I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 357: Blood Bar Disappearance Technique

Second game.

The lineups on both sides will seem to be very slow.

The reason is very simple. Gnar cannot suppress Sion in the early stage, Galio cannot suppress vampires, and Xayah and Braum cannot suppress Ice and female tanks.


From a line perspective.

SSG's laning phase is actually more comfortable than LGD's, because Gnar can slowly consume it and force Thain home at around level 4 or 5. If Galio wants to clear the lane and roam, he can move first by paying part of his health.

The problem is that the hero Pig Girl needs to lower her HP online before she can take action. The World Championships are not all like mlxg, where you have to invade even if you play a pig girl.

Just like that.

The situation suddenly calmed down.

The junglers on both sides brush each other, and occasionally choose to avoid each other after meeting each other in the river. Therefore, this guide shot focuses on the top and middle lane.

On the top lane, Langx Thain resisted well. In other words, the special Solo training some time ago gave him a lot of memory.

Every time Gnar made a move to hit the three rings forward, Thain would choose to pull away. Big Wolf's thinking is very simple. The focus of his laning is in front of the tower.

When the remaining lines from the opposite side come in, he can clear most of them with just one Q. If at this time, he was beaten three times by Gnar, he would be able to accept it.

On the other hand, Big Wolf would cut the screen and glance at the middle from time to time. Seeing Qin Hao using his skill distance to continuously pull Galio's last-ditch position, he felt relieved.


Although he can't beat Gnar and misses shots, he misses more in the middle of the opponent's lane! win!

Everything requires comparison.

As an anti-pressure position, his task here is to drag the double C to take over the team battle, and he has no intention of playing with Gnar on the wing forever.

And in the background.

Looking at the face with a dead expression, Edgar took a deep breath from time to time to adjust his mentality. He felt that the crown was very scary. It was clear that Galio's set of skills had higher explosive power than vampires, but every time it was vampires who came up to exchange blood.

This is the perspective of a bystander.

This does not mean that Crown himself thinks so.

Watching himself take a step forward, the vampire retreated simultaneously. Just as he was about to retreat, the vampire synchronized and pressed Q to deal damage.

This movement is directly on the same frequency as him.

For a moment, he seemed to be back in the afternoon of the intercontinental match. What was an ordinary day turned out to be anything but ordinary because of a game.

This scene is even included repeatedly in countless operational slices about Penicillin. After all, for fans, this is the most visually impactful operation shot.

Including when the Top 20 was released, many foreign commentators talked about the epic battle between Clockwork and Syndra. They think this is the epitome of what makes Penicillin even greater than it was last year.

Talking about Penicillin.

There are always three topics that cannot be separated.

That is to practice the hero's speed, excellent game reading ability, and keen team battle positioning. But even those who like him would not say that Sillin's line play is particularly top-notch.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many people saying that Penicillin’s playing style is like that of an old man past his prime, who likes to use experience and military lines to control the game.

But this year is different.

Penicillin has made a breakthrough in terms of laning skills. Simply put, he is better at ordering food.

Especially the revenge battle against Crown in the intercontinental competition.

When Crown took out the most confident Syndra, no one thought he could perform that kind of operation.

The time comes to 4 minutes.

Galio was out of supplies and had two-thirds of his health left, while the vampire still had Dolan's Shield plus one red, and his health was close to three-quarters.

Another wave of residual thread pulling.

in the screen.

The vampire used the red Q's instant acceleration to break through 600 yards, and then suddenly stopped and avoided the central area of ​​​​Gangfeng.


The vampire sucked out the red Q, used A to attack, and took half a step back to maintain an ambiguous distance of 500 yards.

At this distance, the vampire can take half a step forward to perform a basic attack, and he has about one second to react to Galio's punch.

See Galio retreat.

Qin Hao charged up E, and when it was about to be fully charged and slowed down, the vampire suddenly moved down to the right, releasing E and dodging Galio's punch at the same time.

"Twisted off!"

"Gario holds W, and Brother Hao follows up with Q."

After taunting, Galio triggered the Colossus, but Galio was a hundred yards away from the vampire. When the hero controlled by the crown walked over, Qin Hao was already out of control and retreated with his basic attack.

Just like that, after pulling out of position, the vampire caught up and hit the red Q, reducing Galio's health to only 220.

too fast!

I tried to fight back before going home, but what I got was this ending.

Crown also finally knew why he felt uneasy.

Maybe it was because Penicillin was in such good condition that day that he didn't dare to test it easily. Somehow, he felt that he couldn't change.

Just like this wave.

He tried his best and pushed the line to go home. It's just that the opponent's distance control is very tight. Even though he can catch up, he still maintains his position.


When he charges E, isn't there any slowdown effect? How could you avoid it so quickly? His Q when being taunted was even more outrageous. It seemed that he had already thought that he wouldn't be able to charge for too long, and he didn't notice any sluggishness at all.

Watching Galio retreat to the defense tower and light up the return beam, the North American commentator boasted: "Watching Penicillin torture is a kind of enjoyment."

"You mean Crown food?"

The partner shrugged: "That's true."

Remember: "Brother Hao's blood bottle is still there, so he has to fight for two lives with one life."

Guan Zeyuan: "In this kind of matchup, Galio can't hand E casually. Once he misses, the scene just now will appear." To be honest, it's a bit uncomfortable.

His impression of Crown is still in S5.

He was so high-spirited that he didn't look like a shy Korean boy. He had a big gold chain, leopard print lining, and always had an unruly expression on his face.

Not like now, it's like being beaten down by life, looking inexplicably distressed.

"There was a fight in the bottom lane, and the female candid pointed up first, but Braum had a security door, and Hanbing's output was all on the shield."

A wave of blood exchange.

The female tank relies on her W to take damage, and the amount of blood she spends is not too much.

I remember chatting, "Although Bron's ability to retain people is average, he is still strong in counterattacks."

"The even team looks for an opportunity to wave B, then go home to fill your eyes and lean towards the middle."

About 5 minutes.

When Galio's TP minions pushed back, the female tank went down to the river grass and added a real eye. C Bo also wanted to try the forcing skill, but Galio retreated directly after sending the troops and did not stay in front of the tower at all.

"The horse is a bit steady," C Bo complained.

"Be careful, Galio has one minute and six." The next second, Qin Hao said again: "When the time comes, I will find an opportunity to launch a big attack and suppress its health."


6 minutes and 4 seconds.

When Qin Hao arrived at the Sixth Queen, he always paid attention to Galio's movements. If the opponent wants to hoard lanes, they can only hold the control position in front of the tower and push back.

Look at the road again.

Thain's blood volume is still healthy, so Karsa chooses to lean down and keep the line in the bottom lane.

other end.

The Korean audience also knows that in these two minutes, first blood should break out.

Just a turn of the camera.

The vampire starts with charging E, slows down and throws big. Scarlet blood spread on the ground, and Galio immediately chose to activate W to absorb the injury.

"Let's fight in the middle," I remember saying in a high-pitched voice, "Brother Hao, do you still want to chase? This is the first tower on the opposite side."

Galio W ends.

Qin Hao rushed into the defense tower, sucked out the red Q, and used the damage from his ultimate move to trigger Wind Rider. When the defense tower glowed red, Qin Hao retreated, charged up his second E, and entered the tower again.

This time.

Galio couldn't hold back and tried to hit E with his backhand, but he only hit the air.

"Open the blood pool, and defense tower A cannot come out."

"Get up and hit another Q. Galio only has over 300 health left."

An Bixin had just made an agreement with the middle lane to cooperate with him in the wave line to force the bottom lane. He turned around and saw that Galio's health was less than one-third.

He just wanted to know.

Can't vampires consume blood? Why is the health bar still so healthy?

Playback through the guide.

The audience and the commentator noticed that it was Garriott who pulled the string and was being chased by the vampire and suppressed him. Upon seeing this, they barraged:

"Besides the fact that Galio inserted a real eye offline, has it ever moved?"

"I don't understand why Crown doesn't fight back."

"Can a vampire play so comfortably?"

"Can Crown, this bastard, die?"

Because Galio is out of shape.

Apply pressure in front of the vampire tower to prevent the troops from coming out.

"Got to think of a way."

"The next wave of artillery trains can be sent back to the city to resupply."

"Naru always has a line, you can try to catch it."

The Korean commentator is coming up with ideas.

Can be found in the bottom lane.

When the blue side's troops entered the tower, Braum's Q reached the female tank, and Xayah opened her W to hit the female tank.

"The female tank turned back and pointed E! Wow, it was twisted away!"

Chi Di's positioning is very confusing.

The moment he guessed wrong, C Bo was a little annoyed: "Hey, why didn't he go to Braum?" After hitting the barb, Xia was able to hit 3 more basic attacks, reducing the female tank's health to only a quarter.

Look at this fight.

The Korean commentator suddenly realized that the bottom lane was no longer satisfied with relying on the middle and jungle to drive the rhythm.

But this time Karsa smelled it and leaned down.

"Karsa is circling, climbing up the wall of Xiaolong Pit E, and is not visible from the field of view."

"On the front, Xayah is on the top line, and Team Ping and IMP are waiting for the jungler to get in position. Moreover, this wave of pig girls are in the top half, and Galio and Gnar are not good at TP."

Galio has big.

But it is in no condition, and the line cannot exit in front of the tower.

It can be said that SSG's proactive choice of consumption in the bottom lane gave Karsa a sense of opportunity. He wasn't quite sure whether Zhu Mei was counter-crouching online, but he was sure that there was no advantage in focusing fire on the opponent's jungler.

"Can you realize it?"

"Ruler seems to think that the female tank has poor HP and her positioning is a bit aggressive."

A wave of lines was about to be lost by Xia A.

Amidst the anxious voices of Korean commentators.

The female tank stood in front of the tower, and suddenly pointed E at Braum who was moving forward on the flank. Before Braum could open the security door, Hanbing W slowed down Xia, and C Bo took advantage of the trend and squeezed forward.

"Can you run? Bronn needs to help stop him."

The operation on the other side made Chichi Emperor alert. When he saw the wine barrel peeking out, Chichi Emperor's pupils shrank and he pretended to retreat to the river.

rear side.

Seeing that the wine barrel immediately entered the range of E, C Bo knew that his blood volume was too much, so he decisively chose to flash Q to control Xia, and then moved behind Xia to prevent receiving barbs.

Just the next moment.

Braum used Q to slow down the ice, and Xayah got the wine barrel's E. When the ruler was being attacked, Bronn EW stepped forward and stood in front of Kasumi.

that's all.

Xia was only hit by Han Bing, so she pressed the heal button and flashed the remaining blood towards the triangle grass.

IMP wanted to follow, but the other side was weak. Even though his hand speed was very fast, he was still delayed for a moment by his weakness and did not have the distance to make up for the slowdown.


Bronn was down to one-third of his health, and he also flashed away.

"Didn't this kill?"

"Bron's Q is so crucial."

Guide playback.

Only to discover that the female tank couldn't help Han Bing block the angle after dodging. And IMP didn't seem to expect that the opponent would use this method to hide Q's action.

"As expected of CoreJJ's most skilled hero, he defended this wave very well."

"It's not bad. Xia and Braun don't have double summons. If the wave of wine barrels reaches six, you can continue to capture them."

Fight until now.

The head count is still 0:0.

But foreign commentators, including Korean commentators, know one thing very well, that is, Galio cannot control vampires at all.

Looking at the last hit of 43 to 60.

The audience was a little nervous.


Galio shouldn't miss a lot of shots. As long as the director cuts to the past, even if there is no vampire threat, Galio can't clear the tower line.

[This proficiency...]

[Are you nervous or something else? I played Galio against KT in the Crown playoffs. At that time, I could make up 50 dollars against Ryze. 】

【Can PawN compare with Penicillin? 】

[Why is he so good? Seriously, I'm disgusted by the food. 】

[I finally understand why Crown wants to start his career in the Brazilian league. With his skills, he is not worthy of becoming a professional player. 】

in the forum.

The laning period is not over yet.

Many viewers opened the post and enlarged it.

But for the crown.

He waited until the artillery line was behind the line and took the time to return to Bo's house. Similarly, Qin Hao spent too much time cleaning up the gun truck. After pushing it out, he chose to go home and reveal his small technology gun.

His outfit idea is very simple.

Violence is powerful.

Of course, the most popular style of equipment in the S7 Korean server is half-tank. At the end of the day, it needs to be supplemented with inspiration to increase fault tolerance, so as to prevent the second phase of the health regeneration effect from being triggered after maxing it out, and being killed instantly by focusing fire.

But just like in S6, when Ah P played Ryze and dared Archangel to turn his hat, in order to pursue damage, Qin Hao had to sacrifice a little fault tolerance.

Otherwise, he would have to develop to 28 minutes before he could threaten Kasumi. As for Xia, a hero with a three-piece suit with very strong firepower, he had to make a time lag and start in advance.

God's perspective.

When Galio connected to the tower line, Pig Girl successfully reached level 6 and walked up the road through the grass. After 20 seconds, Gnar exchanged blood as usual and forced Thain back into the tower.

"Sain is very tough, do the two of us have a chance?"

Middle road.

When Galio pushed the line, Qin Hao happened to be on line.

After paying part of the blood, Crown reversed E to eat the remaining line, and walked towards the blue zone intersection. Seeing this, Qin Hao wanted to remind Big Wolf.

Just zoom in.

The Q in front of Senta is used to clear the line, and Gnar stands in front of him and immediately becomes bigger.

"Nakano should go."

Hearing Qin Hao's words, Karsa felt that the big wolf must die, so she walked directly to the middle line and detoured into the lower half of the area. On the way, she was spotted by An Bixin's tricky dragon pit wall.

"Pig girl throws it big, and Gnar hits the wall."

"Can I leave?"

in the screen.

With the help of Pig Girl's first move, Gnar ER followed Q to play Normal, and then Pig Girl Q stepped up and hit Permafrost, knocking out most of Thane's health.

"It's dodge and it's big, do you have a chance to run?" I remember shouting.

The next second, Gnar shot W, and Galio's ultimate move locked Gnar and did not give Thain a chance to get out of range.

"Fuck, three big moves." Big Wolf muttered, "I almost cleared the line, they have no chance to demolish the tower."

He said and looked towards the jungler.

As soon as the wine barrel circled Stone Beetle, Chi Di and CoreJJ were already grabbing his position, and it took time for the offline players to come in, so the two of them could not rely on each other.


The wine barrel was chased and beaten, and he pulled E across the wall and gave up the gank.

"It should have been seen by the eye, but I don't know where the eye is." Karsa reported. On the map, he and Qin Hao's two true eyes blocked the pass of their own blue zone and the grass on the wall opposite the blue side and red buff.

Compared to LGD.

SSG's defensive vision in the lower half was concentrated on the triangle grass, the river, the intersection of the blue zone, and the side of the dragon pit wall, controlling all routes except the line.

"It's not Langx's fault for this wave, the three ultimate moves really can't do anything."

7 minutes and 50 seconds.

Gnar gets first blood.

This rhythm is acceptable to Cvmax.

It's near the Zhongyi Tower.

Galio and Pig Girl returned to the defense and saw vampires grinding the tower. I saw two people approaching from my field of vision. Instead of retreating, the vampire used the line of soldiers to gather a red Q and took the initiative to meet them.

"Middle, do you want to fight?"

"Karsa is opposing F6 and has no intention of relying on it."

Qin Hao had no intention of breaking out into a 2v2.

Get into distance.

The moment Pig Girl collided with her, Qin Hao moved to the left to avoid the control, and then used a very small range of turning skills to twist the second W of Pig Girl again, and then used E to slow down the two of them.

"Gario punched, but was evaded by the blood pool," remember looking at the screen, "Crown stored W on the spot, Brother Hao got up and was ridiculed. But it doesn't matter, the damage to these two people is not enough, and Brother Hao has another red Q! "

Was intercepted for a while.

An Bixin didn't think anything of it either.

After a set of fights, the vampire with one-third health gave up his position, and then Galio went to pick up the troops. At F6 of Anbixin Road, he met the wine barrel.

I know that F6 was reversed.

An Bixin can only brush stone beetles.

Right now.

SSG didn't notice the vampire in bad condition at all, and turned around and entered the blue zone. They all thought the vampire just wanted Galio to leak the tower knife.

The problem lies with Qin Hao.

His ultimate skill immediately improved. If he couldn't kill Galio with one set, he could only use 2 sets.

In addition, the wine barrel was caught in the opposite half of the area just now, and was accurately captured by the opposite bottom lane. This means that the SSG's field of vision is concentrated in the lower half, and there should be no eye positions near the upper river.

After all, Bronn has never been to China.

Remember, who had just calmed down, his tone was a little excited, "Crown finished the line and returned to the city at half health. Brother Hao, are you looking for an opportunity?"

Near the side wall of the middle tower on the blue side.

The vampire charges up E, flashes across the wall to deal damage, then unleashes his ultimate move, starts sprinting towards the F6 wall. At this moment, Crown was a little confused, as if he didn't understand why the vampire could come out of here.

But for Qin Hao.

He knew that Galio's W was still five or six seconds away - his blood pool CD was 28 seconds, and he had only gone a third of the way.

Crown was a little panicked.

When his blood volume dropped, he wanted to cooperate with the defense tower to counterattack, but the vampire R pulled him aside. After he punched out, the vampire moved downwards to avoid the angle at a high speed.

"Crown, crown, crown?"

Continuous roaring.

Each sound was more miserable than the last.

After it was empty, Galio threw his Q and flashed towards the second tower, but the vampire moved too fast and took the damage from the defense tower, leaving his Q with residual health.

right here.

Galio wanted to turn around and fight back with a heavy punch, but the vampire escaped from the range of the defense tower while maintaining his position with Galio.

Just like that, the second laser shot was suppressed, and the vampire charged up the second E to trigger the slowdown. Galio was still unable to use his passive.

"Single kill!"

The vampire red Q eliminated Galio, and with the help of the second stage ultimate move, he returned to the third third. Then he withstood the damage of the defense tower and returned to the blue zone.

The spectators in the surrounding stands burst into deafening cheers.

The roaring sound cut through the sky and went straight into the sky!

【666666! 】

[Crown is really a good brother. 】

[I was numb from being pulled, haha. 】

[Turtle, even the defense tower needs to be shown off. 】

"Well done!"

In the team's voice, Big Wolf praised after appreciating the operation.

"I'm lying down."

Listening to the brothers talking dirty words, Qin Hao said easily: "One and a half minutes, Galio's ultimate move has improved."

other end.

Listening to An Bixin breathing heavily, the crown's fingers trembled again and again.

"If I give you some distance, the female tank on the other side will point it out. They want to fight now." CoreJJ just reported the information and had no intention of comforting anyone. In fact, he was in no mood for comfort right now.

8 minutes and 40 seconds.

Both sides have great moves.

Just when An Bixin planned to capture and find an opportunity to force out the key skills before Galio's ultimate move improved, Karsa also came to the lower half.

Same as CoreJJ.

These two.

LGD has the courage to play with the help of the enthusiastic female tank.

"The junglers on both sides are in the bottom lane..."

The wine barrel stood on the explosive fruit. While C Bo was preparing his sword, he suddenly made a big move to find Xia in the pile of soldiers.

"Emperor Chi reacted very quickly..."

Kasumi sends flying feathers all over the sky, and the female tank E-Bron is prevented from handing over her W.

On the next beat, the ice ultimate move locked Xia's position, but Wine Barrel was just about to regain control and blast Xia back, but Pig Girl Q came out from the side, blocking the angle of Wine Barrel's E position.

"The damage was not enough. Bron lost control and raised the security door. IMP was unable to continue the pursuit."

After this wave.

An Bixin went around against logic and tried to cooperate with Braum's ultimate wave force, but was also destroyed by the wine barrel.

"Karsa, he guessed that the opponent would counterattack and crouched in advance."

“The assistants on both sides don’t have big moves.”

"On the road, although Gnar has the advantage, he can't demolish the previous tower in a short time."

"In the middle, the vampires are developing very well, and half of the tower in SSG fell."

It’s 9 minutes and 11 seconds.

Galio relied on selling blood to find a wave of roaming rounds.

But relying on Qin Hao's reminder, this time, the big wolf dodged and avoided the blind-sighted pig girl's ultimate move, "CuVee shot big, and only got the exhaust of Thain."

"The wine barrels are nearby, and the SSG has no chance to demolish the previous tower."

The situation reached a stalemate.

Due to the lack of explosions on both sides, it is difficult to fight to the end online.

Ever since.

The SSG duo took the initiative to push the lane, returning to the city to control the vanguard, while Gnar went down to defend the defense tower.

In the jungle, An Bixin also wanted to use the double lane to deceive LGD.

But he was arrested by Li Ke in Xiahe Road.

"Karsa, it's you again!" remember shouted passionately on the commentary stage.

at the same time.

Gnarl, who was gathering his anger, hit the female tank's E. After being accused, C Bo followed up with QR and cooperated with Han Bing to knock out two-thirds of Gnar's health.


Seeing CuVee cross-dodging to get out of position and stop Han Bing and the female tank from pursuing, I remember commenting: "In this case, there should be a next tower."

Tens of thousands of spectators in the audience witnessed LGD once again taking the economic lead, and excitedly raised their light sticks and support signs.

"Choose to let go of the vanguard, and Karsa will come to cover the two-man road and grind the second tower."


SSG tried to use Nosuke to find opportunities, but with Han Bing's E and river eye position, An Bixin could always be found. Similarly, Karsa's attempt to go around was also recorded by SSG.

For a while.

Compared with the laning period, both sides were even less rhythmic.

Because after the separation, the vampires can lead them casually on the wing. As long as SSG does not use the "double C" to catch them, Nakano Suke alone will not be enough to explode.

in addition.

Every time the director cuts to the scene, he can watch Galio being drained of blood.

However, as Galio made the Abyss, the vampires were actually unable to consume, but they could not be consumed anymore. Watching the vampire economy rise, Korean audiences were equally uncomfortable.

Because they feel that SSG has no means of stopping the development of vampires.

Until 14 and a half minutes.

Anbixin chose to place the vanguard in the middle to mobilize LGD's defensive personnel so that Gnar could grind down the next tower.

After a collision, the vanguard was punished by the barrel. SSG lost the means to continue advancing and only moved to the next tower.

Everyone could only watch as the vampires devoured the army lines and ate wild monsters.

At 15 minutes and 05 seconds, CoreJJ found an opportunity to Q to the female tank, and Chi Di took advantage of the situation to activate W, which consumed part of the female tank's health. Another 20 seconds passed, and there was a vacuum period in the middle line. The female tank planned to go to the lower river to join the jungler for a round of vision.

As a result, C Bo just entered the river.

Blind Vision caught Pig Girl's ultimate move, and then Braun used Pig Girl's Q as a pedal, and also crossed the wall to the 300-yard range of the female tank, and followed up with control. At the same time, Gnar, who got the line right, entered the blue zone.

"Can you run?"

"The ultimate move is average, only as big as Pig Girl."

"Cross-flash...Naru came so fast, it seems like he can't move from this position."

Gnar grew bigger in the air and swatted the female tank back to the pass, helping Xia, who was chasing after her, kill her head.

After this wave.

LGD lacks a front row, and SSG has the intention of hitting a tower.

In communication.

Qin Hao knew that Zhumei and Naer were not old enough, so he said, "Big Wolf, go back to the city and look for an opportunity to sell it."


Qin Hao went home and found ways to wear shoes and buy a stick.

17 minutes and 1 seconds.

The first tower on the red side only has ice and wine barrels. Although CuVee reported that Sion is not in the bottom lane, if this wave is not pushed, how long will it take for the first tower to be broken? He is a pig girl, there is no way he can threaten the duo guarding the tower.

Just like that.

When An Bixin saw the Q coming out of the ice, he took the initiative to stand on the side of the tower. Kasumi's Q cooperates with Braum's body pressing against the ice, triggering a moment of deceleration.

Braum entered the tower to attract hatred, Xia followed up with a basic attack, and Pig Girl flanked the intersection to keep an eye on the wine barrel.

This wave of SSG didn't want to go all the way, so Ice Flash avoided Braum's ultimate move, CoreJJ directly retreated from the range, and Xia wanted to take advantage of the wine barrel to clear the line of troops, and demolish the defense tower.

"IMP didn't flash, and the blood volume wasn't very good either."

The words just fell.

The vampire rushed from the red zone to the second tower. Wine Barrel E flashed Pig Girl's ultimate move and blasted the opposite jungler to the second tower. At the same time, Thain, who came to the high ground, opened up and cooperated with the wine barrel.

"An Bixin got the focus fire, and the ice ultimate move was saved for Braum!"


The big wolf hit the pig girl with his car, Qin Hao landed his Q to assist, and went straight forward to find a path for two people.

"Can you kill me? I am weak after being hanged."

Qin Hao's big move was R to Braum. He knew that Xia had R and barb, and it was too difficult to kill AD. CoreJJ still wanted to operate. When the second stage of the ultimate move was about to be triggered, he threw Weakness to prevent the vampire from triggering Wind Rider.

The next second.

Qin Hao pressed the sprint button and watched Bronn W Xia retreat. After all, the opposite position was too deep, so Qin Hao could still keep up after the weak time passed.

"Help, help."


The vampire twisted Braum's Q, stored E and hit the slowdown. Seeing the pig girl being taken over by the ice, the LGD personnel were rushing here.

Crown finally had the distance to launch its ultimate move.

"Gario wants to protect, so Brother Hao sticks to the aperture range."


When Galio landed, Braum only had a quarter of his health left. Similarly, Crown knew that W could not threaten the vampire, so he chose to get close first and wait for the sprint time to pass.

Qin Hao found an opportunity to QQ Bron.

It seemed that Bron had little blood.

Galio caught the vampire's tendency to move upwards and punched. With the next beat, the vampire pulled back and took out his belt. The distance between him and Braun reached 700 yards.

Sprint time passed.

Qin Hao also has a red Q.

Facing Galio's W, Qin Hao steadily killed Braum with EW combos, and got up and was ridiculed.


"Chased from the middle tower to the opposite middle tower, and then killed Braum in front of Galio!!"

"Galio's fatal air E..." the Korean network commentator said with a cry.

[Why do you want to go beyond this wave? 】

[Naru is not angry. Wouldn't it be better to wait for it to bring the line? 】

【Eh. 】

【Who directed it? 】

[The vampire has two heads. 】

[Choose Galio, and it’s still 0-1-1 at 17 minutes. 】

[Who cares about vampires? Don’t let them grow. 】

An Bixin held his forehead, his head felt a little burning. This wave not only failed to demolish the first tower, but also lost two heads. Even if the situation is not right, he still has to find a way to do something.

But how?

Catch Thane? Catching vampires, or holding a front and forcing the opponent to defend?

None of it seems good.

But for Karsa.

Knowing the resurrection time of Pig Girl and the refresh time of the blue buff on the opposite side, he directly asked the female tank to go down the river to line up wards, preparing to squat for a wave of Ambixin.

The vision was black.

The pig girl groped her way into the wild area, unaware that LGD's Nakano Fu was ambushing in the blue buff grass.

"An Bixin?"


The prosthetic eye was inserted in, and when the three big men were seen, the pig girl directly dodged each other.


The Korean commentator breathed a sigh of relief, "There is still discipline. This kind of behavior when entering the jungle after being resurrected is the most dangerous."

The chanting continued.

Through the sound-isolating headphones, An Bixin seemed to hear the audience laughing at him.

He has done so much hard work, does it make sense?

Vampires will soon need hats, and their costumes will be very crazy.

An Bi's confidence was confused.

In the cry of the scene.

SSG can only grow and control dragons.

After Gnar came out to Ice Hammer, although he had an advantage, he couldn't break the tower in a short time.

Three and a half minutes later.

Qin Hao took out his big hat and saw the four SSG people hugging each other to grab the view. He said: "You can pick up the next wave of small dragons, but you have to go out early."

In order to express his confidence, Qin Hao said: "Now I only need to hit R, and one set can kill Xia."

Hear this.

C Bole said: "Brother, I'm just waiting for your words."

24 minutes and 2 seconds.

SSG grinds out the first tower.

Another half minute passed.

CuVee noticed that the opponent Nosuke was leaning down and chose to give up his position to prevent being caught.

that's all.

The big wolf sent the thread through the ruins of a tower, and combined with Sun Yan, he had the glory of justice, Sun Yan and cloth armor shoes.

And in the middle.

Galio cooperated with Shimonosuke to push forward, preparing to regain the view of the lower half and control the Tulong that was about to refresh.

"I feel like this earth dragon can let me go."

I remember feeling that SSG was better at grabbing lanes. After all, Xia's ability to protect herself was stronger than Han Bing's, and her positioning was more comfortable.

When you see a vampire in your field of vision.

SSG didn't think anything of it either.

At this minute, everyone has recovered their status, and it is normal for the opponent to defend.

Just like that.

When Qin Hao took a position near the river, it was Bronn who came to take precautions. He used Q to accumulate skills normally. After Xia captured the line of soldiers, Galio had already reached the grass on the lower side of the middle road, and Piggy stood at the intersection, ready to enter blue at any time.

And on LGD's side.

Except for the vampire, who is not afraid of being kicked and stands slightly forward, the rest are relatively far back. From the audience's point of view, after SSG enters the river, the vampire will take it with him, forcing Galio to return to defense.

Next beat.

Qin Hao gave him some distance, and Bron subconsciously realized Q. Here, CoreJJ just wanted to slow down, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so angry that he would press sprint.

So after the skill is empty.

CoreJJ is always ready to jump on Xia from behind.

This problem is enough time.

Qin Haohong took a sip of Q and used E to slow down. The female tank directly pressed forward, and she had the distance to threaten the pig girl at the intersection.

"Do you want to open all this?"

I don't remember seeing such a brave vampire.

Take the lead and charge into the complete iron barrel formation.

"Help me keep an eye on Sister Pig."

Qin Hao finished speaking.

His eyes were always locked on Kasumi.

Seeing Braum's W jump back, he circled the feathers to the wing and faced SSG's middle and lower assistants.

On the next beat, Qin Hao used his E to suck the Q, forcing Galio to move forward. Then with the help of the next red Q, he walked towards the F6 intersection and forced the trio to go around.

And on the side.

Pig Girl's position was blocked and she chose to go through the pass, but she was entangled by the wine barrel coming over. At the same time, Han Bing shot at the retreating trio, and Bronn chose to use E to block it.

"The location here is not good, so retreat first."

CoreJJ just finished speaking.

Kasumi and Galio were separated from each other by a pool of blood. Faced with such an offensive, Chikui first fired Q at the position where the vampire came from, and then used his ultimate move to retreat behind the red buff wall.

"Ruler re-finds the output bit."

"Wow, vampires move so fast."

in the screen.

As soon as Galio accumulated W, he got the vampire's full E and red Q. Then, Qin Hao triggered the Wind Rider, and his position became more and more flexible. Galio was as bulky as a bear in a circus.

Seeing Xia Xia being forced into an awkward position, the vampire bypassed Galio and rushed behind the wall to draw Q, and combined with the second stage of her ultimate move, Xia Xia's health was reduced to only one-third.

"Hand over the flash, Galio fires the big insurance - can Ruler survive?"

But next beat.

Qin Hao's E dodges against Can Xia, opening a pool of blood to evade Justice's appearance. After getting up, he uses Q to take away AD.


"Didn't you save all of them? On the flank, Gnar T came down and captured two of them, but no one followed... Galio was fighting a vampire duel, and the pig girl was driven to the dragon pit by a wine barrel."

"Run, SSG, run."

Seeing that the ice output environment is very good, chasing Gnar and Bron Point, the Korean commentator is very painful. In the end, Thain drove into the field to drive Gnar away, and CuVee could only sell Braum and Piggy in a flash.

"This cut is so cool."

A wave of 0 for 3. Galio relied on his high magic resistance to withstand the damage and retreat to the second tower.

I remember raising my voice suddenly, "The group started so suddenly, SSG didn't even react!"


"Brother Hao is so handsome."

"That's for sure."

"Get the dragon in the jungle, you guys can knock down a tower, and I'll go to the bottom lane to collect the lane."

After this wave.

SSG can't control vampires at all.

The Korean audience could only watch the team members struggling to their death.

"This was run by the barrel."

"If you don't kill the vampire, you won't quench your thirst at all."

"Penicillin doesn't plan to make a golden body? The third one is the Void Staff."


LGD took the initiative to force Baron.

SSG was 5,000 behind and came to pick up the group.

When Pig Girl entered the river from the blue zone intersection, the vampire squatted alone at the F6 intersection, waiting for Xia and Bronn to push the center line.

Listen to your teammates saying to let the opponent fight for a while.

Just as Chichi was about to retreat, the next moment, a vampire appeared on his face.

"What kind of harm is this?!"


Xia instantly went from full health to residual health, and was even hit with her ultimate move.

"Wow, E flashed to Q, Kasumi was almost defeated."

[Vampire, how to say blood suck. 】

[True - blood bar disappearing technique. 】

【Turtle. 】

Emperor Chi's chest rose and fell violently, eventually turning into a sigh.

that's all.

Bronn and Xia were killed from the front.

At 28 minutes and 24 seconds, LGD killed the baron and completed the wave.

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