I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 154 Are they all extraordinary? !

"Take the ashes with you and move out!"

Fang Bai immediately withdrew after letting Zhang Zhong complete the ashes process immediately.

I clearly heard the voice of the old noble just now. Who knows if a master-level transcendent will rush over immediately.

Although he beat a master to death, Fang Bai would not forget the horrific explosion before that.

The most important thing for a person is to have self-knowledge. Although the blessing of the cloud of qi and blood is powerful, if you want to resist the master in the heyday

“Although the power given to me by the Cloud of Qi and Blood is powerful, it is still within the scope of my understanding.

As for the master-level power, I still don’t understand the reason for the qualitative change, or even know nothing about it.

If you collide without authorization, you will die without knowing how. "

Fang Bai and his party quickly left the scene. During this process, apart from going offline to answer a few phone calls, Fang Bai's mind was mainly immersed in the cloud of energy and blood.

After killing a master, the Cloud of Qi and Blood seems to have taken a shortcut to reach a certain standard and may undergo transformation at any time.

but something is missing

"Empty has its own form, but it is not without charm."

Fang Bai meditated slightly, and his mental power enveloped all the fifty cavalry behind him, sensing their connection with the cloud of energy and blood.

In addition to the simple connection between Qi and blood, there is also a kind of power connecting them through Qi and blood.

Mental power, evil spirit, murderous intention.

These things are mixed together with the qi and blood to form this cloud of qi and blood.

And if Fang Bai had to describe these things, Fang Bai felt that there was a word that was more suitable.


“The fusion of qi, blood and will gave birth to the unique existence of the qi and blood cloud, and drove the qi and blood cloud to continue to change.

If the qi-blood ant's qi-blood cloud will always be a pure qi-blood cloud, then the player's qi-blood cloud is still a qi-blood cloud for now.

With the participation of will and continuous absorption and transformation, another kind of power that is completely different from and born out of the cloud of qi and blood will be born.

The cloud of energy and blood and the player are actually in a state of mutual influence. The cloud of energy and blood just changed due to the death of the master, and even directly crossed a certain threshold.

But the players don’t! "

"At this moment, the player and the cloud of energy and blood are not matched, and there is a difference in will level!"

After thorough and deep perception, the answer gradually emerged in my mind.

Gaze at the cloud of qi and blood above with your mental power.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the clouds of energy and blood are rolling, as if they are pregnant with something.

He knew what to do.

"Boss, we're about to arrive. How are your injuries now?"

Fang Bai separated his senses from the cloud of energy and blood, and turned to look inward, looking at his body, which was full of cracks and lacerations except for his right arm and spine. Only the strength gushing from the spine and right arm maintained his body condition.

"Injury? It's a miracle that I didn't die. You ask how my injury is?

Raise it slowly. "

Fang Bai curled his lips.

“I originally thought I had to go all out against the masters, but I didn’t expect that I used too much force.

If you can't hold it back, you can't use this cloud of energy and blood indiscriminately. If you can't control it, you will be the first to die if you use it indiscriminately. "

The damage caused by taking the cloud of energy and blood into the body in just a moment was too great.

What is Qi and blood?

It is the overflow of a person's muscle power that is gathered and formed in the blood. It is the extraordinary transformation of pure muscle power.

The quantity, level, and quality of a ray of energy vary from person to person. From Fang Bai's understanding, this is roughly:

The power of a ray of qi and blood is equivalent to one percent of the muscle strength of the whole body!

The power of one hundred strands of Qi and blood is equivalent to the total muscle strength of the whole body.

Therefore, a person can double his strength by mobilizing a hundred strands of his energy and blood at once.

As long as the body can bear it, the power of nine hundred strands of qi and blood is ten times greater!

The cloud of Qi and blood is composed of part of the Qi and blood of fifty players and fifty rhinos.

Fang Bai directly absorbed the entire cloud of energy and blood into his body. Although he only used a part of it, it was already extremely terrifying!

If Fang Bai hadn't tempered his whole body with elemental metal, Fang Bai would have died suddenly.

If Fang Bai's spine and right arm hadn't all been metalized with elements, Fang Bai wouldn't have been able to swing that hammer even if he didn't die suddenly.

The terrifying force will directly tear the muscles and crush the bones.

Zhang Zhong, on the other hand, was not too exaggerated when mobilizing the power of Qi and blood because of Fang Bai's probing attempts, so although he was injured, the injury was not serious.

After going around many times and going deep into the wilderness, Fang Bai finally saw Hao Wei and others.

But there was a pale young player next to Hao Wei.

This player was taking the main seat, which made Fang Bai quite confused.

who is he?

As Hao Wei and others approached, they smelled the smell of blood just as they were about to say something. Looking at Fang Bai who was motionless, they quickly reacted.

"Fang Bai, how is your injury? Are you okay?"

“I can’t die for the time being, I just have to recover from my injuries for a while.

How are you guys doing lately? This is the commander-in-chief you mentioned before? "

"Yes, let me introduce you. This person is Lu Jin. He is the master of command and micro-manipulation in many popular games such as Battle, Leading the Land, Interstellar, Dynasty, etc. He can have 800 tricks in every move.

Our ability to survive until now, including this ambush, is all thanks to Commander Lu. "

Hao Wei said with emotion, and then continued.

"Commander Lu, this one is Fang Bai whom I mentioned to you. He is a Blacksmith Extraordinaire. He crushes all the combat professions with his life profession. He kills alone, no, he kills three aboriginal combat professions in one versus three. Elite transcendent.

The armor he wears was forged by himself, but don't get me wrong.

The armor is just his limiter, and once the armor explodes, he enters his second form.

Ridiculous! "

"No, I'm not good at fighting. From the beginning to the end, I can only rely on attribute crushing to make a fuss."

"You're not good at fighting? Believe me."

Hao Wei rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"But you're right. If you can crush it with attributes, who can use tricks?"

After Fang Bai exchanged greetings with them, Hao Wei finally turned his attention to the players behind Fang Bai.

Hmm, forty or fifty players, right?

Hao Wei could tell the approximate number of players at a glance.

This should be Fang Bai's own team. Although it is pitifully small and can't even be counted as the smallest guild, for Fang Bai's sake, I should take care of it.

How happy these people are!

Direct rhino mount and mechanical armor!

Hao Wei suddenly felt a slight soreness in his mouth. He lowered his head and glanced at the armor on his body, and immediately felt that it was strange no matter how he looked at it.


"Fang Bai, let's go first. By the way, how are you going to settle the people you brought with you?

Except for the extraordinary ones who wear equipment and fight head-on, the other players only carry offensive weapons or are responsible for logistics production. There is no need for so many people to equip mounts and armor, otherwise the mount will die and the equipment will be lost, which is a big loss. "

As Hao Wei spoke, he looked towards the players behind Fang Bai. Suddenly, Hao Wei looked at Zhang Zhong next to Fang Bai with some surprise. He suddenly remembered the second black dot in the telescope and reacted immediately.

"Hey, this brother is also extraordinary, right?"

Hao Wei looked at Fang Bai and Zhang Zhong with emotion.

The configuration was really high. There were actually two extraordinary beings in a small guild of about fifty people. Hao Wei couldn't help but take a second look.



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