I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 63 - With the prince again

"Oh, Muriel. We haven't been close for a long time. It felt as long as a year. I'm so pleased to have you again." Prince Vidar's voice trickled down her body like drops of cool rainfall after a heat wave.

Sightless, tied down, comfortably seated, Muriel was in a happy spot again. "I can't be dishonest here. I truly missed our time together."

She heard his feet shuffle and felt his body heat move to her right.

A large, clean feeling hand, it slid against the front of her throat and then it lightly curled on her left side, the fingers tapping her skin in a mellow way. If there were any hints of evil there, Muriel would have thought she was about to be strangled. Instead, there were blazing lights signaling tenderness in her mind.

She cooed to him, "How can a man with such a lovely touch ever think of himself as ugly?"

"Muriel, please ... please don't speak of that painful thing. Let me ... let me have you the best way I can."

A kiss on her cheek. Then her jaw. Muriel made a gasping, almost dancing noise as she enjoyed the sensations. "Hmmm ... I'd let you have me every way you can. I swear." Her heart was already ramming about at the thought of something more intimate happening. "Even if ... even if it seems indecent ... I won't mind." Her body felt light and fresh as she said that. Her blood rushed all around. She couldn't see her flesh, but she felt her own heat.

Lightly wheezing laughter, soft and fun. "You're trying to have a lark. I don't mind."

Muriel shook her head, feeling how her skin rubbed against the man's hand. "You doubt me? Oh Sir! You've proven to me how enchanting your touch is. Why wouldn't I ask for more?"

His breath tickled her ear. "Don't ask for what you don't deserve." He sounded sad.

"Don't deserve?"

"Touching you is the most confusing thing. I want to see and feel you, but seeing my horrible flesh contact yours is a shameful thing."

Muriel's left hand jerked under the bonds. She wanted to reach up and touch the hand on her neck, but she couldn't. She had always been denied the ability to reach out and touch Prince Vidar. He was apparently too afraid for her to have any telling clue about his form, other than the fact that he had a mouth, eyes, and hands.

"You've coddled me, Sir, truly, but what I dėsɨrė the most right now is to touch you. Yet I can't. To compensate for this, won't you please touch me as much as you can? Anywhere you can?"

That certainly wasn't proper, but nothing about this relationship was proper anyway. As long as nobody was harmed, Muriel was even willing to let her vɨrġɨnɨtƴ be taken away ... well ... she wasn't sure how that could even be done while she was tied to a chair.

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