I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 205 The mechanical blacksmith profession is shattered!

"Use the Warcraft Crystal Core as a model to compress the mental power with all your strength. When the mental power is compressed to the extreme, it will become a spell slot."

Fang Bai murmured, sitting on the chair, closing his eyes slightly, and his consciousness sank into his mind.

Fang Bai had a thought in his mind, and all his mental power suddenly gathered together.

It's very simple at the beginning. As soon as the thought comes up, all the mental energy is gathered around the spell slot to form a ball.

But with the compression, Fang Bai began to feel pressure.

In terms of mental power, it’s not just mental power, but also consciousness!

If it were others, they would never be able to notice that consciousness plays a role in it.

But at this moment, Fang Bai's consciousness was suppressed by the fantasy space, which brought a huge burden to his consciousness but also made Fang Bai truly feel the existence of consciousness.

At this moment, I also felt the help of consciousness giving me spiritual power.

It's true if you think about it carefully.

Although mental power can be contracted, just like a person can pinch himself but cannot strangle himself to death, mental power can be contracted and compressed, but it is absolutely impossible to complete the final transformation by relying solely on mental power.

At this moment, Fang Bai felt the power of consciousness, and this was the answer.

As the compression continues, the contraction of single mental energy becomes weaker and weaker, and the role of consciousness in it becomes larger and larger.

Little by little, Fang Bai felt as if he was strangling himself to death, as if he was suffocating.

Feelings of exhaustion, exhaustion, impossibility, and failure constantly invade the consciousness, but the consciousness suppressed by the fantasy space remains motionless, easily blocking out all kinds of negative emotions.

And this time.


Hearing a crisp sound, Fang Bai suddenly opened his eyes.

He had an extremely real feeling that as long as he persisted, his original first-level spell slot would be shattered.

As long as I persist, the profession of mechanical blacksmith will be directly broken and lost.

This is true, not false.

Fang Bai was determined.

Do you want to continue?

Career will be lost

"So what!"

This thought filled Fang Bai's mind, the last layer of barriers shattered, and the compressed mental power suddenly shrank.


Several in-body spell models associated with the mind space were shattered.

Flame control is broken!

The forged mage's hand shatters!

Meditation is broken!

The first spell slot shattered suddenly, and everything given by the mechanical blacksmith profession was shattered and disappeared into thin air.

The attribute panel pops up automatically, in the occupation column

"Occupation: Mage - Mechanical Forger."

Countless cracks appeared on these eight black characters.


Like the sound of breaking glass, these words shattered and disappeared. Fang Bai completely lost his career.

In reality, Fang Bai suddenly woke up as if he had fallen asleep. He found that his mental power in reality was also disappearing bit by bit.

Fang Bai was stunned, from the game to reality

He quickly logged into the game, but at this moment, Fang Bai entered a state of death for the first time in a long time.

"System prompt: Please select a resurrection method.

1. Resurrection in situ.

2. Random resurrection.

3. Resurrection point. "

Although he was prepared, Fang Bai was still stunned in his death state.

"Is this really like this?"

Fang Bai was slightly silent.

The second death in the game appears suddenly.

He didn't die in the most dangerous place, he died in the safest place.

Looking at himself with his head exploding, Fang Bai silently chose to resurrect on the spot.

As soon as he was resurrected, Fang Bai, who was originally silent, suddenly felt something was wrong.

Feeling the wandering spiritual power filling the space in his mind, only that one spell slot disappeared without a trace.

The spell slots disappeared, and most of the mental energy that could condense the second-level spell slots was also lost, leaving only this point.

But at this moment, Fang Bai's eyes revealed a hint of surprise and a hint of shock.

Without any hesitation, just close your eyes and sink your mind into the fantasy space, compressing it with all your strength!

Even second-level spell slots can meet the compression breakthrough requirements, let alone first-level spell slots.

In an instant, his mental power reached the limit of compression. Fang Bai's heart skipped a beat and he contracted suddenly.

You have died once, you have been in a weak state, and the worst case scenario is that you will die again!

Boom in an instant!

Just when Fang Bai thought he was headshot again, Fang Bai opened his eyes and found that he was still in the game world.

He is not dead!

Fang Bai quickly concentrated his mind and looked at the circle of spell bits slowly rotating in the center of his mind. Fang Bai suddenly felt like he was dreaming.

The subconscious mental power was swept away, and when the mental power arrived, there was no delay, and it felt extremely smooth, as if it had evolved from one hundred trillion to ten thousand trillion light.

No more stuck.

Mental power is like your own hands and feet, every bit of it can be controlled freely, flexibly changed, and everything can be done as you wish.

The power to control elements, scanning range, and scanning accuracy are several times stronger than before.

Not compared to the time when I just changed my job as a mechanical blacksmith, but compared to just now, when I am at the peak of the first level, my spiritual power is full and perfect, and I am about to break through the second level!

Although the first ring has just been condensed, it is still stronger than the peak of the first ring!

What's more important is that Fang Bai feels that he can fully control the magic position condensed at this moment.

Because everything that condenses the spell bits is Fang Bai's own, without any impurities or interference.

At this moment, even dispersing the spell slot is just a matter of thought.

The excited Fang Bai couldn't help but check offline and found that not only had his mental power returned, but the scanning distance had doubled.

In the non-existant real space, the mental scanning range was doubled.

At this moment, Fang Bai had a vague suspicion in his heart.

With excitement, I logged into the game and opened the properties panel. There were two words slowly condensing in the occupation column.

"Occupation: Mage!"

Looking at these two words, Fang Bai couldn't help but feel excited.

The Mechanical Blacksmith profession was gone, and he was directly transferred to the higher-level profession of Mechanical Blacksmith, Mage!

However, Fang Bai was a little surprised that although he changed his profession to a mage, his profession as a mecha master was not lost.

Judging from the fact that only one combat profession can be transferred, this is abnormal.

It stands to reason that the mecha master will be replaced by the mage who changes his profession later.

But the mage occupies another career column.

Fang Bai thought of two possibilities.

1. Fang Bai did not pass the job change props or go through any rituals. He just relied on himself and his own knowledge to change jobs.

Therefore, this is not included in this profession column, and naturally it will not replace the combat profession of Mecha Master.

But since it appeared on the properties panel, Fang Bai felt that this was impossible.

That's the second type.

In fact, the mage is not a combat profession. It is also a sub-professional like the mechanical blacksmith. As a sub-professional, it naturally occupies the sub-professional column and will not replace the mecha master.


“But from the information I received, whether it’s players or aboriginals, mages are out-and-out combat professions.

How could it be a sub-career? "

"It can't be that there's something wrong with the mage I changed my profession, right? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Although I changed jobs based on the information in the novel, I verified it with each other.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this way of changing jobs! "

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