and that winning would prove nothing. Before the intercontinental tournament, they touted the competition system eloquently, forcing some Korean media to change their words and say that BO1 had no gold content.

All kinds of things.

It has long made Korean viewers feel disgusted.

In their eyes, LGD, from coaches to players, except for Penicillin, who has both political integrity and talent, everyone else more or less likes to have a nice face.

Win a group stage and see what they can do.

When Faker won the championship, you had just started playing professionally. Is this how you treated your seniors?

[God is really unfair, there are villains everywhere stealing high positions. 】

[Being slapped in the face by this kind of rubbish jungler...]

[When I was playing professionally in FW, if I win one, I can boast for a year. It’s an old tradition. 】

[It’s really hot. 】

[Can Peanut die? 】

[Playing like a prince, nothing but giving away is giving away. 】

Karsa didn't know that her glass-hearted fans would be so angry that their hearts ached.


When I'm in a bad mood, I want to interpret everything I read.

That's the end of the interview.

Some viewers came to the forum with evidence and used the words of 'opponents' to complain about the incompetence of SKT's coaching staff.

[So, why not the mid laner and the small cannon? This hero is obviously very strong...] A die-hard fan posted a long article questioning the deduction.

The article talks about the 2016 Spring Split to the 2017 S Split, and lists a lot of game records.

For example, in the summer of 2016, when Jin first started to become popular, he would not be banned;

For example, in the 2016 World Championships, the rock bird appeared, and there was no choice between life and death;

Another example would be to let the captain go if he is the first iron, let the widow be free if the first iron is the first iron, and let Jace be free if the first iron is the first iron... When it comes to this, the fan directly scolded the buckler for his unhealthy mentality and superstitious solution to the point of going crazy.

Here comes the part.

The die-hard fans simply listed the interviews that Kuoma himself had received.

For example, in S6, Kuama said in an interview that they were very suitable for this style of play (before the World Championship, he thought SKT was right), but later said that the effect was not good (slapping himself in the face).

In the summer of 2017, they lost to KT.

In an interview with OGN TV station, Kuoma said that the top order line is very important. But before, when he talked about the incense burner, he said that the incense burner is the core of the game. Obviously, this is another slap in the face.

Write this.

Iron fans scolded - these interviews largely illustrate the problem of horse deductions.

As a head coach, he can't keep track of the cutting edge of the version, and always makes changes after losing;

I can't let go of the burden of idols, and I don't dare or admit my mistakes. I always use very vague words to avert responsibility.

have to say.

Articles written with emotion are always more touching.

Just reading this long article, you will feel that Dun Ma is a tough-minded coach who has repeatedly made mistakes, and the evidence presented is not wrong——

Knowing that Khan has a good hand and has a ban position, why not target Jayce.

Knowing that Xiaopao's passing game is hot, why not try to hit the mark.

Especially the last part.

The original poster scolded him for causing bad reviews, and he brought it upon himself.

As a coach, even if his BP is bad, he always requires his players to maintain their image. Even if it is only a small game, all players must be present (except Bengi who is rotated).

Such a coach deserves to be called an old father - the soft articles that ridicule those marketing describe dunking as the best talent.

The Internet has memory.

Taking advantage of the anger of losing the game, many people followed Qingsuan.

"Who still remembers one thing Bang said in an interview? He said he didn't understand why he was required to play in such a small game that has almost no honor for the club."

"Little Peanut risked his life to grab the big wolf and was scolded for being undisciplined. Everyone fainted at that time."

"Isn't the most classic thing about scolding Huni? Huni felt that the hero selection was not good, so he immediately said, 'In the end, it depends on the skill, not the hero chosen.'

Then he said, you don’t have to prove yourself today.

Doesn't this mean that I lost because I was too eager to express myself. There's no need to be so stressed. "

[Huni still has fans? He deserves to be scolded. 】

[Sympathy for Bang, I haven’t had a break in the past 2 years. 】

[The pressure monster Shimai is still the kind of gentle pressure monster. From competition to life, he is a comprehensive PUA player. 】

【Bole? Does it mean cultivating Faker or cultivating Bang? 】

[He is so useful, will S4 not make it to the playoffs? Obviously winning or losing depends on the players, but his coach makes sure every day. 】

[I haven’t pretended like this before, but ever since some female fans started calling him so handsome, he seems to take it seriously. 】

[Is the coach’s understanding of the game really better than that of the players? 】

[Tall fart, playing in the fifth position will only encourage Faker to choose the confident one. 】

Been coaching for so many years.

There are always fans accumulating dissatisfaction.

Sometimes it's a BP, sometimes it's an interview, and sometimes I just feel that the reputation of the horse deduction is better than that of the players, and I feel inexplicably disgusted.

In fact.

If SKT's results were better, fans wouldn't be so easily triggered.

There are always problems to find when you lose. LGD's jungler just made it clear that he didn't understand Xiao Pao and left, and the fans naturally went crazy.


This is not the first time a superstitious solution has been used, and it certainly won't be the last.

The dunking horse did not know how to move the cannon to the bottom lane, which aroused doubts from the outside world.

Sit backstage and continue watching the game.

He was still thinking about Faker's refusal to leave. Time was too tight at that time, and he had no time to distinguish the emotions inside. Looking back now, he feels a little annoyed for no reason——

He felt that he should hold on a little longer and give some more encouragement.

In an atmosphere of silence.

All games are over on the third day.

Among them, TSM and GAM suffered three consecutive defeats, revealing their intention to go home.

Return to hotel.

Kuma is thinking that as long as he wins GAM in the second round and LGD doesn't lose to C9, there should be no suspense about the qualifying situation.

Then he noticed his assistant was hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

Dun Ma thought something had happened to the team member. I wonder if after losing to LGD, I felt there was no hope of winning the championship.

"Senior, you asked me to pay attention to external public opinion..."

"The scolding was unpleasant?"

It feels normal to buckle a horse.

If he is a fan, he will also feel disappointed when he sees SKT being captured three times by LGD in a year. After disappointment, the emotion most likely to arise is definitely anger. And it is definitely necessary to change xx, xx will not work.

"Tell them to browse the forum less."

"Senior, you can see for yourself." After saying that, the assistant slipped into the e-sports room to supervise the team members.


Kuma muttered a few words, poured himself a cup of coffee, prepared to stay up late, and then sat in front of the computer and opened a familiar web page. As an industry insider, of course he visited forums frequently.


When I saw the comments asking for a change of coach and that the coach was incompetent, I took a sip of coffee.


He thought that fans would focus on Peanut, Faker, and Huni, but he never thought that the person fans wanted to focus on most was him, the coach.

Saw some comments.

Duan Ma's mind is still confused.

Am I that bad?

Since I'm so bad, how dare I assume that I did the BP? If a player doesn't know how to do it, can it be forced or something else?

Only know about pressure and don’t have any understanding of the game?

See next review.

The dunking of the horse actually stabilized his mood.

He knew that without pressure, SKT would not be able to win the championship. If any coach were to sit in his position, he would have to put pressure on his players.

As an old man who has been through the interstellar era.

He does not believe in self-realization.

Struggle forces him to see too much, and then what? Can you still maintain your motivation after meeting your set goals?

In order to maintain cohesion after winning the championship, he could only use honor to judge the PUA players. What else would he do? Influenced by love and peace?

People are lazy.

If it weren't for him, SKT's championship team would have been completely scattered like the blue and white duo. Because you can't meet the expectations of all your players.


He finally understood why his assistant was hesitant to speak.

The criticism this time was far more intense than at MSI and the Intercontinental Championship. Maybe this is the S competition, otherwise, losing the World Championship means losing everything.

I'm laughing at myself.

I didn't expect to receive a call from the management.

Wait until you put down your phone.

A feeling of exhaustion welled up from deep in my heart.

At this moment, Kuma was sitting on the e-sports chair, seriously considering one thing for the first time: whether to leave SKT for a while...

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