I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 206 The Real Mage

"Did I transfer to a fake mage?"

Fang Bai looked at the familiarity panel suspiciously, looking at the Mecha Master profession that still existed.

He had clearly heard that mages were all fighting professionals.

It is unbelievable for the aborigines to say this, but Fang Bai even saw the player saying this.

And this is what the mage said when discussing in the forum whether the mage can switch to other combat professions again.

Fang Bai was so sure because someone replaced other combat professions with mages and caused the extraordinary skills of the original combat professions to collapse.

At this time, Fang Bai recalled a sentence he saw in the storybook.

"This is the true mage

Since there are real mages, does that mean there are also false mages?

So this of mine is false? "

Fang Bai felt this transparent magic position, and felt the mental power to control it from the heart, to perceive details and directly complete the leap from macro to micro.

Although he felt that it was unlikely that someone like him would change his profession directly and become a real mage, how did he feel?

Not quite right.

"I feel like I'm real"

Thinking of this, Fang Bai shook his head.

"Forget it, I thought she liked me before. How dare I think about things that have no basis or evidence.

Get down!

Anyway, whether it's true or not, I've changed my profession now, and I read and write as mage. Everything else doesn't matter.

Anyway, it was just an unexpected surprise. My real profession is mecha master. "

Fang Bai put aside all the distracting thoughts in his mind and felt his own mental power. He felt that his ability to control and micromanage the power of elements was several times stronger.

"Mage's Hand!"

An invisible palm is formed, with the same output power, the power is greater than the original, and the details that can be controlled are far greater than the original.

"Primary Flame Control!"

The flame turned into a fire lotus in the air. If Fang Bai originally compressed it to the size of a fist, now Fang Bai can easily compress it to the size of a thumb.

Delicate, beautiful, lifelike, and hotter!

"The skills of the mechanical blacksmith can be used normally, no, it shouldn't be said that the skills are not.

But I have mastered the underlying logical spell model of the skill, so although I have lost the skill and cannot use the skill with one click, it does not affect my ability to release spells at all.

So the collapse of the profession is actually not a big deal, as long as the extraordinary power of the profession does not disappear, as long as I master the spell model.

Then if I release the skill at will, not only can it still be used, but it can also be used stronger and more flexibly than originally. "

At this moment, Fang Bai felt that his career didn't matter anymore. He recalled the information he received and understood it immediately.

The so-called job-changing items are just a shortcut to lower the threshold for career entry and do not represent anything.

The same goes for professions on the attribute panel.

With strength, the occupation panel will display occupations based on strength.

It is not the profession that has the power.

Power always belongs to you and will not change due to changes in the attribute panel. Even if you lose the attribute panel, you still have the power you should have.

"But I'm not really a mage yet."

Fang Bai recalled the contents of the books he had read before.

“The book also says that a true mage masters all spell structures of the same level.

Spells of the same level have no secrets in front of the mage and can be interpreted, modified, or even created at will. "

The so-called spell structure is the structure that constitutes the spell model. It is composed of spell nodes, which respectively control various functions of the spell model.

For example, the fireball spell generates flames, restrains flames, blasts, supplies fire elements, etc. These all belong to different spell structures.

Spell models are essentially free combinations of spell structures, and once a mage masters all spell structures of the same level.

“That means you can use any spell of the same level.

There is no learning process, because you have already mastered the essence, and you can combine different spell structures to create the spells you need according to the actual situation.

Every spell can be different in every battle.

You can never cast two identical spells. "

At this moment, Fang Bai suddenly understood the reason why the mage was able to fight across levels.

A real mage can target any enemy to death!

As long as the mage has enough knowledge, the mage can become the natural enemy of any profession and anyone!

"It's so strong, but also so difficult."

Fang Bai recalled the spell models he had come into contact with and immediately understood the difficulty, but he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in his chest.

"It is precisely because of difficulty that I am strong! I don't know whether my mage profession is true or false.

But I can make my knowledge come true! "

"I'm not stupid, I have enough perseverance, and I have almost unlimited time.

I can also have unlimited experimental opportunities and endless experimental resources.

Master all spell structures? If others can do it, then I can do it too!

Now that I am the first link, I will master all the spell models and their internal spell structures that I can find.

Well, let’s start with the tricks! "

Fang Bai immediately put forward a series of spell models such as light spell, air spell, meditation spell, primary flame control, and forged mage's hand.

Although he didn't know the learning method of a regular mage, he knew that the core of a mage lay in spiritual power and knowledge.

And knowledge can be learned, part of which belongs to spell models and spell structures.

No matter what the learning method is, as long as he can master the spell model and spell structure, as long as he can master all spell structures of the same level, the process is not important.

It’s nothing more than a difference in effort and time required. In the end, different paths lead to the same destination!

The mage is noble, the mage is mysterious, the mage is rare, and the mage has a high status.

All books that record information about the mage profession are extremely valuable, extremely rare, and even monopolized, and the price is high!

Currently, Fang Bai does not have any professional books on mages.

With almost no knowledge of the mage, he successfully changed his profession after death.

Fang Bai bravely took a firm step toward the mage profession.

Most people would not dare to do this.

Really deadly.

But Fang Bai was fearless, neither afraid of difficulties nor afraid of death.

Perhaps this is the wealth given to Fang Bai by his identity as a player and the creation of the Mecha Master profession.

So what if you don’t know anything?

At least know the general framework.

The mecha master still has nothing, and he creates it out of thin air.

No matter how difficult it is, can it be more difficult than creating the Mecha Master profession?

Fang Bai smiled indifferently, his mind sank into the fantasy space, and he immediately started researching in the fantasy space.

First, all spell models currently mastered are revealed.

Since they are all spell models, Fang Bai needs to find out the commonalities between them.

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