I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 153 Master Kill!


Jason flew backwards at an even faster speed.

Jason: "?"

Old noble: "?"

Fang Bai: "?"

Lu Jin: "?"

Hao Wei: "?"

At this moment, everyone was stunned. Fang Bai watched the stunned Jason fly out, and he was also stunned.

"Are you touching porcelain?"

Fang Bai subconsciously said that he felt that Jason had no resistance just now and flew out with one strike.

Not just him, everyone's heads were buzzing at this time.

Hao Wei couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"I asked you to work harder, but I didn't ask you to work hard like this."

Lu Jin couldn't help but look at Hao Wei.

"Is he so awesome? You should have told me earlier!"

"I don't know either!"

Everyone was stunned and quickly crowded in front of the telescope and looked over again.

Not only them, but also the old nobles and other nobles were all staring at the scene.


Jason hit the ground firmly, plowing out a long ravine. When he stopped, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The fighting energy that was suddenly blasted by the hammer kept vibrating in the body, and the right arm that had just been rubbed by the hammer was completely twisted and disfigured.

Jason, who forced himself to stand up, widened his eyes and looked at Fang Bai in disbelief.

"No, it's impossible, you absolutely can't be a professional level. It's impossible to be a professional level!

impossible! "

Jason roared with blood in his mouth, and as he spoke, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Trash, leave quickly, Fang Bai must have used some forbidden move, he can't move!"

The old noble's harsh voice rang in Jason's ears. Jason was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't care about the tone at all. Looking at Fang Bai who had been motionless and not pursuing him, and the blood overflowing from the gaps in the armor, he immediately reacted. come over.


Fang Bai, today is the day when my life should not be cut off. Just wait for me. I will remember you. "

After speaking, Jason, who was overjoyed, directly forcibly supported his body and walked towards the direction of Red Maple City. On his body, a layer of gathering fighting energy surrounded him, showing that although his condition was extremely bad, he had not completely lost it. combat effectiveness.

"Hahaha, Fang Bai, you are still missing a move after all!"

At this moment, Hao Wei and others in the distance saw that Fang Bai had been motionless for a long time, and they immediately reacted. They looked at each other, the atmosphere was silent, and then they looked at the person next to Fang Bai walking out.

They were stunned.

"What is he laughing at? Boss, if you can't move, don't you still have us?"

Zhang Zhong asked doubtfully, and Fang Bai glanced at Jason.

"I don't know, Zhang Zhong, go kill him."

Unknowingly, the cloud of qi and blood in the sky recovered again. Fang Bai, who was nearly half disabled, stayed in place. Zhang Zhong drew the power of qi and blood to his body, clamped his belly and rushed towards Jason.

"Ant, the master is far more powerful than you imagine. Even if I am seriously injured, I can still do it."



Jason flew backwards instantly, smashed a huge boulder, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at Zhang Zhong in disbelief.

He felt that the trauma he suffered was more psychological than physical.

"You talk a lot."

There was red blood on Zhang Zhong's spear. Feeling the surging power in his body, he spoke out.


"Fang Bai, show mercy, I"

Fang Bai, Zhang Zhong and others suddenly heard several voices in their ears, and Zhang Zhong turned to look at Fang Bai.


"Keep him."

Zhang Zhong didn't hesitate at all, and charged forward with a single shot combined with the help of the mechanical armor to stab instantly.


The sharp four-edged spear head pierced Jason's head directly and picked him up on the spear.

When Jason's real body died, everyone seemed to have a string in their heads.

The master is dead and things are going bad!

The five nobles at the conference table in the city, the old nobles in front of the projection, Andrew, Hao Wei, etc., all who saw this scene were shocked.

The nobles, old nobles and others were in disbelief because of the death of the master-level transcendent, and their teeth clenched.

Andrew was confused.

"Professional level, how is this possible?"

At the conference table in the manor, the five people who originally looked calm and indifferent and regarded life as ants suddenly stood up and looked at Jason with wide eyes in the projection, who looked like a dog being lifted up in the air.

The words they just said still echoed in my ears.

As long as the master does not die, their family heritage will not be shaken in any way.

As long as the master level doesn't die.

The third noble among the five people collapsed under the table, his eyes dull.

Hao Wei and others also reacted greatly. After they discovered that the bombs failed to kill Jason, they no longer had any hope of killing Jason, the master.

Even Hao Wei called Fang Bai just now because he wanted Fang Bai to run away, Coco.

"Fang Bai is awesome!"

Only Lu Jin's face remained as usual, looking at Fang Bai and others with joy.

As the protagonist of the incident, Fang Bai turned his attention to the cloud of blood in the sky.

As his spiritual power was integrated into the Cloud of Qi and Blood, and as the controller of the Cloud of Qi and Blood, Fang Bai clearly discovered that something flowed to the Cloud of Qi and Blood the moment Jason was killed by Zhang Zhong.

This directly leads to a level of condensation of the Qi and Blood Clouds. The coverage area of ​​the same number of Qi and Blood Clouds is almost doubled.

And this is not the key point. The key point is that this cloud of qi and blood actually has a few more unclear things and a few more feelings.

This feeling is clearly similar to the power that killed Fang Bai and the power that Jason carried when he rushed over just now!

"Some characteristics of a master??"

At this time, Fang Baibai was a little confused. He looked at the cloud of energy and blood and didn't react at all.

"This thing actually has this function, it's a bit evil."

At this moment, Fang Bai suddenly recalled the Qi-blood ant and the fluctuation of the golden element he felt back then.

That wave of fluctuation seems to have been born after fighting against myself.

"I wasn't dead back then. Wait, is this thing so evil?"

Fang Bai felt the cloud of Qi and blood getting stronger and couldn't help but become more and more excited.

"If the cloud of energy and blood can really transform and strengthen in battle after battle, it can really continue to evolve during killings.

After a hundred battles, after killing ten thousand people, hiss! "

Fang Bai suddenly felt that this cloud of energy and blood seemed to have great potential!

This is simply a more important discovery than killing this master.

Watching Zhang Zhong pick up Jason's body, Fang Bai first scanned into the fantasy space, and then waved his hand.

“Unload all the equipment and things, then stab him in the pit of the heart and cut his waist vertically into two pieces.

Finally, I lit a fire and spread the ashes far away so that no one can find them.

After all, he is a master, and he must be given the respect he deserves. Don't end up alive by yourself without dying, or be resurrected by someone else to continue stirring up trouble. That would be purely disgusting. "


Zhang Zhong turned around and left, while Fang Bai sank his mind into the cloud of energy and blood.

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