Looking at the LGD team flag hanging in the venue, Bang couldn't help but feel envious in his heart.

To this day.

He finally understood the meaning of wearing a crown and bearing its weight. He found that fans’ fond memories of them will always remain at the moment when they won the championship.

It was also through the mouths of fans that Bang discovered that he had become the so-called genius AD, world-first AD, and all-out Bang.

But he's not that great.

Even in the year they won the championship, they were still very tired. They are far from an invincible battleship, and they don't understand why fans think SKT is an invincible battleship.

And in order to live up to this expectation.

He had to train a lot.

Even so, some games will be lost. After losing, it is still difficult to calm down. Every time he encountered some questions, he would also wonder, "Yes, we work so hard, why is this happening?"

He asked again and again, but still couldn't find the answer.

Because you will lose and you will be unsatisfied.

So gradually, he began to have a creepy thought - "How long will I have to live like this machine-like life?"

Lose at MSI.

He was lost for a while, and then he had to prepare for the summer split. In order to meet the fans' expectations, they had to perform well and prove that they were improving and integrating better overall than they were at MSI.

When Qiao saw the schedule posted by the club, he felt like his head was going to explode. What others see as three months is, in his mind, countless ranking and training matches.

I even heard that Riot was preparing for the intercontinental competition.

His first thought was not that there was an extra stage to make a name for himself, but that there was less rest time. Also, does he really lack this honor?

Apart from being scolded, what are the benefits?

He is not a genius.

He knew that as long as he took a short vacation, his condition would immediately decline. So every time the spring split starts, his touch is average.

Sit down in front of the computer again.

Bang felt his heart beating very fast. After losing to C9, their qualifying situation was no longer stable, but he was not disappointed and felt a faint sense of relief.

Seeing Dunma's uncomfortable face, his first thought was: Maybe it would be good to just be eliminated like this. But then, he felt that this idea was really devilish.

If they really fall in Group A, they will definitely be sprayed to pieces. Not to mention the championship will be confiscated at that time, maybe even the past efforts will be confiscated.

He thought about leaving countless times.

What made him persevere was not the fight for the championship, but unwillingness. He has seen Bengi lead the team to be relegated and was ridiculed, and seen Faker Banana being ridiculed. He is afraid of becoming a target.

It's like he works so hard not for the next championship, but just not to be scolded. Although no one can do this.

Some time ago, he got an IMP slice, and I heard him complain that he had sacrificed a lot this season.

When he heard the word "sacrifice", he thought it was the decline in his tactical status and the pressure brought by defending the title. However, facing the water friends in the live broadcast room, IMP smiled and said that he drank a lot less and smoked less cigarettes. .

He was thinking about what kind of sacrifice this was.

If this counts as a sacrifice, he is willing to trade his life with IMP. His rank in the Korean server is twice as high as that of IMP. Will he get as much happiness as IMP?

He doesn't drink or smoke, because such things are luxuries to him.

As an AD with mediocre talent, if he doesn't devote his limited time to unlimited training, his performance will deteriorate.

He wanted to take a complete vacation, but he knew that doing so would affect his condition. So from joining SKT to now, he has not given himself a long vacation.

Enter BP.

Familiar game sounds came to my ears.

At this time, Bang inexplicably flashed to the scene of Xia Jue filming a promotional video. At that time, he was very envious that Lizzie could play with each other.

Even listening to Little Peanut talking about Rox will make me envious.


He actually knows where Rox lost. It's not BP, it's not laning, it's discipline. If Rox had an equally strict coach who paid close attention to scrims and reviews, maybe the level would be different.

But later Bang figured out that Rox played that kind of game and style precisely because he was not so ruthless.

So Smeb is right, there will never be another team like Rox.

Bang closed his eyes.

I could clearly hear the horse shouting, "Come on."

last of the last.

He flashed Penicillin's face.

He was thinking that if we were talking about geniuses, this one would be the one. Obviously I haven’t played Jace for a long time, but I can still play it when I take it out.


Geniuses are paranoid.

It's just that some bigotry is apparent on the surface, and some is not. He felt that Penicillin was the latter type of person.


Bang's closing his eyes to meditate was seen by fans as praying to the sky.

Just look at the expression.

Everyone knows that SKT is under a lot of pressure.

After all, if LGD loses, it will not affect qualifying. If SKT loses, the situation will become delicate. Not to mention that SKT’s fans’ expectations are to win the championship. They shouldn't have to worry about qualifying.

"SKT took the initiative to choose the blue side, and came up to press Luo first."

This game.

The buckle horse intends to free up the support, but does not intend to give it to Xia Luo.

Deyunse live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Sika yelled: "This one depends on whether SKT dares to choose a small cannon. If you don't choose, we will take it directly."

"Banning Luo feels a bit like grabbing a small cannon. After all, the red side doesn't have the ban position to handle so many junglers."

Xiaoxiao continued: "If you're on the left, you should ban Prince. It depends on Cvmax if he wants to ban him. But for Blank on this hand, SKT may take Zac."

"Come on, whoever is afraid of whom? I'll save one for the middle, trust Qingshen."

Seeing the two people booing, the barrage audience cheered:

[Laughter doesn’t make people laugh, smile makes a real man. 】

[The Bang cannon is really mediocre, not as good as Verus. 】

[Lick, lick. 】

The third ban is over.

Send Luo, Prince, and Jace to the ban position on the left, and send Kalista, Pig Girl, and Lulu to the ban position on the right.

"SKT was afraid and didn't dare to let Jayce go."

"There's nothing I can do about it. It's too bad to be beaten up, and Jess isn't afraid of small guns."

Just saying.

Lock the small cannon on the first floor on the left.

In Sika's eyes, if SKT doesn't take it, LGD will definitely choose to sway it, and the first game of the summer finals proved that Penicillin's small cannon is very proficient.

"Gario is still out there."

"It feels like it was deliberately released by SKT."

"I don't rule out that SKT will get it themselves. I remember that in the MSI group stage, Huni played top laner Galio."

"You can look at your move again and help the wild assistant first or go out to the jungle first. Anyway, among the remaining soft assistants, none are particularly powerful."

Sika and Xiaoxiao understand better than most coaches.

Seeing the barrage praising them for their accurate guesses, Sika looked proud: "I've been told that it would be cool to be a coach with my ability."

[Pretended. 】

【he he he he he. 】

[I’ve never seen Faker play with a cannon. 】

Seeing some of the comments changed, Xiaoxiao helped defend: "A team really asked us to be their coach."

[Then why not become one? 】

After seeing this barrage, Xiaoxiao talked about an past incident: "When Chris was a coach in the past, he only scored 1,700 points, which is equivalent to the current golden level.

At that time, we told him that we would let him stay if he reached 1,800 points, but he turned around and dropped to 1,600 points..."

Seeing that the new water friends didn't believe it, Xiaoxiao moved the camera, and then the sound of a lighter sounded in the live broadcast room, "What's so deceptive about this? Ask Chris and you will know."

"In those days, you didn't need a rank to be a coach. Besides, if you had a high rank, you would go to work professionally or in youth training. Who would be a coach? In that environment at that time, contemporary trainers were better than coaches. ”

“Don’t use your current salary to measure your past salary.”


Seeing the wine barrel and Verus locked on the right, Sika suddenly raised his voice: "This is a good choice."

"And Huni, B, doesn't play Kenan's game. There are so many top laners in the playoffs, but he doesn't play."

"How to say?"

Seeing Cuishen on the left, he smiled and shouted: "No wonder you replaced Peanut. Cuishen and Zack are both heroes that Blank can play well."

"Is it possible that Kuima thinks that little peanut is possessed and asked him to go down and calm down."

In the game where C9 lost, the jungler with a huge advantage started brushing in the mid-term.

"There's no problem with substituting, okay? Substituting is equivalent to changing the possibility. Maybe Blank will explode."

"Ha ha."

The two of them were very happy and felt that they were very humorous.

But for a buckle horse.

Little Peanut's mood is indeed unstable.

When it comes to a critical battle, he feels that in terms of mentality, Blank is better than the current little peanut.

that's all.

Lock on Cuishen and Big Mouth on the second and third floors on the left, and lock on Titan on the third floor on the right.


Sika was bored: "Wouldn't this help the mid lane hero selection? Czar, Rock Bird, and Galio are all outside. It's really not possible. Qing Shen also has a big crocodile.

Although the hero Crocodile is not good at restricting small cannons, he can at least make it difficult for small cannons to push towers, and he can find opportunities to dodge in front. "

This is Sika's thinking.

If you want to develop, use Tsar. If you want to roam, use Rockbird or Galio. If you want to face pressure, use Crocodile or Yasuo. Of course, Crocodile, Yasuo, including Fox, are not as good as Cannon in the later stage.

This is also the reason why Qin Hao feels that the small cannon mid laner has no natural enemies. As long as his tactics are correct, he will not be able to gain an advantage at most.

Just like that.

Sika felt that the third hand was not chosen well. SKT has already determined that the cannon is on target, so there is no need to wait until the second round.

"If he plays Cuishen, I can't help him." Qin Hao reminded Eimy to be careful not to be stolen by the opponent.

"It's okay, he definitely can't guess my route." Eimy was confident. Knowing what lineup he would probably choose for this game, he was looking forward to the wave of six.

Entering the second round.

Just as Sika thought, the left side directly sent the Tsar and the Rock Bird to the ban position. On the right side are gifts of bloom and cow heads.

[If you don’t understand, just ask, why is the ban forced to assist? 】

The barrage is still weird.

But Kuma knew that the opponent had guessed what they were going to play.

That's right.

This is the Cuishen Double Shot that LGD prefers to choose in the second half of the summer game.

Seeing that the bull's head was gone, Wolf was a little regretful.

Come to the fourth choice.

LGD locked the nightmare.

"In this case, the wine barrel will be shaken onto the road." Guan Zeyuan analyzed: "I guess the wine barrel can't stop Cuishen."

Hao Kai agreed: "The hero Jiugong cannot put pressure on Cuishen."

"Let's see what we get. If nothing else happens, there should be tanks on the left."

"The big tree and the female tank are locked." Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised: "This seems to be Huni's first big tree."

The lineup on the left was settled, and some barrage complained that "it's so stealable."

After all, LGD was the first to play the Cuishen Double Shot, Dashu, and Jace systems. I didn't expect SKT to be able to learn from it so much.

Hear this.

Of course SKT fans didn’t agree.

Before the problem, SKT's most commonly used lineup was the soft-assist dual-core, and then gave the top lane a warrior who was easy to fight in the lane.

[Secretly, secretly. 】

[Don’t steal, just talking about BP, LPL steals more. 】

[I don’t understand. That day when the cannon was turned, you said Faker didn’t practice heroes. Today, he decided to double-shoot, and you said he stole it. 】

[Isn’t it natural to learn from champions? BDD's hero pool is a bit like S6's Qingshen. 】


Conte bit.

Guan Zeyuan chatted with Hao Kai for a long time, thinking it was Galio. Even if SKT deliberately releases it, it can still be taken.



"It's not easy for this hero to be a little cannon."

Hao Kai thought he was out for fun, but PYL locked him directly.


In Deyunse Apartment, Sika lay her head back and pretended to be defeated by LGD.

"No, what's the use of choosing a clockwork? Even if it's delayed until the later stage, will I be able to touch the cannon?" Xiaoxiao said.

"Maybe Cvmax has its own ideas. To put it at best, the clockwork and the barrel don't work well together." Sika complained.

"This hand is a bit of a failure. It's really hard for Clockwork to reach the back row of SKT. The distance that Clockwork can reach with Q can also be reached by small cannons and big mouths."

Sika muttered, "The clockwork will be useless if there is a small demon-drinking knife" and "No one will follow Nightmare in a group".

Normally, it is.

The problem is that Qin Hao didn't think he would be at a disadvantage in the mid-term. If the rhythm was smoother, SKT would have to come over and grab the mid-range.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

SKT (Blue): Top laner Big Tree, jungler Cuishen, mid laner Cannon, bottom lane Big Mouth (healing) plus female tank (weak)

LGD (red): top laner Barrel, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane Verus (Purify) with Titan (Ignite)


Guan Zeyuan took a look at the lineups of both sides, "SKT's lineup will be better. Xiaopao has a line, and if Cuishen is not targeted in front, he will be cleared very quickly.

In this way, drag it from the middle to the top six, and when the big tree has a T, Blank can easily help the bottom lane. "

Hao Kai felt the same way, but just as a commentator, he had experienced traffic blowing LGD some time ago, so he didn't care about Zeyuan so directly.

"Although the choice is a bit retro, the proficiency is definitely no problem. I trust LGD."

Ting Haokai still believes that the barrage has caused dissatisfaction. They feel that LGD's drafter disrespects SKT too much.

[I’ve locked in the first place, so it doesn’t matter? 】

[I smell optimism. 】

[Fire man smelting iron? Clockwork and cannon? 】

[Fuck, what kind of thing did the midfielder choose? It was directly exploded by the opponent. Clockwork and Nightmare used their heads to hit the Cuishen cannon. 】

[There is still a little chance with this help. 】

【If you don’t send Bang, you will win. 】

The game loads.

All C9 members fell into isolation.

They didn't expect LGD to have such a lack of "competitive spirit". Also, after losing to them, SKT has lost the qualification to compete for the first place, and LGD cannot concentrate.

"The blame is on us for not placing our hopes on the enemy." Sneaky thought to himself.

After all, if you want to play a tacit understanding game, you must be qualified to do so.

Watching Nightmare play F6 at the beginning, Cuishen catalyzed his own red buff and went directly to blue, which made the North American audience very uncomfortable.

They accept C9 being eliminated, but not this way.

"King of life?"

"I am disappointed."

"Damn the tacit understanding, LGD just don't want to expose anything."


The corresponding remarks spread to Kangba, and many people felt uncomfortable. Compared with the beauty of the external Internet, they have seen Penicillin's Weibo.

The sentence "If competition refers to the desire to win, I think we are not lacking in it" has been quoted by many viewers.


"Although I understand that I don't want to be too tired from fighting, but..."

"The opportunity to double-kill SKT is in front of us, LGD would rather let it go?"

"My evaluation is that the competitive spirit is not as good as RNG."

"Penicillium continues to scream, continue to step on Uzi Hongwen, and step on Xiaohu Nuo."

The more this happens, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

Just like the core of the banana incident, it is never the so-called tough talk, but the image is no longer perfect.

And in the game.

The small cannon easily obtained the line rights. As everyone saw, the hero Clockwork couldn't fight the small cannon. He could only shrink the tower.

If the situation continues like this, I'm afraid the First Tower will not fall first.

The audience held their breath.

Some choose to quit, some choose to abuse, and only some still believe in LGD.

They don't know.

The patience at the beginning was just to wait for the big move turn. Just like this, after Eimy knew that the blue buff was stolen, she chose to go back and force the Cuishen back, saving the toad and the three wolves.

that's all.

Although it is a single buff, Eimy can use the bottom lane push rhythm to get the river crab.

Four minutes arrived.

Seeing that LGD was out of rhythm, Titan took the initiative to use Q to hook W's disappearing big mouth. As a result, Bang moved spiritually and twisted the skill, and the female tank immediately pointed E to exchange blood.

"Wolf brought the ignition, I feel like I can't beat it."

IMP retaliated, and Wolf directly flashed his Q to ignite the attack, and cooperated with the big-mouthed E to keep people alive. There is no way, IMP surrenders the purification flash and pulls it away, and the remaining state is not enough to send the line in.

"This time I didn't hook Big Mouth, but instead got a double summon."

"The line is a bit uncomfortable. When the state is restored, several soldiers will be missed."

The camera goes to the middle.

Qin Hao came out of the tower and wanted to get some vision to the side, but Xiaopao directly faced W and hit E.

"The Cuishen should be nearby. Find an opportunity to go around and face the blue zone." Qin Hao reminded Eimy to change to the jungle zone.

"The middle laner was also beaten home." Guan Zeyuan muttered.

Arrived at 5 and a half minutes.

Blank grabbed him along the way, Qed to IMP, and helped Big Mouth get first blood.

"I was caught in the last wave, but I got caught in this wave."

"Nightmare has not reached six, and his ability to do things is not as good as that of Cuishen."


Guan Zeyuan doesn't care about the development of Nightmare or the CS on the road. He felt that if he continued to fight like this, there would be no solution for both shots.

after all.

The curve of the double shot is closer to the mid-to-late stage. As a result, the right side has no advantage in the early stage, and the three lanes are average.

Until the middle road reaches six.

In another battle, Qin Hao's blood volume was lowered and he was forced to return to the city.

"Brother Dan, how long do you have?"

"There are still three groups left."


It’s different from what the audience thinks.

They thought there would be no passion in the tacit understanding game, but in fact, Qin Hao and others were actively communicating. They know exactly where their strong points are.


The time came to 7 minutes and 42 seconds.

Watching as Clockwork's health dropped to half, the supplies were about to be exhausted. Where the director didn't notice, after pushing the line, the wine barrel silently entered the red zone from the triangle grass.

Big Wolf: "I'm relying on you!"

at the same time.

After finishing the third wave of F6, Nightmare finally reached level 6, not lagging behind Cuishen in level. After all, Blank helped in the second wave, but Eimy didn't help in the lane at all.

Middle road.

The small cannon, which was close to full health, was sent into the army line again. At this time, one tower on the red side only had half health left. Qin Hao handled this well.

to be honest.

Choosing Clockwork is a bit hard, but what they want is not a tacit understanding, but to try Clockwork and Nightmare to see if they can occupy the midline in a double-shooter lineup.


It's not that Faker hasn't calculated the nightmare level, but he feels that since he has Flash and W, he won't die at all. If the nightmare dares to fly, it will lose some key skills at most.

That's right here.

Eimy saw that the wine barrel was close to the grass on the center line, so she turned off the light at F6.

The field of vision dimmed, and Faker's finger had already been placed on the R key.

As soon as the nightmare showed up, he left and then handed over W.

Even if Nightmare dodges, the worst thing he can do is cross-dodge to remove the fear.

"Do you want to catch it? It's not easy to catch."

Korean casters have great confidence in Faker.

The next second.

The small gun was involved without warning, and the wine barrel followed with EQ from the flank. Before fear could be triggered, Qin Hao fired Q to trigger the thunder and take the head.

"How is this going?"

"Why doesn't Faker cross-dodge?"


The Korean commentator howled in disbelief...

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