I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 64 - Time for a nap

"I ..." Hissing, mist-like, thick in her ear, his voice was deep and she wanted to jump into it. Then, contact, right on her ear's helix, lips that were firm but also as lovely as petals.

Muriel's backside jumped a bit in the chair. Her feet and legs wiggled in the coiled ropes. She let out a short yip.


That thing, that thing she had tasted before, that slippery thing, it was peeking out through his lips and touching her ear. Muriel loved it.

"Yes! Please! Pleeeeease!"

A second hand, its palm was on her collar, slipping under her kerchief, then lower, deeper. Then her nɨppŀė tightened under Prince Vidar's fingertips. Her wild breath only amplified the sensation.

"Ah ... hhhhaaaa!!" There was sand in her voice.

Her ear was left alone. It chilled in the air as she was kissed on her mouth. This was wonderful, perfect, even dreamy.

They were ŀɨċkɨnġ into each other's mouths, moving past their sets of teeth. He certainly had ... a lot of teeth?

Her odd thought evaporated into the ŀustful ether as both of them ġrȯȧnėd. He was pressing deeper in her clothes, holding a good portion of her brėȧst, searing her, adoring her, and Muriel wanted more and more.

Wait. He was in front of her now, wasn't he? When did he do that?

That was another silly little thought that quickly popped up and died.

She was so blissfully distracted.

Her brėȧst was released. The hand that was there had scraped itself away.

Rising ... from her ankles.

Would he dare?!

Muriel knew she wouldn't be angry if he did.

She gave him a very approving purr of a sound, right onto his tongue.

The air was sinking into her thɨġhs. Her skirts had been successfully tugged up. The prince was daring. He was certainly daring! Muriel approved. She thought that a man shouldn't be meek all the time. He should have some aggression!

Damn ... he smelled so wonderful! Musky, clean, spicy and fresh, with that lingering suggestion of the nicest woods. What did she smell like? Did he think she smelled nice?

The other hand, the one that had been on her throat, it moved to the back of her head. She adored how his fingers pressed and even weaved into her hair.


Muriel's fingers squeezed together. Her head tilted back while the prince carefully gripped her hair. Their mouths separated.

"Yes! Please!" There was no formality. Muriel's brain didn't have room for it.

"Am I ...?" A combination of victory and amazement was in his soft words. "Am I pleasing you?"

"It's tremendous!!"

"Oh ... oh, Muriel!!"

A kiss on her mouth again, another reaching kiss.

His finger tapped and wiped against something inside, some odd patch she didn't know about until then. It made her hidden walls pulse and constrict around his digit, and she loved it. In her shoes, her toes cramped, but she hardly noticed.

And then ...

She couldn't breathe ... exactly.


Her senses were stabbed with a pŀėȧsurė that she could never hope to describe. If Prince Vidar hadn't had his mouth tangled in hers, she would have caterwauled like a cat.

Panting, she was panting. Her body was loose. She couldn't do much. The prince removed his mouth. She felt saliva all over her lips. She imagined he had the same problem.

Both of his hands left her body. But then one seemed to return because her skirts were put back into their appropriate shapes. Then she felt something different from the typical skin she had been used to. She felt a cloth against her cheek. "I'm going to wipe your lips," he said.

"Oh." She couldn't say much else. She let him pat and swipe at her mouth. He did a fine job.

"Are you alright?"

Muriel actually yawned. It was normally rude to yawn without covering one's mouth, but her hands were tied down. "Hmm. I ... I think I could take a nap."

"Oh! Then ... I suppose I did well?"

Muriel nodded. "Yes."

"Ah ... ahaha ... I'm smiling but I can hardly believe what's happened."

Muriel shrugged. "Would you like to end this now?"

"I probably should do that. We should ... we should ... that was enough. I'm going to ring for the doctor."

Well, that was sudden, maybe even cold, but Muriel wasn't upset. "Then goodbye, Your Highness."

"Yes. Goodbye, Muriel."

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