
"Win one more time and get off work!"


C Bo took off his earphones, stood up and found Qin Hao: "PP, I can stop that wave."

"Handsome, Ping team."


Hear this.

C Bo was extremely satisfied.

When the two of them were chatting and walking backstage, Karsa and Dalang glanced at Qin Hao.

After all, in this game, the middle lane usually helps the situation the most.

It is precisely because Penicillin can suppress the Crown that Big Wolf doesn't care about lagging behind in last hits, so he feels confident.

Similarly, Karsa knows that a big reason why he is so comfortable controlling the map is that SSG does not have much linkage between the midfield and the jungle.

For things like seizing the view of the river, as long as the center line passes, then as a jungler, he only needs to seize the view point that should be grabbed.

For a jungler, being able to enter the river very easily is very comfortable in itself.

In addition, Qin Hao has a strong reading ability and can roughly delineate the tactical focus of SSG through experience, making Karsa extremely comfortable and efficient to play.

for example.

Isn’t An Bixin annoyed that he easily bumps into Karsa every time he does something?

This is because Karsa doesn't have to worry about the mid lane, and Anbixin is not the kind of player who eats grass and squeezes blood, so he needs to plan a jungle route.

Therefore, Karsa only needs to enter the wild area once to see if the wild monsters are there, and he can delineate the approximate activity area of ​​​​Ambisin. In addition, the SSG team can only do a few rounds in a few rounds.

In fact.

SKT beat SSG violently in the training match, relying on its snowballing ability to be better than SSG. They can often enter the late stage with an advantage of three or four thousand, and finally kill the game with the help of resource groups.

After all, during preparations for the World Championship, SKT's training record against SSG was 20 wins and 3 losses.

What is this concept?

Pure abuse.

Don't think that training match results mean nothing, and then give TSM an example.

In fact, South Korea's internal attitude towards training matches is more serious than playing in other competition regions.

At least there is no chance that the lane will be destroyed and the five-speed shoes will be exposed and the whole game will be played.

Take S6 as an example. In order to deal with SKT, Rox exchanged tactics with SSG in training games and developed a double AD line combination in the bottom lane, specifically used to deal with Wolf's unique skill Zyra.

With Korean arrogance.

They will treat the teams in their own division very seriously. Because if you are not serious, you will have no place in the circle. On the other hand, going to other competition regions is just to make money, so you don't need to be so rigorous.


When I saw SSG losing so miserably, I lamented the huge gap in the middle, but I didn't think it was a big deal that SSG lost.

If it were SKT, SSG would at most lose a little better, for example, it could last longer, for example, the mid-term resource group pressure wouldn't be so great, and the 2-piece set wouldn't put pressure on the Baron.

In Kuma's eyes.

LGD won more easily than them. The most critical part was the mid lane confrontation and the courage to play. They gave Faker the Czar and Ryze. Not only did they lead the economy with the handle, they could also lead the crown in eight out of ten positions.

The reason is simple.

He doesn't eat wild monsters in the crown, and even gives up the lane to AD. In addition, he likes to choose non-core heroes in the lane, so he is slow to farm money.

Just like this, SKT's dual-core lineup can squeeze SSG's jungle area in the mid-term as long as nothing happens during the laning phase.


Anbixin usually fights alone.

From the Spring Split to the World Championship, An Bixin often had to find ways to stall for time or swap jungle areas when faced with invasions. Taking advantage of this, the development time of Ruler and CuVee is the time when they release blood in the wild area.

For a team like SKT, they know how to turn their personal advantages into team advantages, and then control the advancement and win. They are all strong teams and have a mid-term economic lead. How can this winning rate be low?

The most ridiculous thing is.

SSG's pace during the laning phase is notoriously slow.

An Bixin likes to fully brush and protect half of the field in the first round, and wait for the big move round or the transition period when there is a time difference between the opponent's defense changes.

It is such a team that has a slow pace in the laning phase and likes to give up resources in the mid-term. How can you make the Korean audience like it. What do you think is the difference between this style of play and turtle shell?

A team that is so stable that they like to control the ward.

How gorgeous can its offensive rhythm be?

And it's different from SKT's disadvantage of looking for opportunities to exchange heads to ensure double C development.

The proportion of Crown's economy in the team this season is lower than last year, so in many cases, what the audience sees is the jungler circling in the jungle, delaying the speed of the opponent's snowball. Crown and CoreJJ are acting as bodyguards, and Ruler and CuVee are farming money.

However, the top lane position is often outside the main force, making SSG more like a tortoise.

After all, if other teams want to do something in a disadvantageous situation, they will definitely call on the top laner to join the team, but SSG would rather fight around the top laner than fight around the crown.

As for the buckle horse saying that you dare to fight, it is even simpler.

RNG's mid lane force is not as fierce as LGD's. In the two games that RNG won, mlxg usually went around looking for opportunities to fight, and at the same time Uzi would put pressure on Chidi.

Once CoreJJ leaves the midline, go to the jungle for vision.

RNG will find a way to open it.

Or SSG is a little slow in returning to defense, and RNG directly jumps the tower to force the attack, such as the wave of the second tower in mlxg Prince.

And what about LGD.

The first one uses the flexibility of Enchantress and Nightmare to focus fire quickly, and the second one uses Vampire to ignore the formation and penetrate the back row. Both of these have one thing in common, that is, the SSG has a lot of pressure in the middle.

Finally, there is the mid lane line-up.

The buckle can be sure that Crown will face Faker without so much psychological pressure. He had watched Crown's Galio in a training match. Although he wasn't particularly smart, he had good skills in laning.

After all, Colossus Galio is not very afraid of mages, except that he is not very good at fighting heroes like Ryze who have small skills and hard control. But this time, Galio's only few battles were all about resistance.

It feels very scary.

"It should be three to zero." Looking at An Bixin's murderous eyes, the assistant said: "The next SSG has no room to deal with Xia Luo, unless they are willing to let the prince go."

"Maybe we can see An Bixin's Leopard Girl."

"He is a leopard girl, so he can only go on the road to fill the front row, otherwise no one will be able to take the position in the group."

"There are never enough bans." The assistant complained: "Penicillin won't be eliminated in the first round, and SSG will always ban the Czar in the second round."

"We can only blame them for their bad luck in signing. Only when they encounter teams that are willing to develop peacefully in the early and mid-term, can they take advantage of them." Kuma said quietly.

as an old rival.

Dun Ma feels that SSG is only strong in discipline. Other than that, the praise from the outside world is not special in his eyes.

And in the background.

Edgar sighed and felt nothing but discomfort. One year later, they seem unable to break through last year's results and reach the finals.

As a coach.

He also knows what his players are capable of.

As the audience sees it.

If a team with the lowest midfield affinity rate encounters a mid laner who is good at marking, the game will look like this.

Before the game, he was still thinking about relying on the top laner to exert his strength. Now it seems that CuVee can indeed exert his power, but he cannot solve the shortcomings of the top laner, that is, it is difficult to transfer his personal advantages to the team.

His eyes swept over.

The players lowered their heads and showed no interest in replaying the game.

Edgar took a deep breath: "The more times this happens, the less likely you are to show weakness in your heart."

"In the next round, they estimate that Nightmare will be tied up with Kanan, and Xia will be tied up with Luo..."

This is a clear sign.

LGD practiced Nightmare to defeat Kennen, and then prioritized the enthusiastic female tank over all hard supports.

Now, SSG has three troubles for BP.

If red doesn't want to play Nightmare, they only have one ban position left.

Whether it is banning the prince or restricting the hero pool in the middle, one ban position is not enough.

Not to mention.

Xia Luo's first-level force-dodge and second-level lane hoarding routine was first used by LGD. If they don't ban, LGD will 100% grab Luo and let them play Xia.

Finally, there is the cannon.

During the seven days of preparation for the quarterfinals.

They simply couldn't find a hero who was particularly good at suppressing the mid laner and small artillery, so they could only consider team battle restrictions.

"Calista, Nightmare... add small cannons." The analyst gritted his teeth and said, "The small cannons demolished the tower too quickly. We can only try to exchange the prince."

Because there is an extra nightmare, the BP simulated by SSG in advance can only be changed.

According to this idea.

As soon as LGD grabs Luo, they will add Xia Luo to their prince. If LGD's prince bans one of Xia Luo on their blue side, they will add Galio to add a jungler or support. Otherwise, the ban position will not be covered at all.

An Bixin couldn't help but asked: "Is there any chance of a Leopard Girl?"

Hear this.

Everyone knew that An Bixin wanted to take the initiative.

Faced with such a look, Edgar slowly shook his head: "We do not support Leopard Girl."

The reason is simple. The hero Leopard Girl also needs economy, and in their first two games, they fell behind in the laning phase.

This is not because Edgar has a problem with An Bixin and thinks he is not worthy of being deputy c.


An Bixin seemed to have figured out something. While lowering his head, he glared at Guan Guang fiercely.

Crown felt very sad and blamed herself, but more importantly, she felt powerless.

He was able to fight Penicillin twice last year.

This year, I don’t have that qualification.


"SSG red side has no ban position."

"It should be three to zero."

"Crown is too messy, pure TM allies."

A certain QQ group.

The group members are discussing the game.

After reading these two.

Everyone has a concept in their minds, choose someone who can do it for Qingshen, and the crown will definitely support him.

"Man, he really doesn't fight back."

"That wave of vampires almost knocked out Kasumi."

"Listen to me, let's meet at the Bird's Nest!"

"Don't open the champagne too early. SSG is only the third seed, and LZ is the strongest."

"Khan is useless in this version. Look at CuVee. If not, he doesn't deserve to win. Isn't his Gnar well developed? He can't stand up to the front and always gets hit."


"that's right."

"No one thinks Langx is very serious in this kind of game. He defends very well."


Hotly discussed.

Players from both sides came on stage.

"come on!"

"Three to zero!"

"Wow, ah, ah, Qingbao, look here."

Warm atmosphere.

It made the SSG group feel even more lonely.


"very noisy."

"I wish I could shut them up."

The sulky Korean audience has already vented their anger on such a trivial matter.

Enter BP.

LGD blue, SSG red.

According to Cvmax's prior guess, Big Wolf came up and banned Pig Girl. Anyway, their blue side has ban positions to limit An Bixin’s hero pool.

"Ban Kalista on the right, but I still don't dare to let go."

"The left side blocks Karma, and the right side chooses to deal with Nightmare."

"In this case, the prince and Galio are still outside."


Send Kenan to the ban position on the left, and choose to block the small cannon on the right. This move was a bit unexpected. When Guan Zeyuan talked about the BP in the third game, he thought it was impossible for SSG to let the prince go. Unexpectedly, they actually had a tendency to choose their own.

He was a little uneasy: "In my impression, the winning rates of the LCK princes are average."

"Yeah." Remember to give your own thoughts: "I feel that the LCK prince lacks an indomitable momentum and is hesitant to start a group."

This time.

Even the horse buckle made my eyes wide open. I didn't expect that in a life-and-death game, SSG would have the courage to choose Prince and Galio, forcing LGD to choose.

Question: Does SSG have the confidence to deal with Galio?

In this BO5, LGD doesn't have a high priority on Galio. They clearly believe in Penicillin's carry ability and don't need to compete for the rhythm.


Then I thought about it. Forcing LGD to demolish Prince and Galio, at least the mid lane can be more comfortable.

So in the end, did SSG choose to believe in Crown?

Dun Ma glanced at the player lens in the lower right corner for no apparent reason.

From now on.

Crown's eyes are inexplicably determined.


C: "What do they mean? Steal the prince and give it to us, Galio?"

"They won't think that you haven't played Galio for so long and question your touch."

"Don't make trouble, BP is here."

"Wori, I am you, I really can't bear it."

Qin Hao was unkindly amused when he saw that C Bo was going more and more exaggerated and the joke was getting stronger and stronger.

Ever since.

In the lower right corner of the screen, Crown has a determined look; in the lower left corner of the screen, Qin Hao smiles a little happily.

【Ha ha. 】

[The director understands, this is a close-up shot. 】

[What does SSG want to do? 】

[Impossible, Luo and Galio let it go like this. 】

that's all.

Rakan on the first floor on the left, Prince and Xayah on the first and second floors on the right; then take Galio and Blind Sin on the left, and Ryze on the third floor on the right.

On to the second round.

In order to prevent LGD from pushing Galio to the top, they still chose to ban Tsar and Lucian. After all, Ryze couldn't beat Lu at all.

LGD blocks Rambo and Jess normally.


Gnar's pursuit ability is poor, and it is difficult to hide his murderous intent (seeing Gnar's anger is too good, so he can avoid it in advance). At the same time, Langx has practiced playing against Gnar, and is not very afraid of Gnar before the 2-piece set.


SSG released a female tank on the fourth floor, and LGD added Shen and Mouse.

"The last move, how to choose SSG?"

"Our support ability is very strong, both Shen and Galio can be saved."

"Is it a big tree? It's locked."

This is another unexpected answer.


I wasn't surprised by the buckle. If this weapon doesn't fill up the tank on the road, it won't be able to keep up with Shen's pace. When Xia and Nvtan are chosen, they must have an advantage.

one more.

If there aren't enough people in the front row, there's no way to protect against rats.

Middle of the stage.

Edgar shook hands with Cvmax for the third time, and Cvmax smiled proudly when he saw the 'acquaintance' in front of him.

loading phase.

The lineups of both sides are as follows——

LGD (blue) top laner Shen, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Galio, bottom lane rat (purification) Polo (healing)

SSG (red) top laner Dashu, jungler Prince, mid laner Ryze, bottom laner Xia (healing) plus female tank (ignition)

Faced with SSG's behavior of letting CuVee play with meat, snatching the prince and letting Galio go, the Korean fans couldn't understand it.

【? ? ? ? 】

[I don’t want to win. 】

[Isn’t CuVee’s big tree ugly enough? 】

[I don’t understand why BP is like this. 】

[Idiot, instead of grabbing the prince and grabbing Galio, what should I do if the opponent chooses a big core? 】

[There is no need to go out on the road to play with meat. 】

[You said a top laner who can beat Shen in the lane. 】

Different from the previous two.

The third one is LGD’s first level existence design. This is mainly because mice can hide from view. Similarly, after hearing what IMP said, Qin Hao silently took out the Dolan Ring and went out.


When An Bixin nodded down to the river, the soldier came to the first tower. The IMP hiding in the pass presses Q to become invisible and explore the middle.

"IMP, I want to consume the crown's health before going online!"

"The eye position was not found at all!"

Karsa blind monk chooses to open the red buff alone, and the mouse and Luo have no right to grab the second place. As such, IMP thinks it's good to steal some damage.

There was a dark laugh.

Crown wanted to pull the line in advance, but was hit by the rat's basic attack. It just so happened that he learned E at Level 1, and the mouse click was Enthusiasm.

In this way, Ryze lost more than 200 blood at the start.

"Ha ha."

"It's very comfortable, and you won't lose any troops when you go back."

The lower line converges slower than the midline.

When IMP retreated, Qin Hao decisively stepped forward to draw the aggro of the melee soldiers. Then look at the distance, hit Q to deal damage, and smash forward to passively hit.


Qin Hao found that Crown was not in a hurry to use the knife, but instead rubbed himself against him when he had the opportunity. Wanting to understand the opponent's thoughts, Qin Hao deliberately pretended to be helping the jungler fight for river crabs and did not hesitate to sell blood to push the lane.

to be honest.

If the mouse had not made any meritorious service at the first level, he might not be murderous. But after knowing IMP's thoughts, he felt that Crown might have underestimated Galio's explosion.

that's all.

Crown gave priority to suppressing blood volume and was not in a hurry to push the lane to protect the jungler. Qin Hao also took the initiative to provide distance and was willing to exchange Q for blood volume.

After a while, the two of them knocked down the supplies.

Then, while Ryze was fighting for third place, Qin Hao deliberately retreated a little slower. After half a set of Ryze, he exploded, leaving only one-third of his health bar.

wild area.

An Bixin finished the round with 2 groups left. Seeing that Ryze was leading in health, he somehow gained some confidence in the situation. He thought that the coaching staff trusted the mid lane so much that Crown finally regained its fighting spirit. If there was no c, it would lose. Vigor.


Crown really didn’t expect that the team could make such an exchange in the third game after being blown up in the first two games. The audience's guess that they wanted to grab Galio because they were afraid that the opponent would produce a big core is not unfounded.

But the hero Galio is just a tool man, there is no reason to be afraid of disadvantages.

The remaining line immediately enters the tower.

Crown knew that there was only one bottle of red left on the opposite side, so they thought about finding an opportunity to steal a thunder in this wave and beat Galio home.


He deliberately chose a lateral position so that when Galio was attacking the tower sword, he would have an angle to Q to Galio.


Galio A punched hard, and when Ryze hit Q, Galio immediately drove back. At this time, Crown didn't think much about it. After all, this kind of position was normal.

He followed subconsciously, not knowing that he was on the verge of attack by the defense tower.

But this position was controlled by Qin Hao. The position where he retreated was just the distance for Ryze to catch up with E.

The moment E takes action.

While making the mark, Galio pulled flat to the right, as if to avoid the Q.

The idea just popped into Crown Crown's mind, and his fingers were already on Q.

The movement suddenly stopped.

Crown thought: It's this trick again, pretending to be flat but actually stopping in place.

Overload shot.

Ryze inevitably allowed Tali to take another half step forward.

That's right here.

The defense tower was launched towards the remaining health minion A. When he died, Galio was bathed in the light of upgrade.

not good!

Crown's heart was agitated.

He wanted to retreat, but there was someone faster than him.

Flash and cast W to catch Gangfeng, and the range of Gangfeng is just right to kill the last remaining health soldier.

Under the strong stimulation, the hair on the crown stood up!

"what happened!"

"Rize was beaten by a tower!!"

Qin Hao punched and flew passively, and combined with the output of the defense tower, Ryze, who had nearly two-thirds of his health, was beaten until only his skin was left.

The next moment.

Ryze dodged and pulled away, knocking off the last green bottle. This time, Galio has more health than Ryze.

And in the process of pursuit.

Crown knows that if he eats another Gang Feng, he will die.

He counted E's CD, thinking that only by using Q's passive could he save himself.

Commentary desk.

Guan Zeyuan felt that his breathing was slightly faster. When he was on guard, he also said that it might be difficult for Qin Hao to take Duolan Ring with him when he went out.

Who knew Ryze could still resist towers!

Watching Galio chase through the middle, Ryze merged with the new blue army line and suddenly turned around and threw Q.

A distance of over 600 yards.

Time seemed to become extremely slow at this moment.

The overloaded animation enlarged little by little in Qin Hao's eyes.

This moment.

Qin Hao guessed what Crown was thinking. He also understood that he still had 2 seconds left with his Q skill. If Ryze didn't fight for his life, he would have to bet on his positioning to deflect Gang Feng.

Qin Hao felt empty in his heart. He shook his body and was still touched by Q.

Just the next moment.

Ryze threw his EQ in the direction he just shook, and Galio suddenly returned to his original position and handed over Gang Feng to the outside of the army line.

In front of the camera.

Crown was the first to show a pained expression.

In such a psychological game, he once again swallowed a bitter pill.

It was an extreme scene, and the spectators watching the game screamed.

No one expected that Ryze's first Q would hit, but his second Q would be empty.

"Eat my wings!"

Galio's slightly silly lines sounded.

"Single kill!"

"It's too exaggerated. I feel like Brother Hao must have guessed that Ryze would turn around. If he gets this combo, Ryze will be able to use his shield and find an opportunity to counterattack." I remember excitedly.

Guan Zeyuan: "..."

The Korean commentator was no longer in the mood to shout for pizza.

In the replay.

The audience clearly saw how Ryze gained the upper hand, how he pushed forward a wave of residual lines to consume, and how he was plotted by Galio.

Hotel, Kuma was in a trance.

At the scene, An Bixin suddenly showed a relieved smile. You see, he didn't even get a chance to play Leopard Girl. If he said he didn't have any regrets, he would still have regrets.

But it doesn’t matter.

He knew Crown didn't mean it, so he was relieved.

Maybe this world only belongs to geniuses, and he can't stand with Faker no matter what.

【send. 】

[The first two were so scared that the third one dared to chase him to the edge of the defense tower to exchange blood. 】

[IMP has one-third of the credit for this wave of solo kills. It’s not that he beat Ryze with more than 200 health at level 1, Ryze should be able to save 2 waves of lanes. 】

[The P of IMP is the P of Penicillin. Why do you distinguish it so clearly? It’s all full credit! 】

【Join the party. 】

Because Ryze can't suppress Galio.

SSG has no chance to gain an advantage.


The fully developed rat can directly steal from stealth, with the double protection of Shen and Galio. No matter how the SSG is opened, it cannot stop the rat.

31 minutes and 23 seconds.

Chi Di cleared the center line alone and was killed in battle. Leader An led his teammates to pick up the dragon group and made a 3-for-1.


The main crystal exploded.

An Bixin was the first to leave wearing the team uniform, leaving CoreJJ to comfort the crown whose eyes had lost color.

"For SSG, their S7 journey ends here."

"What do you think of their defeat?"

Facing the remembered teasing.

Guan Zeyuan took a deep breath and said: "I posted on Weibo before the game that it was three to one, but this score is not bad."

I saw CoreJJ holding the crown and retreating to the entrance of the passage.

Guan Zeyuan murmured to himself: "I'm actually... really fine."

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