"hurry up."

"Big dog, why do you only think of going to the toilet every time when you are about to leave?"


The next afternoon.

LGD has gathered and is ready to go to the stadium to supervise the battle. Of course, it is said that it is supervising the battle, but it is actually because after Group B is played, the knockout round draw will be held on site.

In addition, Fujii had to record material there, so it was not suitable to stay in the hotel.

for this.

C Bo complained a little.

After all, during the group stage draw, the staff came to the hotel in advance to arrange the seats. Now that I'm notified to go to the scene, the recording team must be lazy.

Got on the bus.

As usual, C Bo found a seat in the back row by the window, then took out his mobile phone to browse the forum. Compared with yesterday, today's discussion focused on draw predictions and Group B qualifying analysis.


A certain fan hopes to draw SSG.

In his words, Crown's hero pool was destroyed by Qingshen. It's easier to play than SKT.

Ha ha.

C Bo didn’t expect netizens to say this, and a smile suddenly burst out on his face.

In addition, he also came across an interesting post about the difficulty of cooperation between Clockwork and Nightmare.


The trend led by LGD has just begun. When passers-by approached their friends on a whim to increase points, they soon discovered that this routine was not as easy as imagined.

Many high-level players have encountered a threshold, that is, they cannot perfectly reproduce the RR combo, and they cannot be as smooth as Aogami and Eimy.

"When watching, the brain tells the hand: I know it. When playing, the hand tells the brain: I don't know how."

"I'm not sure, I'm really not sure."

"My friend plays Nightmare, and he says I'm not skilled enough. Woohoo."

"It's easy to do combos, but it's difficult to do it without giving room for reaction."

"I'm just curious about how many games LGD has practiced. They must have been practicing this routine until the playoffs."

"It's impossible to practice such coordination if you don't have dozens of them."

"I may not say that I am a clockwork expert, but I have at least played hundreds of clockworks. The problem is that this method requires computing power. When encountering something with displacement, it is even harder to grasp the timing of release."

"Forget about the wave in the middle tower. The nightmare wing dribbles the ball into the field and perfectly rolls up Cuishen and Xiaopao? This coordination is more difficult."

After reading a series of comments, C Bo felt a little proud inexplicably. He didn't dare to imagine what these people would think if they knew that this routine was completed in two days.


He also felt that this speed was exaggerated.

But this is genius.

After all, this routine is not dominated by nightmares. It is said to rely on proficiency, but in fact it requires capturing the opportunity to enter the field. Of course, this routine is not unsolvable, at least they have corresponding internal experience.

Thinking of this, C Bo looked over and saw Qin Hao looking at the scenery outside the window, and shouted: "Hey, PP! I'll send you a post."

"Huh?" Qin Hao turned around, and Big Wolf was a little dissatisfied: "What about me? I want to see it too."

"Look at Gouba, the post didn't brag about you."

"Fuck, no one is bragging about Urgot's solo kill?"

“What I’m saying is that this post didn’t flatter you, not that no one did.

Besides, the weapon is not just counterattacked by you, and the counterattack storm is blocked by your shield. If you dare to fight in close combat, you will be pulled by you. "

Then it was said that a single kill by a Counter hero does not count as a single kill.

For that matter.

Big Wolf didn't refute, he also felt in his heart that Counter's hero should be effective. After reading the post, he knew why C blog was sent to Qin Hao.

This comment section is full of Qing Chui, which makes people envious.

"How does it feel?" Dalang was very curious. He believed that C Bo was also waiting for Qin Hao to speak at this moment.

"This is affirmation. Who doesn't want to be affirmed." Surprisingly, Qin Hao responded enthusiastically.

"They find it difficult now just because it's only been one night."

"It makes sense for you to ride on the horse."

C Bo muttered.

At this moment, he remembered that he had worked so hard and failed to train Nami and Fengnu to the satisfaction of Cvmax. Although he felt there was no problem with his proficiency, the problem was that he couldn't produce the results the coach wanted.

If there is a post asking whether Soft Assistant is strong or not.

He may be like these netizens, who need to use God's eyes to chase after professional players who play well. In this matter, there is no difference between professionals and passers-by.

Qin Hao was not so emotional.

After all, he has never encountered a situation where his proficiency did not increase despite his efforts. In his world, hard work is useful. If it doesn't work, then it must be that you don't work hard enough.

"Everyone on the Internet is discussing the new round of lottery." As a representative of optimism, C Bo did not immerse himself in it for too long, "Who do you most want to draw?"

"The second place in Group C is SSG, the second place in Group D is FW..." Big Wolf gave his thoughts: "Let me choose, I will definitely choose FW."

"You're afraid of facing off against CuVee." C Bo teased.

"Don't be conceited, Dakang. CuVee's tanks are not necessarily stronger than yours." Eimy interjected.

Of course, this is what he said sincerely. The reason why SSG was defeated by SKT 3-0 this year was because CuVee's big tree was a little crazy.

"Playing FW is definitely easier than playing SSG." Dalang explained.

"I just want to say one thing, manage your expression well." Qin Hao suddenly became serious.

"Ha ha."

Hear this.

Everyone was a little nervous.

After all, last year’s second-part smile was so classic, as well as Blank’s emoji that made him laugh to the point of S7. Including this year, before the G2 game, there was a news about 6-0 promotion.

As a result, the comment section is now full of GIFs of Ah P crying.

Qin Hao shrugged, "I'm not kidding." Last night's dynamic war had at least three waves of face changes, which is enough to show that today's netizens are very violent.

From the perspective of ordinary people.

If you draw your favorite lottery, you will definitely feel good.

But from a professional perspective, smiling is not allowed and the audience will easily think you are getting carried away.

Maybe you don't think so.

But they think you think so.

"What are you afraid of? In the worst case, I will pretend to be dead." C Bo agreed with Qin Hao's words, knowing that the boomerang would come quickly.


Qin Hao knew that C Bo's mouth was harder than steel, and he was used to it.

A group of people went to the backstage of the venue and waited for the game to start.

Because it's boring.

C Bo brought the topic to WE again, saying that Mystic is not in good condition recently, and the Internet started to scold him for not working hard.

"...We obviously worked very hard during the WE training camp. You can't just assume that someone is having fun every day just because he's been to a bar. He doesn't have that much time to have fun."

"It's an image issue."

“The main reason is that outsiders don’t believe WE’s official announcement.”

During the training camp.

WE has posted internal photos, the purpose of which is to tell fans that the team members are working hard to prepare for the World Championships.

But because there was a thunderstorm before, fans always thought it was a staged photo. And this is also part of the stereotype. It's like going from one extreme to another.

"It's not because their performance in the group stage was mediocre, otherwise there wouldn't be so many weird words and malicious associations."

when saying this.

C blog was opening WE Super Chat, and there was a post in it that said:

"Why is Mystic performing so mediocre compared to the league? Why is WE gradually becoming more dependent on Xiyec? Seeing that the mid lane wants to win so much, I would like to ask everyone.

If we miss this time, will WE still have a chance to get to this point? "

The background is the expedition photo posted on WE's official blog, and next to this is Mystic's nightclub photo.

Karsa glanced at C Bo's mobile phone, "WE was on the red side in the first round. Kalista, Jess, and Spider didn't dare to let go. In the end, we couldn't get a suitable lane combination in the bottom lane, so we had to grow. "

Karsa talked about the reason why WE lost to LZ, "Let's see if we can change this if we get the blue team in the second round."


After watching WE win the IMT with difficulty, Caps Yasuo single-handedly killed BDD Rockbird and became famous. In the end, the ancient dragon team was killed by LZ in the game.

In the third game, WE faced LZ.

Karsa was still chatting with Eimy before BP, and finally there was a position on the left to target the hero pool.


Five junglers were banned on both sides.

Among them, in the first round, Tsar, Jace, and Spider were banned on the left, and Kalista, Prince, and Lulu were banned on the right.

Then round two.

With Cannon, Feng Nu, and Pig Girl on the left, and Mouse, Gemstone, and Rockbird on the right, WE continued to block the jungle, pressing down the blind monk and wine barrel, and sent Shen and the plane to the ban position on the right.

See this.

The small cannon on the left is swinging, and the win rate of the wind girl and the pig are both options with a good winning rate in the version; the right one is a bit of a transition to protect the mouse.


"Pan Sen? Locked!"

In the commentary box, Miller was surprised.

In the background, Cvmax suddenly said: "No more hiding."

The reason why Cvmax says this.

It's because during the Spring Split, he had imagined the rock bird swing, so that the jungler could play with heroes who were difficult to deal with.

That was also the time.

Tarzan started practicing rock bird jungle.

"BP was blown up." Big Wolf muttered, "There's no way to play in the middle."

Compared with the last time when there was no initiative in the three-way development, this lineup is even more uncomfortable.

Because when LZ locked Qinggangying on the fourth floor, WE determined that there was not much pressure on the top lane, so they chose to change the formation and move the small cannon to the bottom lane to help the mid and top lane get Kassadin and Poppy.

In this way, Poppy can prevent Qinggangying in team battles, and Kassadin can easily find the mouse position in team battles. Compared with the first three methods, the thinking is clearer.


Hongmi didn't expect that the opposite side could also shake.

In the script he envisioned, Kassadin was very good at beating the rock bird. After all, LZ took the rat in the bottom lane. Even if the rock bird roamed, it had to relieve the pressure on the bottom lane. The benefits of doing so were average.

Who would have imagined that LZ has now become a rock bird jungler, Panson is in the mid lane, and Kassadin's laning environment is worrying.

And most importantly.

Pan Sen and Rock Bird interact well together.

On stage.

BDD doesn't know how the outside world feels.

The moment he picked up his talent, he felt unhappy. The reason is that Tarzan understands the Rock Bird system and needs to partner with the mid laner Crocodile.

The problem is that he is not very adaptable to the Crocodile's replacement rhythm, so he can only settle for the next best thing and choose to replace him with Panson.

I feel a little embarrassed to say it.

When he plays Pan Sen, it's not that Pan Sen is strong, but that this hero is relatively brainless. So even though he knew Pan Sen was very hardworking, he had no choice.

After all, unless the jungler Rock Bird is allowed to play alone, if he is not worthy of point control, the midfielder will not be able to link up so well, and he will not be able to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

It's not easy to touch Jianxi Night Line.

Qin Hao bared his teeth.

After all, if you put it into Kassadin's perspective, this game is already half done. It just so happens that this rock bird has a good rhythm.

It first leveled up to 4 and hit the target, overpowering Kassadin with half health, and then eliminated the upper river vision, then grabbed around the position and played Poppy Flash.

Less than 10 minutes.

Kassadin's record is 0-2, and his last hit is only a pitiful 32 knives. As a result, the left side is lagging behind by 1,400 in economy.


"WE's BP is too formulaic."

"We can only compete for second place."

"Now the probability of civil war is not zero." C Bo joked about a netizen's high praise comment before the game. At that time, RNG double-killed SSG. Many people said that there would be no civil war in the top eight, and that the top four would occupy three seats.

With such a victory.

Some netizens subconsciously ignored the fact that WE was not going smoothly.

"Harmful, WE will be scolded."

"Want? Already!"

Click on C blog to open Weibo.

Just as he thought.

Netizens who lost their expectations vented their dissatisfaction.

It is clear that WE still has a high probability of qualifying, but it seems like it will be eliminated early.


For a while, people couldn't see through this WE. In terms of performance, they defeated SKT strongly in the intercontinental competition.

Do you want to say strong?

The game content shown by WE is not particularly stable, and it relies heavily on the laning state of the bottom lane. The most important thing is that when it comes to foreign battles, Xiye gets buffs and Mstic gets debuffs.

Take these few days of group matches as an example.

When Mystic got Varus, he was once suppressed under the tower by Rekkles Kasumi, which was actually a bit inappropriate.

Of course, the bottom lane is a two-man lane. Just looking at AD's performance can't explain much.

Just starting from entering the World Championship.

Mystic is clearly not as good as the league. This is the key to the violence of public opinion.

When the WE crystal is pushed away.

The barrage was all about "Greek den" and "nightclub guys don't deserve to win". Full of malice.

After LZ double-killed WE, it locked the first place. WE had no chance to compete for the top spot in the group like the other two participating teams.

Browsed Weibo for a while.

C Bo suddenly showed a gossipy expression, "Is there a conflict because I lost too much?"

"How to say?"

"Look at this."

C Bo raised his cell phone with a picture of the one he just lost to LZ. Xiye glanced at his brother-in-law inexplicably while packing up his peripherals, but there was no smile in his eyes.

The title given by netizens was: "You can't hide someone's heart if you want to knife it."

"Death stare?"

Qin Hao twitched the corner of his mouth: "I really have a rich imagination. I can't go back to the past without revenge now."

Can just looking at a teammate turn into a conflict?

And fans on both sides really started to curse.

Seeing this, Qin Hao complained: "It's the same with Erdanxiao. It doesn't have that much psychological activity at all. It's just that it can't stand up to the imagination of netizens."

And the premise of brain supplement.

People believe that Uzi is the dominant player in the team, and they believe that after Mystic's thunderstorm, it will affect the relationship within the team.

It is in such a chatting atmosphere.

Game 5.

WE vs. FNC.

The content of this game can be simplified as success is Caps, failure is Caps - have an advantage in the lane, and start sending in the mid-term. A perfect interpretation of what it means to be stupid.

Just for European and American audiences.

They actually think that Caps is very impressive, but his teammates are too bad to break through.

After all, in this game, my sister-in-law stood out in an outrageous way.

First, he was attacked by 957 over the tower. Then he saw Condi's position in his field of vision and ran to connect the line to get another one.

In the end, sOAZ defended the label of LPL international friend with a score of 1-7-4.

Until 9:30.

All games are over.

The glass basin containing the balls was re-arranged on the stage.

"Let us invite the guests for today's draw..."

When Ren Dong introduced.

Wearing a black suit and combing his hair like an adult, Icon slowly walked onto the stage.

"Now, I would like to ask the Icon player to draw the four teams from Pool 1."

Icon followed the instructions meticulously to complete his lottery work.

at the same time.

The knockout group template appeared on the big screen.

"Who is drawn first? Gold! It should be RNG." Changmao stared at the ball.

The next second.

Icon unfolded the team logo, which was RNG.

"In this case, RNG goes to the upper left corner. And the next team drawn will determine the division of Pool 1."

Many spectators held their breath and stared at the black ball in Icon's hand.

After all, the top eight no longer have the principle of avoiding the same division.

If LGD is also placed in the top half, the two teams will stage a civil war in the semi-finals, and this is a situation that RNG fans are not willing to see.

The sphere was slowly opened.

The moment I saw the color of the ribbon, Icon smiled.

"MSF! Also ranked in the top half!"

Long hair increases volume.

"This is good news for us." Yutong was a little excited.

[Good sign. 】

【Icon’s handsome man! 】

[Hopefully a soft persimmon. 】

[The top eight will always encounter a war between China and South Korea. 】

Regarding the related probabilities and grouping situations, someone has already made a data model. So at this moment, team fans just want to pray for good luck.


Icon drew out LGD and ribbons printed with LZ in turn. In this way, the top two teams in the upper half are RNG and MSF, and the second half are LGD and LZ.

"Next, please Icon move to Pool 2 and draw the other four teams."

[I’m 60E, so I don’t dare to watch it. 】

[60E get out of the live broadcast room. 】

【Never engage in civil war. 】

【So nervous. 】

No matter how nervous you are.

Icon still explores the ball at his own pace.

He opened the small ball in the second pool. The moment he saw the color, Yutong lost his voice: "SKT was drawn first..."

"Then this..."

【Grass. 】

[Haha, good sign, avoid civil war. 】

[Guigui, RNG and SKT are so destined. 】

It’s not that enemies don’t get together.

Icon's first draw gave Uzi a heart attack. Fortunately, SKT's performance in the group stage was mediocre, and Uzi sat in front of the camera and didn't lose his composure.

The familiar team logo is printed just below RNG.

at the same time.

Shi Senming shook hands with Wolf and then returned to his position.

"The second draw." Changmao stared at the color: "It should be WE!!"

"In this way, WE will become MSF's opponent."

【Comfortable! 】

[Listen to me, thank you Icon. 】

[This is the best sign, right? The top eight only have 2 colored pens, one MSF and one FW. 】

Immediately afterwards.

Icon drew the third black ball.

The unpretentious team logo appears in the audience's field of vision.

"Team SSG will challenge LGD in the quarter-finals!!" Yutong shouted almost in a roar.

Because before the draw, he was still saying that he wanted to see SSG play LGD, but he didn't expect it to happen.

Accompanied by applause and whistles from the audience.

CuVee showed a depressed expression and shook hands with C Bo who pretended to be cold.

"In the end, there is no doubt that FW will challenge the LCK's No. 1 seed, the LZ team."

in the screen.

The last blank position was filled in with the FW team logo.

At this point, the draw results for the S7 quarter-finals knockout rounds have been settled.

Top half: RNG vs. SKT; MSF vs. WE

Bottom half: LGD vs. SSG; LZ vs. FW

"Heroes chase legends, and legends will never be extinguished."

Ren Dong raised his voice and said, "The group stage competition of the 2017 League of Legends Global Finals has come to an end."

"We...see you in Guangzhou!"

On the way back to the hotel.

C Bo was still talking about how he felt when he got SSG, "You don't know, when I shook hands with him, his palms were all sweaty."

Amidst the laughter.

Night falls.

Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, everyone in SSG is sitting in front of the computer practicing hard. Although they were mentally prepared to face LGD from the day they were double-killed by RNG.

But the moment it was really drawn.

CuVee admitted that he was a little disappointed. Because he didn't want to run into LGD so early.

By half past three in the evening.

CuVee was just about to finish training and go back to the room when Edgar kept him in charge, "Shengzhen, you are the key to this BO5."

When saying this.

Edgar put his right hand on his shoulder...

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