For the loss.

It doesn't actually say anything.

It's just that the frequent inquiries made me feel a little tired. In other words, coaching a wealthy team like SKT already attracts too much attention, and they especially like to teach him how to do things.

Since losing the finals in S6 to now, not only the players are nervous, but he is also under great pressure. Because as long as the state is not good, it will attract doubts and attacks.


Fans will spontaneously judge whether SKT like this is qualified to win the Summoner's Cup. Therefore, SKT cannot lose in every relatively important game.

Just like that.

Cvmax said that KT's poor performance in the finals will arouse the anger of SKT fans; losing the championship 0-3 in MSI will arouse dissatisfaction; then losing to AFS, SSG, losing to Longzhu in the playoffs... they will be criticized every time.

This year, everyone is very tired.

Wolf, Huni, and Bang showed their escape emotions more than once. People who have never experienced it don’t understand how bad it feels to be denied all the time.


If you try hard but it's useless, you may easily feel psychological discomfort, and in severe cases, it may trigger retching.

You could say these people are paranoid.

But if you are not paranoid, do you have the perseverance to hone your skills? You know, once your skills reach a certain level, it is somewhat contrary to your nature to want to improve.

When you first start practicing a new hero, you feel a strong sense of feedback. Every time you play, you gain new understanding and new ideas, which makes you feel good.

But what about one hundred, what about two hundred?

When your proficiency adapts to the level of the Korean server's King's Game, will you feel that there is no need to continue practicing? Because you can no longer get too much feeling from the game.

To this extent.

You dream about giving your opponent a good look in the game, you dream about shining brightly on the stage, and becoming the most beautiful guy.


you lose.

Do you feel that your previous efforts are a bit useless? Huni is not skilled enough in tanking because of this mentality. Faker doesn't like Lu because of the same mentality.

Even those who have unique skills in Dao Mei will still get bored when they hear that the designer wants to revamp Dao Mei.

Don't they know that Dao Mei pulled one?

Summoner's Rift is full of games where QQQQQ is pulled silkily and then swallowed up by big bugs. No matter how good he is, he can't beat some mindless combos.

Even so, they are still bored. They only want the designers to strengthen the values ​​and not change the skill effects.

Because after the change, they also have to practice from scratch, and their past game experience, kill line calculations, and operational ideas all have to change.

Don't listen to what they say every day that designers are coming to shave off girls with swords again, but at least they know how to show off girls with swords when they get them.

Early morning.

Kuma led the coaching staff to sort out the game.

First of all, SKT has made it clear that the benefits and price-performance ratio gained from early help in this version are not high. In addition, the Rift Herald, which has the greatest impact on the situation during the laning period, was born in the top half.

Giving up the strength of the jungle means letting go of a defensive tower.


In this version, top laners and team members are not as influential as in S6. I think the reason why I lost to LZ was that I underestimated Khan's lane strength.

After supper, the assistant used a projector to project the game video on the screen.

Seeing the familiar game screen, Huni complained a little bit in his tone: "I can't develop well in this game."

Even though it was just a video, he was still full of resentment, "In addition to pushing the lane, the opponent also cooperated with the jungle invasion. I was locked in the tower and it was difficult to get through."

Confused, lame, disgusting.

This is what he thinks about LGD going to the road.

Likewise, he would rather meet Khan than someone like this who avoids the line. Because the ordering ability he developed from the North American competition is useless against this kind of hero.

The assistant frowned, "LGD often BP like this. They like to choose someone in the top lane who is not prone to trouble, and someone in the middle lane who has a line to put pressure on, and then slowly build up their strength and wait for the strong period."

“How about if we ditch the middle and focus on the bottom half?”

The analyst put forward an idea, "What I mean is to increase the BP priority of the bottom lane, use the lane to push the tower and then switch lanes. In this way, as long as the top lane can resist the pressure, we can rush to replace the bottom lane before the vanguard refreshes."

"...By fattening AD and exchanging resources in the mid-term, we should be able to enter the strong period of Incense Burner."

"What if they also increase their strength in the bot lane?"

"IMP knows the policewoman and Verus. As long as he puts his troops in front of the tower and cannot be easily overcome, does that mean we lose a vanguard in vain?"

I have been studying LGD for so long.

Most of the combinations are predictable.

To put it harshly, Bang did not open up the bottom lane at MSI. Now, if you take out the soft support for the incense burner buff, it is even more difficult to cross the tower by pressing the line, and there will be no sound when hitting IMP.

"Actually, you can try to grab Karma."

A voice sounded.

"After the price of the incense burner is raised to 2,700, only if the mid laner produces the incense burner can the economy help AD complete control."

“And it’s enough for Kalma to have a 2-piece set, so he can run around AD when occupying the center.

As long as the upper and middle pawn lines are not sent in at the same time, we can protect AD and take two lanes, and in about 26 minutes, we can get a three-piece set by taking the lane. "

This deformed incense burner version is forcing the mid laner to transform.

Especially when facing teams such as LZ and LGD where the midfielder and midfielder are the core of the offense, you can choose some functional midlaners that will not cause damage in the later stage.

"This kind of distribution is too concentrated. When fighting a team on the opposite side, you only need to limit AD, and you don't even need to focus fire."

"But this way we can pick up the center line first and do the jungle vision first."

AD's leading equipment, relying on the amplification of the incense burner, can definitely occupy the midline. As long as the people on the other side don't stick together, there's no way to squeeze in with them.

"What should we do if we guard the defense tower on the opposite side and wait for the lane to lead? Even if we change towers, we will be able to make money faster on the opposite side."

"Actively force the group..."

"With this lineup, lane switching is too rigid. I can only protect AD and fight for it."

"The problem is we don't have a particularly stable rhythm."

Faker and others didn't speak.

The analytics team had a collision first.

Just listening to their quarrel, the team members understood in their hearts. At this point, they had several problems that they couldn't solve. First, Huni’s suppression power is not enough;

Second, due to the problem of laning, it is difficult to do BP.

Third, the vision problem caused by the incense burner monster.

Let’s talk about the most uncomfortable part of this loss.

Both Bang and Faker will answer vision.

It's not that Wolf doesn't have a ward, but that Feng Nu is too tied to AD and doesn't have much room for independent action.

On the opposite side, choose a big tree to assist, and go into the wild area if nothing happens. Can Feng Nu do it?


After LGD is in position first, it can increase the number of Poke rounds. They can only rely on blood volume to squeeze the position, and they are afraid of getting out of touch and catching fire.

Want to solve this problem.

It is indeed best to have the Incense Burner monster in the middle, because the quality of opening a shield to restore blood is better than the support at the same time. With the protection, Nosuke can safely explore the path, and the field of vision before landing will not be so bad.

Then comes the problem.

Even if Faker can indeed use Karma and Lulu as tools for his teammates.

But if the teammate's rhythm is not good, for example, when fighting in the bottom lane, the opponent comes with a wave of variation ganks, disrupting the lane change plan in the bottom lane.

Then during the period when AD is replenishing its development, it is easy for the middle laner to become invisible.

This is also the reason why SKT likes to keep U-King stable in the playoffs, taking the bottom of the pack.

The team has a mid laner like Faker, are you willing to let him choose Karma or Lulu? Also a tool player, Galio has more initiative than the incense burner mid laner.

Letting the incense burner appear in the middle is tantamount to giving up Faker's ability to find opportunities. In this way, even if the opportunity is found in a team battle, what can he do with only Karma.

"It's hard to do red side BP."

The slightly tired voice of the buckling horse sounded: "For the blue side, you can still try the traditional soft auxiliary incense burner. As long as you go to the first tower and fall slowly, this version of the warrior is very weak in group fights."

It’s not like SKT has never defeated LZ in training matches.

As long as Khan can't get an advantage, LZ's rhythm will be like that. Many times, they rely on Khan to draw attention by pressing the line, and then find flaws.

It's just that this kind of experience cannot be used to deal with LGD... If BDD can't get the Czar, only the Rock Bird has some lane power, and it's not stable.

Think about it.

Penicillin is still sad about this.

In silence.

Kuma suggested: "There should be no chance to compete for the first place now. We will face LGD next time. We can try this method..."


"You have to be more confident."

Hearing this, Huni looked up, but Little Peanut became more and more silent. The more conceited a person is, the more they need to be affirmed.

To this day, Xiao Peanut feels that he can no longer play jungle. No matter what I do, there seems to be a problem.

Faker didn't nod or shake his head.

But in his heart, Faker was also wondering if the outcome would have been different if he had played with a small cannon.


Is this possible?

He doesn't know the answer.

All he knew was that it didn't feel that way when he was playing.


When they met, they were all praising the accuracy of Jess's cannon. C Bo couldn't help but feel a little bitter: "Hey, every wave of the group is controlled by me, and the position I forced is all praised."

This time.

Even Karsa couldn't help but glance at C Bo and whispered: "Just tell me which group, I didn't go up to."

C Bo's face dried up, as if he recalled the role of the weapon, "Anyway, I don't have as much credit as I did."

"How shameless..." Eimy commented.

"Why are you so shameless? Are you just asking me if I'm useful? The PP cannon can hit accurately. I'm not the only one who uses saplings to occupy the grass. Besides, I can only keep that wave of Gnarl in the bottom lane!"

"Oh, I just remember that wave of little dragons, they were saying watch out for Gnar, watch out for Gnar, but you didn't escape."

"It's not normal for people to flash and shoot so big that they can't dodge." C Bo always has problems with angle whitewashing operations. "PP, tell me, is it my big tree that works best with you?"

Qin Hao said "hmm" nonchalantly.

C Bo's eyes were sharp: "Well, what do you mean?" He said quietly: "This is starting to become perfunctory."


Qin Hao glanced at the rows of heroes, thinking about what was particularly easy to fight against Jace and Dashu. Then I thought there was nothing to think about.

The hero Jace is useless without equipment. As long as he is uncomfortable in the lane, he will easily lose his strength.

This time.

Only then did Qin Hao pay attention to what C Bo and the others said, but he turned his head and met a pair of resentful eyes.

"Why are you staring at me?"

C Bo:……

After a while.

Dalang continued to look for Qin Hao to play solo.

After having Nightmare and Wine Barrel, I am less afraid of Kennen and Gnar, but after all, there is a gap between the top laner and the top laner.

I’ve seen Xia Jue Khan’s performance.

The big wolf is obviously a bit weak.

Because the hero Nightmare is not that easy to beat Jace, if he is pulled, it is easy to give him.


Big Wolf doesn't know which one is stronger, Jace facing Khan or Jace facing Brother Hao. After all, when encountering Khan in the queue, the opponent will not show the momentum to compete.

"I chose the barrel."

"Well, I'll still take Thunder."

To put pressure on, it must be filled up. Enthusiasm is not as explosive as the Thunder. Furthermore, what the hero of the wine barrel is not afraid of is slowly grinding, but what he is afraid of is that he cannot control his blood volume and is completely unable to get close to the line of troops and throw Q.

After all, as long as there is a distance to throw the Q, the wine barrel can mix in some tail blades to prevent the opponent from easily completing the line accumulation.

Enter the match.

Qin Hao started, don’t eat, don’t eat.

With his muscle memory activated, the big wolf began to endure the torture and exercise his patience. Since entering the World Championship, Big Wolf has become much more motivated.

Many times, he is the one who takes the initiative to ask for solos.

End of an inning.

Qin Hao pointed out: "You'd better not stick to the lower side at level 1. Although it's better to stand like this to mix up the tail, if you are not sure about the jungle position, the wave at 2 minutes and 17 seconds will be overtaken."

"Even if you don't get overtaken, you still lose experience in this state."

"Also, if I want to kill you, I must lie to E. You can't be greedy for harm."

Barrel's E restrained Jace from launching his second set of bursts.

It's just that Qin Hao feels that Big Wolf's habits are not particularly good. After the E skill interrupts the Leap of the Sky, it is best not to be greedy for Q in some rounds.

The big wolf nodded as he listened.

Started the second one.

This Big Wolf made the same mistake, that is, E finished subconsciously following Q, but Qin Hao found an opportunity to chase into the defense tower and kill alone.


This is actually quite normal.

Whether you are a professional player or a passerby, it is not easy to change your operating habits. Only by practicing more and grinding experience into your muscles will you be less likely to make mistakes.

The next day.

The group stage progresses to single elimination.

Since the order is C, D, A, B, Qin Hao and the others have 2 days of observation time.

Just when the Korean net audience wanted SSG to take revenge.

RNG unexpectedly lost to G2.

"Uzi is a little anxious."

"That wave of incense pot shouldn't have crossed paths. It was a foreshadowing."


Qin Hao was not too worried about RNG. After winning three games in the first round, they would only be able to play in the playoffs unless they lost all three games.

But for the fans.

What they hope is to qualify first, so that they can meet the second weakest player in the half zone. Another one, after defeating SSG, they all felt that the RNG team was invincible, but they were stolen by a weak team like G2.

What's even more interesting is.

G2, who was still full of confidence during the draw, didn't have much smile on his face.

that's all.

RNG experienced a defeat, but SSG steadily won AHQ.

When the two teams faced off again, many spectators cheered for RNG.

Enter BP.

SSG took the initiative to ban Wine Barrel, Prince and Big Mouth.

It seems like saying that junglers deserve respect, but small guns don't.

"Keep grabbing the cannon! If you dare to let go, take it!"

"SSG got Syndra for Crown, and they want to use line heroes to limit the performance of small guns."

"But the cannon doesn't seem to be on target!"

RNG locked Galio on the third floor, and the cannon turned down.

that's all.

SSG got Qinggangying, Pig Girl, Syndra, Verusgarulu, and RNG got Rambo, Blind Sin, Galio, Xiao Pao and Feng Nu.

Just looking at the lineup, neither side suffers much.

Even RNG fans felt that they had not chosen the top lane well and did not believe that Letme could be effective. They were vaguely worried that Rambo would be useless.

Results in 4 minutes.

When An Bixin ran to see the bottom half, Uzi was not pushed out of the line against a line dominant combination like Verus Lulu.

On the contrary, when the two bottom lanes approached the jungle, Xiaopao's rocket jump came to the battlefield faster than Verus and dealt damage.

As a result, An Bixin escaped in a bloody manner in order to grab the view of the river.

When mid-to-high reaches six, RNG seeks to start.

SSG thought out a strategy in advance, first forcing Rambo to miss the troops through Pig Girl, and then quickly returned to the city and rushed down, preparing to fight RNG near the open space.

But just when the blind monk kicked in and died instantly, and Galio landed to cooperate with Rambo TP to double-team, at the critical moment, Syndra, who arrived last, disabled the cannon with his ultimate move, but failed to follow up and stun him.

"Oh! Uzi!!"

in the screen.

Xiaopao actually relied on his position and twisted away Tiannu's scattered flowers, causing SSG to tie 2 for 1.

Originally, the blind monk didn't have any skills and died in the tower battle. The worst in this wave was one for one. Who knew that SSG was not as good as RNG in terms of pulling.

And after this wave, Xiao Pao got fatter.

Seeing the cloth armor shoes released by the ruler, many barrages laughed at them - the attack speed shoes released by Xiaopao, and the shoes were reassembled after releasing the pickaxe.

This comparison makes Uzi particularly confident.


SSG's problem becomes how to limit Uzi's output.

But in a head-on battle, with the protection of Feng Nu and Galio, it would be difficult for Uzi to be defeated.

"The puppy is still outputting, and the puppy has not fallen yet!!"

"It's about to end."

"Just remove the crystal. Syndra has just been resurrected and she can't stop it alone."

"Even if we lose to AHQ in the last game, we will still be number one!!"

After double killing SSG.

Miller was so excited that he couldn't contain his excitement.


A slogan is more than just a slogan.

However, Ah P, who had played his last game, could not help crying when facing his teammates who were about to break up. Of course, many viewers thought he was crying because he lost.

On the second day.

Group D determines MSF and FW.


The Group A battle is about to take place.

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