[Open a prediction post. Do you think we can double-kill SKT? 】

October 14th.

A netizen whose ID is "Eat the salted fish to satisfy the thirst" posted such a post, and it quickly attracted comments from other netizens.

"I don't know what the old man is going to do with Qingshen."

"Choose a lineup that's against AD and you'll win."

"SKT now relies on Bang."

"With Huni and Peanut, a pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes, are you still afraid of losing?"

"Let's go to ten."

So far in the group stage.

The strength shown by LPL is somewhat surprising.

After all, everyone only thought that LGD might be very strong, but they never thought that RNG, which not many people were optimistic about before the game, could double-kill SSG.

And these two games.

The content shown by the two teams was relatively overwhelming.

Even in the second game, Xiangguo Yuexia's operation was a bit awkward, and Q went up before his teammates were in position. But even so, RNG can still turn danger into safety and make profits.

Just like that.

The LPL audience is very enthusiastic.

They feel that as long as RNG is allowed to transition to the laning phase normally and Uzi takes the lead, SSG will not be able to play.

Same reason.

The content of SKT facing LGD is similar to that of SSG facing RNG.

It's just that RNG relies on the bottom lane to line up, relying on Uzi Verus to suppress the mouse by 30 dollars, and the small cannon style female can tie Verus Lulu's line, while LGD relies on the middle lane, relying on Penicillin to steadily take down Faker. .

By 2pm.

As the game approaches, the discussion atmosphere becomes more and more lively.

A certain QQ group.

The newcomers are still asking for the results, but the old group members have already posted "100 points". This comment spread from Kangba to Weibo and then through the QQ group, triggering more responses, and became a favorite joke among people in the entertainment industry——

In the screenshot.

Other netizens huddled together.

"Bible, take a photo!"

"Resist the yellow card's attack power."

"It's no problem to open it at 100."

"Whoever is Faker, I will take his life."

"Open the champagne."

Seeing this emoticon, Mengxin continued to ask: "Is LGD really safe at number one? I don't want to see a civil war in the LPL."

"Instead of worrying about LGD, it's better to worry about WE. They must win them all in the second round to have a chance to play in the playoffs."

"I'm 60 years old. It's better to believe in luck than in WE."

"I don't know why, but Mystic can't even beat FNC's bottom lane."

"And Xiye, I'll give it to you if you have the advantage."

"BP is also a piece of cake. Without the prince and Lulu, it's like he can't play games."


Mengxin sent out an emoji pretending to be thinking, and then typed: "In the second round, SKT will choose a side."


"There is a high probability that the blue team will be on the blue side. So far in the group stage, except for FNC and G2 who have chosen red, the others have all been blue teams."

"Nonsense, don't talk about the red side's young ban position, the value of top laner Kang's special position is not that high." Brother Youdong chatted.

"So far in the play-in rounds, the top laners with the highest attendance rates have all gone to team fights."

"Tanks are very powerful with one set, and warriors with two sets are not harmful at all."

"Huni tried to fix it that day, but it was of no use."

"So BP is difficult to do, and SKT wants to ban too many."

After hearing this, the members who supported LGD were filled with pride.

"Nothing wrong."

"Can Huni's Gnar and Kenan hold down the barrel and Shen?"

"What will Faker choose? Czar or Clockwork?"

"Should Pao be banned, Galio should be banned, Ryze should be banned."

"If I were the LGD coach, I would definitely focus on the jungle hero pool."

"In this version, the strong soft assistants are Feng Nu and Lulu, the strong AD ones are Verus, Xiaopao, and Xia, and the junglers only have a few fantasy gods plus Leopard Girl, Xin Zhao, and Blind Monk...even if they don't Ban, what can SKT do?”


Around BP.

The group members shouted more domineeringly than the other.

The reason is that SKT showed too little.

From the second half of the Summer Split to now, Huni's Shen, Big Bug, and Prince are not very stable; Little Peanut can't get strong heroes and gets lost easily; this version of the bottom lane is not easy to snowball, and Bang can't be used powerfully.


Korean network forum.

The 100% positive review was transferred here, and it immediately aroused heated discussion.

"What does it mean to be ten to one?"

"Xiba, you are so crazy after only one championship."

"What's going on in the competition area next door?"

These people don't know.

When everything happened to SKT Green Garlic, fans of other teams had the same idea. Therefore, seeing SKT being ridiculed made some viewers feel happy.

After reading the repost, the anti-fans went back to some of the more pessimistic comments and felt a little proud in their hearts: No matter how strong a person is, he will encounter a trough period. The Demon King is no exception.

This year.

Faker's discomfort was noticed by the audience.

While die-hard fans were still madly insulting Ueno, feeling that Ueno was holding him back, others also felt that Faker was not that effective.

After all, no matter how hard you wash your fans.

If you can't get the rhythm in 1v1 during the laning phase, you should always keep up with the jungle.

And not only was he at a disadvantage against Penicillin, Faker also struggled a bit in the three games he lost in the Xia Jue.

It feels like it's a little hesitant, unlike the S6, which dares to put pressure. Just like this, in the S6 World Championship, we can see the snake girl who kills one against two and shows off her wild moves in the face of double teams.

Because at that time, Faker often crossed the line to create a battle stage, and you would lose if you didn't fight.

"Faker is old."

Someone mentioned it.

It's just that unlike last year, Faker this year is really not that sharp.

Not to mention...

Who is going to break through the middle where Penicillin is sitting?

Count on BDD?

Just a small Penicillin. As a Korean player, he even said in an interview that his laning ideas were inspired by Penicillin.

Expecting a crown?

The image of Syndra's crazy Qian Qian came to mind, and the Korean audience was somewhat silent. In this comparison, it is better to count on BDD. At least the czar of BDD suppressed Faker.

That is, in this atmosphere.

Wuhan Sports Center ushered in the Group A battle.

"...We invite both teams to appear!"

Ren Dong was wearing a black suit and shouted to the audience.

"come on!"

"Ao God, Ao God, look here."


"Must win."

Wait until GAM comes on stage.

Except for Levi, who has looked familiar in international competitions in the past two years, his teammates are almost transparent to the LPL audience.

To this.

Levi was a little surprised. After playing professionally for so many years, some people in China called him ID and vaguely cheered for him.

"I don't know what kind of jungle hero Levi will come up with in this game."

Commentary seat.

Miller joked with a smile. The reason for saying this is that Levi's behavior of showing off the hero pool was discovered by the audience.

Although GAM record is 0-3.

But Levi has played Nightmare, Xin Zhao and male gun respectively, but he has never played tank jungle. And adding up the three, the KDA is positive.

"Mainly GAM can only trust Levi."

Made a few jokes.

Promotional videos are played on the big screen at appropriate times.

After the familiar "Legends Never Die" played, what many viewers remembered was the series of curtain calls——

Standing in front of you now is the 2016 Global Finals Champion~~

“You’ll never get tired of listening to this song.”


Xiang Guo ate the fried chicken pieces and said vaguely.

"The fourth game is against SKT?" Next to him, Xiao Ming took out a tissue and looked away. Obviously, he is not interested in GAM.

After hearing about SKT, Xiangguo said with a smile: "I hope SKT will be drawn in the quarterfinals. They are in terrible shape recently."

"If LZ doesn't overturn, there's a high chance that it will qualify first." Xiao Ming paused: "There is a high chance that we will hit WE."

"It's pointless to cause... civil war." Xiang Guo expressed his inner thoughts. Seeing that Xiaohu remained silent and stared at the LCD TV attentively, he asked, "Hey, who do you want to hit?"

Xiaohu vaguely missed the feeling of killing Faker alone, but he said: "There is no chance to beat SSG anyway."

"It really is."

Xiangguo has a low laugh point, and I was very happy to hear this.

It can only be said that he likes junglers who don't resist the most. In the two games he won against SSG, he only had to think about matching the rhythm of pushing the lane and entering the jungle to find someone.

"Ah, there are people playing with Kayn." Letme, who was silently eating chicken wings, suddenly made a voice.

Follow his words and look at the screen.

I saw that on the fourth floor of GAM, after three junglers were banned, Kayn was locked.

"This is not sent." Xiangguo complained: "What do you think Levi is expecting his teammates to hold up the lane so that he can brush it easily?"

"There are no men, guns, leopards or women. The last time I chose Xin Zhao, the effect was average..."

"Isn't the wine barrel still outside?"

"He must be fattening himself."

With GAM locking Kayn.

The director gave the appearance record at the right time, one scene.

"Wow, I didn't expect to see Kayn." Miller said in a surprised tone. After all, this is the new hero that landed in the Rift in version 7.14.


In fact, there is also Ornn and a revised version of Urgot.

It’s just that Ornn’s equipment has a bug and has been banned by Riot.


The lineups of both sides are as follows——

LGD (blue) top laner Rambo, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane Ice (purification) Polo (healing)

GAM (red) top laner Shen, jungler Kayn, mid laner Karma, bottom lane Verus (purification) plus Feng Nu (healing)

"Penicillin nodded at F6..." Miller noticed Kayn standing in the grass, "We had guessed that Levi would choose F6."

Miller's expression was relaxed.

He and the audience knew clearly that in terms of hard power, GAM was definitely no match for LGD. As long as you don't mess around, you can basically get 4 wins steadily.


The troops in the middle are about to converge.

After Qin Hao finished taking a look, he controlled Syndra to return to the rear row area.

Nothing yet.

Kalma came in a hurry to send RQ. Qin Hao looked at Kalma's position and knew that the opponent was looking for an angle to consume. So faced with such a move, he easily avoided the skill and immediately moved forward to put pressure.

And for some reason, Qin Hao always felt scared of the other person. Before he entered the range, Karma took the first step to keep his distance.

The problem is that it's useless.

Since Karma has already handed over the RQ, if Qin Hao does not move the troops line, it will gradually become the red side's line of advancement. So if the opponent wants to hit the last hit, the most they can do is wait for Q's CD.

in other words.

Next, he only needs to control the line of troops, press down some health, and then move the jungler over to end the line in the middle.

"Brother Dan, I'm releasing the line."


Backstage, upon hearing this communication, Sask was already beaming with joy. He felt that the mid laner named Optimus was a piece of cake.

And not only is my basic skills a bit rough... I'm also a bit weak mentally. The feeling given to him is that he is afraid of being consumed, so he immediately pulls away after throwing away his skills.

Next beat.

Syndra grabbed Karma and Q-tailed the sword forward, immediately fired AQ, then chased and fired a second Q, and then turned back to deal with the tail-knife.

Throughout the whole process, Karma didn't even dare to fight back.

"Why are you so scared? What kind of profession do you have?" Sask couldn't help it. He felt that he had never been so weak when facing Rookie.

But for Optimus, he lost miserably against LGD last time.

in addition.

He didn't want to drag Levi down. If something happens to him all the time, the jungler won't be comfortable.

In this way, Qin Hao always waits for the opponent to eat the minions with residual health, then uses Q to consume them, and then takes advantage of the situation to force a wave of positions.

Just got to Level 2.

The position of the red soldier has been pressed to the side of the blue wall.

At this point, Optimus felt vaguely that it was risky, but he also felt that it would be a bit of a shame for Karma to give up the tail blade.

This idea just came to my mind.

Qin Hao suddenly found an angle to push E, predicting that Karma would go up and hit the stun.


In the excitement, the blind monk steadily followed up with his Q, triggering the red buff's slowdown.

"Want to cross-dodge? This location is a bit far from the tower."

The damage burst out instantly.

Seeing that Karma took the damage and then turned in E, but in the end he didn't get rid of Syndra's Q, Miller smiled and said: "Why does it feel a bit natural?"

Qin Hao received one blood.

Eimy said happily: "How about arranging another wave?" Karma had T, and Eimy's idea was to pretend to be in the jungle and grab the opponent's TP to return to the lane.

Considering the opponent's style, Qin Hao said: "I feel like he doesn't know how to attack."


Eimy cut the screen and watched the mid lane matchup, and found Karma to be quite humorous.

After this wave.

Rambo successfully obtained the line rights, and IMP pressed the opponent to fight. Seeing that the three lanes were in emergency, Kayn had just come out of the house, and Karma was pushed by Syndra to fight one set, and his health dropped to half.


Optimus felt a little uncomfortable inside, feeling that the gap between humans was greater than that between humans and dogs. He is still somewhat famous in Vietnam. Not to mention being invincible in fighting all over Vietnam, he is at least considered a master.

The results of it?

Being killed by others.

He instinctively wanted to use his position to twist away his skills, but he was not very successful.

But he didn't know.

Qin Hao just stuck his tail sword and moved to exert pressure. Unless he took the initiative to miss the sword and use E to accelerate, it would be difficult to twist it.

that's all.

Qin Hao pressed the empty blue in 4 minutes, and went home to find the Killing Ring and the Amplification Code. At 4 and a half minutes, Kalma was sent home and regained his form.

Reached the sixth grade.

Qin Hao calculated the experience points in advance, and by sending lanes to seize the position of the back row troops, QE pushed Karma until the opponent had only half health left.

At this point.

Optimus knocked down the corruption potion, but he only wanted to wait for two more waves, and was completely unaware that Qin Hao had murderous intentions.


He didn't calculate that carefully at all, he just felt that Syndra didn't have E, so he should be fine. Little did they know that Qin Hao sent out the Red Army troops for a solo kill. If it was just pressing, he would have just accumulated the line and made it in.

Qin Hao successfully killed a melee soldier and saw that Karma had just left the tower.

Then, Qin Hao placed a melee soldier while walking towards the center line, giving the impression that he was trying to make an eye in case Kayn finished the second round of jungle and hit the target on the way.

Optimus was naturally unprepared when he saw this action. He also thought this was a good opportunity to take the line.

The result is the next second.

Syndra suddenly pulled back, and while adjusting her position, W grabbed a remaining health soldier.

"Karma drives E and moves back..."

Miller thought he couldn't fight.

Because after Karma opened E, Syndra returned to the army and did not press forward. Seeing that W is about to disappear, Syndra can only smash her troops to clear the line.

Qin Hao successfully seized the opportunity of the opponent's surprise and flashed WQ. As soon as the soldier died, Syndra's body lit up with an upgrade light.

Until then.

Karma handed over the flash, but Qin Hao had already locked the position and pressed the ultimate move.

"The ultimate move is locked, and Karma delivers a death flash!"

Single kill against each other.

The audience burst into cheers.

When Danmu saw Karma being so stiff, people would die laughing.

【666666. 】

[Finally I know why Riot invites wild cards. This Karma, I'm really good at it. 】

[Removing the grave, right? 】

[Death Flash (×) Adjust Feng Shui (√). 】

[This wave card 6 is too thin. 】

"Are you so serious about playing?" C Bo was idle and glanced at him, "If you kill like this, people will stop playing with you in the future."

Qin Hao:......

The audience really felt that Penicillin acted lightly.

After this wave of solo kills.

At 8 and a half minutes, the sixth-level Kayn came to attack the middle tower line. As a result, when he drove E to drill into the blue zone, he was stunned in the wall and was knocked out.

Arrived 10 minutes.

Qin Hao followed Eimy into the jungle for two-on-three and got a double kill.

Less than 18 minutes.

Syndra is already 6-0-1, combining a full layer of murder rings into a murder book.

【student! 】

[Woo, let’s save some face for Vietnam. 】

[Already starting to ignore defense towers? 】

Arrived at 25 minutes.

"LGD opened the baron, and GAM wanted to make the final resistance."

"Sindra is in a good location, but it's not easy to see the GAM."


Qin Hao squatted behind the red buff wall, waiting for GAM to come over, and then pressed QER towards Verus in the middle of the formation.

"LGD rushed forward, and GAM had no choice but to flee."

"Rambo kept people safe and burned three of them!"

"Kayn is very good at running. He can pass through walls, but his teammates can't!"

Amid Miller's teasing, except for Kayn who managed to escape, everyone else was chased to death.


"The murder book on the 25th floor."


After the fun.

Qin Hao returned to the backstage and ate a banana, and then saw SKT and C9 entering fierce battle mode.

In the end, C9 relied on their big heart to catch SKT's positioning flaw by guarding the high ground even though they were 8,000 behind, and launched a major counterattack.

And the success relied on the ancient dragon group and Jensen's key output to win the victory.

The LCK audience was stunned.

If you can't beat LGD, you can't beat C9?

That is, in this atmosphere.

C got a chance to qualify.


Everyone in C9 is looking forward to LGD winning, and only LGD double-kills SKT. With a record of 3-2, they will have the opportunity to play in a playoff with SKT.


When they took the stage, the expressions of the SKT players were not good.

Seeing this, Sneaky prayed to God fiercely, "Give me a chance, give me a chance." Not only him, but none of the other C9 players wanted to leave the World Championship.

Even if I know the probability of winning is low.

But if you can go the extra mile, why not?

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