In CuVee’s heart.

Edgar is a very good coach.

Although the management is strict and the temper is not very good, there are a few good people these days. When the scope is narrowed to the e-sports circle, the attributes of a good guy are even more scarce.


Looking at him with a look like "Go and kill LGD for me", CuVee expressed that he was under a lot of pressure.

After all, SSG's situation is not much better than SKT so far in the summer split. You know, they got the third seed through the bubble game. Moreover, winning the bubbling competition is a bit difficult and not easy to copy.

So the question is, who has high hopes from the LCK audience in this S tournament?

Of course it’s LZ\u003eSKT\u003eSSG.

Just count the results and you will know.

LZ defeated SKT 3-1 in the summer match, leaving behind the story of Khan capturing the two kings (Huni and T king).

What about SSG?

They were sent to the bubble game by SKT.

According to ordinary logical inference, who would think that SSG is better than LZ. You can't beat SKT on horseback, but you think you can abuse LZ? It's noisy.

Includes Top20.

Although there are only three LGD players on the list, Penicillin is recognized as the number one.

Some people were dissatisfied with the other rankings, but no one felt that Penicillin was unworthy. This is one of the rare uncontroversial Top 1s in previous evaluations.

It’s also this time.

Many people believe that Khan's ranking is low and he should be ranked second. There was also a discussion at the Korean Open at that time.

After all, in the final four games, Khan defeated SKT in three games. This dominance is second only to Penicillin who directed extra points.

one more.

LZ is the only team in the intercontinental competition that has never lost to LPL.

Is this performance exaggerated to say that he is undefeated?

From Korean Net to Twitter, Longzhu’s voice is even higher than last year’s Rox.


CuVee doesn’t think LZ is invincible.

During their training camp, they frequently scheduled training matches with LZ. From his point of view, as long as his condition was better and more focused that day, it would be difficult for Khan to gain an advantage from him.


After more than 50 training games, he found out that Khan's tank performance was average. This average doesn't mean that Khan doesn't know how to line up, but that his sense of opportunity is far inferior to his ability to get warriors.

in other words.

Although in training matches, they lost more than they won.

But in the main game, CuVee felt that there was little pressure to cooperate with BP and resist Khan.

Once online nothing happens.

They can drag the game to the desired visual rhythm.

So he has nothing to fear.

The style that focuses on vision allows them to do mental arithmetic without thinking. Even if you can't beat it temporarily, you can avoid the edge and develop slowly.


All this is based on a stable situation.

If the rhythm is wrong... let's put it this way, those two games with RNG made him a little doubtful about life.

Basically I am still on the line.

The lower half is rotten.

When I lost to RNG in the first round, I thought I didn't play well.

When he was double-killed, he went back to review the game and talked about the problems in the second half, and Chichi almost collapsed. Verus said with red eyes that he couldn't put pressure on him.

Compared with the bottom lane.

The wild area is even more uncomfortable.

As a jungler, who likes to expose his position? But the guy opposite called mlxg, Bobo came in to look for him. Other junglers are behind in levels and like to grind for a while.

That's good for him.

The backward classes still come in to harass.

And he doesn't have to fight for punishment, he just disgusts you and blows up with you, which makes An Bixin very annoyed. During the review, he almost wanted to take out a baseball bat and give it to Ruler.

In the words of An Bixin: Why does Bobo always arrive from the opposite side first, are we dead in the bottom lane?


In the hand that was double-killed, the BP was tilted to the lower half, in order to avoid the situation in the first hand. It finally happened.

Just like that.

As the top laner, CuVee once again experienced the helplessness of the top laner.

Of course he is true to Letme, and even thinks that Letme’s details are average, but this does not mean that it is a good breakthrough.

Same reason.

He feels that if he wants to win LGD, the most important thing to pay attention to is not the top lane, but the middle and jungle... But... the supervisor can say this, obviously he does not put his hope in the crown.

Although as a teammate, he has certain feelings for Crown, no amount of affection can stop Crown from breaking his heart.

They were able to lose to SKT in the playoffs, and Crown did a lot of cheering for their opponent.

Reviewed it.

CuVee is quite emotional.

I remember that he was not under so much pressure when he faced LGD in the intercontinental competition. But what happened in the intercontinental competition changed everything.

The moment he drew LGD, if he wasn't concerned about his image, he would really put on a mask of pain. Because the first thought that came to my mind at that time was: bad.

follow closely.

He thought of Syndra's eight Qs in a row, of Crown's dull eyes, and of Crown's crazy training from behind for a long time after the game.

The worst thing is.

He still didn't think the crown could be stable.

He wasn't sure what kind of advantage he would have to play to fill the gap in the middle.

CuVee thought, feeling dirty at the same time. However, this thought can never go away...

"There's still one week left, I'll try my best."

Hearing this tone, Edgar said dissatisfied: "Are you so perfunctory now that you even express your determination? The next BP will only tilt to the top lane. As a rhythm point, you must take advantage and attract firepower."

"Okay." CuVee suppressed the complicated thoughts.


Edgar knew that his disciple was relatively soft-tempered, so during the chat tonight, he just wanted to give CuVee a boost of energy that would make him lose if he didn't overwhelm his opponent.

He wasn't sure if doing so would help in the next knockout round.

All he knew was that he couldn't count on the middle line.

This is not dissatisfaction.

Just an objective evaluation.

Not to mention that CuVee didn't have the image of Crown emerging from a cocoon and suppressing Penicillin in his mind. As one of the people who knew Crown best, he didn't think he could catch up with Penicillin just by practicing.

So the next training match.

They will make certain adjustments, such as completely abandoning the mid lane line, and try to use the lineup curve to transition the rhythm until they can exert their strength on the top lane.


From losing to SKT in the playoffs to losing to RNG in the group stage, he only realized one thing, and that is vision tactics, which are very difficult for junglers.

Don't let the online confrontation affect the jungle too much, otherwise An Bixin will be very uncomfortable.

Before break.

Edgar stood at the door of the e-sports room, glanced at Crown who was working hard, and sighed in his heart: In this talent-driven world, it is so difficult to break through.


After the draw is over.

There is a lot of discussion outside.

After all, there is too much drama in this draw. In the past, there was the fateful duel between RNG and SKT, and in the latter, there was the enemy scenario between SSG and LGD.

Compared to these two games.

The discussions between MSF and WE and LZ and FW were very low.


There is little suspense in these two games, and it is generally believed that MSF's luck ends here.

[Open a prediction post, what do you think about the BO5 between RNG and SKT? 】

"Three to one, Xiangguo will definitely destroy the formula jungler like Blank."

"Father? I just met good teammates. In the past, Uzi's teammates were too weak, but this time is different. With Xiang Guo escorting me, I don't know how to lose in the bottom lane."

"Pot! A god who eats grass and squeezes blood."

"I finally understand that God needs junglers like Xiangguo, who are either doing things or on the way to do things."

"SKT's state is too bad."

"Letme is a little weak in the lane but won't be blown away. Get a suitable hero for Xiaohu and cover the jungle. It will be no problem. Then the rest is to compare with the lower half. Win!"

"Fortunately, SKT has talents like Black King, Shusheng, and Huni."

Resist it.

Most RNG fans think they can win.

Just like the comments said.

RNG was so impressive in the jungle group stage. Before the game, they really didn't think about killing SSG like killing Kun.

Another thing, before the World Championship, many people swore that RNG was beaten badly by IG in the training match. At that time, they felt that RNG could not go far.

If you watch the group stage with this mood, the surprise given by RNG is quite big. It is normal for fans to be optimistic.

After all, although SKT defeated SSG, their attack was not as heavy as RNG.

At the same time, RNG performed so well, confirming a prediction of the summer split——

Incense burner version, bottom lane is king!

Just look at the way RNG abuses SSG. Does it look like the bottom lane is king?

The bottom lane is comfortable for the player, the player relies on occupying the center and fighting in groups to plunder resources, and the offensive is centered around the AD rhythm point. Can't it be proved that RNG has received the incense burner bonus?

If this isn't a bonus.

So how is RNG better than S6?

Is it that Letme is better than Looper, or that Xiao Ming, who has just debuted, is better than Mata, or that the configuration of S7 is greater than the lineup configuration of S6.

If you don't think the configuration is strong.

Then it can only be a version bonus, or a bonus for all Chinese classes.

And so far.

The BP tendency shown by RNG is to use Prince, Xiaopao, and Fengnu if they have them, and only consider other heroes if they don't.

That is to say.

RNG is the team that values ​​Feng Nu the most among the eight teams.

If you can't get a strong AD, you can use Rat or Big Mouth instead, but you can't do without strong soft assistants in the first three hands.

While other teams are experimenting with hard support lineups, focusing on small-scale collisions and emphasizing first-hand attrition, only RNG clings to Xianglu AD, and uses it very skillfully.

[Is anyone posting predictions for LGD and SSG? Netizens passing by are asked to leave their thoughts. 】

"Ten zero, don't ask me who is zero."

"I actually like CuVee, but I don't expect SSG to win."

"Crown is too messy, even more messy than Xiaohu. So far, it's either Yanque or Karma, who is just a JB who is trying to take advantage of his teammates. This kind of rubbish mid laner will not be able to control Qingshen against Qingshen."

"It can be seen from the intercontinental competition that Crown not only has not improved compared to last year, but has also regressed."

"Let's talk about it. Is Qingshen considered the inner demon of the crown? I don't think he is that anxious to beat Faker."

"It can only be said that Qingshen specializes in beating old men."

“I feel like LGD just need to stay stable and wait for the mid laner, and An Bixin is not the kind of jungler who particularly likes to do things.

Whether it is losing to SKT in the playoffs or losing to RNG in the group stage, as long as there is a big disadvantage, An Bixin will take the lead. Because he is often the only one in the front row of their team, he can only step in for nothing. "

Related discussions were posted to the Internet.

It immediately attracted a lot of attention.

When RNG fans were holding their breath and wanted to mess with SKT, most of the SKT fans were scolding the coaching staff and Ueno.

On the contrary, because SSG has few fans and poor popularity among passers-by, Korea Net did not show much anger towards SSG's prediction of losing.

And on Twitter.

A European commentator who likes SKT said:

“Everyone seems to have forgotten that BO5 values ​​mentality the most.

From what I know about SKT, they probably don't think RNG is very strong. On the other hand, even if RNG performs more steadily this season than last year, mlxg's performance proves that he is seriously underestimated in the Top 20 list.

However, I believe that the RNG players will never be at peace. If you ask me why, I would say that they were all defeated by SKT. "

The European female commentator who initially supported Penicillin as Top 1 commented on this tweet:

"Yes, the reason why I am not optimistic about SSG is because I think their mentality will be affected when they face LGD.

Especially the Crown player. Anyone who has watched the intercontinental competition knows that in the next few Qs, he has lost the sense of smell and judgment that a professional player should have. With this alone, he cannot become an S-level mid laner.

I don’t think a person with trembling hands can become a Dharma King. "


Some former professionals were invited to the live broadcast room by the big brother to join the microphone. When talking about the elimination of the top eight, everyone basically leaned towards WE, LZ, LGD and SKT to advance.

Among them, the senior brother talked about one point when he was laughing at himself, that is, after becoming the "defeated general", he always wanted to prove himself.

He said that when he first started playing professionally, no one looked down on him.

I was abused by Uzi later, and I feel that Uzi's exchange of blood is more delicate than him.

So when he met Uzi later, he couldn't help but think about what would have happened if he hadn't changed this wave——

"...Sometimes, I can obviously gain an advantage by exchanging blood, but it is because of these and other worries that I dare not take this step."

The senior brother complained: "Every time the health drops to half, I will think, where is my jungler? Then I don't dare to fight too hard."

"Ha ha."

"So mentality determines performance."

"Every time I go with the wind and the situation is not right, it is easy for me to remain silent. Because I know that my actions are a bit excessive and a bit irresponsible."

"Penicillin Syndra's one-on-two wave, do you know how I felt? I saw the shadow of Faker in 15 years in him.

No matter what happens, I will judge whether it can be saved through operation——

In fact, in that wave, Syndra could escape the risk by directly dodging, but he played very confidently, and his expression was very calm from beginning to end. "

"RNG has no chance, but it depends on Letme."

"If it's Looper, RNG has already advanced."

Discussions among insiders were not intense.

Compared with fans, they like to joke more and have no idea of ​​equalizing other people's perceptions.


When more and more people say that WE is easy to sign, LZ is easy to sign.

Some people break their guard.

They can't stand the 60E jumping so fast, and they can't stand the Lemon Man being so relaxed.

The first is RNG super talk.

A big fan talked about his views on the draw for the knockout rounds, and many people were stunned when they saw it.

Because as a big fan, many RNG fans know her and know that she usually supports Xiao Ming the most. She is considered a die-hard fan of Xiao Ming and half the team fan.

"I'm so angry!! During the draw, all the comments were about "Don't want civil war, don't want civil war," and they were talking about Icon's good guys.

Forget it, let's go to the outside world unanimously. I can understand if we don't want civil war.

But why are WE fans pretending like this?

You guys are just popping the champagne in Chaohua, but why do you still say in the prediction post that RNG can't beat SKT?

Whose group qualified second, causing the probability of civil war to skyrocket? Is it our RNG? "

The crusade post comes out.

Others feel the same way.


There are so many fans that I can’t control them.

Of course, normal WE fans hope to have three seats in the semi-finals. The problem is that some people laughed out loud when they saw RNG draw SKT.

"Sister Li is right. I have long been dissatisfied with these barrages saying that there is no civil war. If there is no civil war, who will be cheaper? It must be the third seed WE. It can't beat anyone and can only rely on luck."

"Let's just give the award to WE."

"WE simply does not conform to the theme of legends never being extinguished."

"Only one team signed up, and they were called good."

"Aren't young fans angry that WE is jumping like this? You and we are both number one in the group, and only WE is holding back the competition."

"Those who are obviously Chinese and still hope that RNG will lose, then I also wish you lose to Bangzi."

“If you don’t support all-Chinese classes, you are not Chinese.”

"It's a showdown. If RNG loses, I will support LZ to win the championship. After all, LZ specializes in playing WE, and Khan can beat ten leg brothers (smiley face, smiley face)."

"It doesn't mean anything else. The quality of some fans is too low. They don't deserve it."


The WE super talk flooded into the royal army and the fungus watching the show.

Under chaos.

A big fan of WE openly issued an IOU——

This team and the LGD team jointly owe the RNG e-sports club one S championship.

"You're smiling. If we say we don't want civil war, does that mean there won't be civil war? We can throw the blame away."

"It is recommended that RNG fans curse the whole SKT team for diarrhea, so that they can win."

"During the draw, weren't we all trying to draw good numbers? Are you, RNG, afraid that you won't be able to beat SKT?"

"Qingfan will definitely not help RNG. Isn't it Qingfan who scolds RNG the most harshly and violently? Can Qiu Huangza forgive him?"

"How did you come up with the most popular dish in S6? Isn't it the same Green Pink Green Garlic Tiger as last time? I'm warning you not to touch porcelain."

"It's weird, don't you let the champagne out these days? Even if you don't like it, let it go."

Since the LPL has had an S championship.

Moments of unity are becoming increasingly rare.

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