I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 207 Assimilation of Qi-blood Ants

"They are all magic models, so just grasp the commonalities among them.

Then I can analyze the overall framework of the spell model, and I can try to understand the spell model.

Then there will be a basis for all research, so that you will not be confused. "

Fang Bai was planning silently. Although he was ready to spend endless time rushing into the mage's realm, Fang Bai would not mess around.

He also has his own set of thinking logic and research logic that is constantly growing and improving.

The mind is divided into two purposes.

The main thread occupies more than 90% of the consciousness to conduct spell research, and the remaining consciousness controls the body and turns its attention to the ore.

There are also ten half-Warcraft Qi-blooded ant eggs on the ore.

He stared at the ant egg for a while, feeling the rhythm of life inside, then moved away and looked at the ore.

The ore is roughly the size of a pool table and irregularly shaped.

This ore gave Fang Bai a very active feeling.

It even made Fang Bai feel that it was alive.

And the breath is exactly the same as the Qi-blood Queen Ant, it seems to be Qi-blood inside

Fang Bai looked at the Qi-blood ant eggs on the ore, the breath and the ore slowly rhythmic, and suddenly understood something.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Fang Bai immediately burst out with a burst of energy and blood.

As a mecha master who uses pure elemental metals to advance, Fang Bai's Qi and Blood is definitely the most powerful level.

The powerful and condensed energy and blood directly hit the ore.

As expected, the qi and blood, which is generally invisible and incapable of defensive attacks, came into direct contact with this ore.

And there seemed to be a huge space inside, into which Fang Bai's energy and blood could flow.

As Qi and blood poured in, he immediately felt a familiar aura.

"The breath of the Qi-blood Queen, this is the Qi and blood of the Qi-blood Queen, and it stores Qi and blood in it.

Then communicate with the ant eggs through this piece of ore.

During this process, the Qi-blood ant eggs should be affected by these Qi-blood. "

Fang Bai noticed some scrutiny.

Compared with the beginning, the breath of these Qi-blood ant eggs is getting closer to the breath of Qi-blood of the queen ant.

"No wonder the queen ant is so nervous. Even though she knows she can't defeat me, she dares to stand in front of me when I am taking away the ore."

Without any hesitation, Fang Bai directly used his own Qi and blood to flush the Queen's Qi and blood, and then continuously input Qi and blood into it.

This ore is like a sponge, continuously absorbing Fang Bai's energy and blood and storing it in it.

During this process, the aura emitted by the ore also slowly changed.

From being close to the queen ant to being close to Fang Bai.

Fang Bai poured Qi and blood into it bit by bit, time and time again. Gradually, during the exchange of breath between the Qi-blood ant egg and the ore, Fang Bai's Qi and blood invaded the inside of the Qi-blood ant bit by bit.

At the same time, a change in the ore caught Fang Bai's attention.

The temperature emitted by the ore increased.

Originally, the temperature of the ore was much higher than the outside temperature, but now it seems to be even higher.

After trying it for a while, Fang Bai found that the temperature emitted by the ore gradually increased as the energy and blood were poured into it.

Fang Bai pondered slightly as he looked at the ore whose temperature was gradually increasing.

No further input of qi and blood was done to prevent the increase in temperature of the ore from causing the qi-blood ant eggs to incubate in an inappropriate environment and cause death.

If Fang Bai didn't care about these Qi-blood ant eggs before, now Fang Bai pays more attention to them.

You can try to raise it.

Originally, the plan to smelt ore was canceled because of this, but now.

Fang Bai first took away the Qi-blood ant eggs, and then with a thought, the primary flame control spell model took shape.

The flames inside the forging furnace flew out and turned into a thin red line in the air.

The flames of an entire furnace are compressed in this hair-like red thread, like substance.

The red line presses on the ore, and the hot and high-temperature red line touches the ore, melting the ore it touches bit by bit, just like a hot melt knife, cutting it bit by bit.

After a while, half of the ore was cut off by Fang Bai.

Put the Qi-blood ant eggs back on the ore, and Fang Bai took away the other half of the ore.

First, I tried it several times in the fantasy space. After trying it, the red thread circled and turned into a huge fire lotus.

The ore flew into the fire lotus, and the fire lotus slowly closed.

The internal and external temperatures are isolated, and the hot temperature condenses on the ore. The originally red ore quickly turns red, even golden.

In the continuously condensing high temperature, the parts that were not elemental metals liquefied or even vaporized one after another, and were then eliminated by Fang Bai's mental power.

Smelting of elemental metals is often simple, pure high temperature is enough.

Because elemental metals are extraordinary materials, their melting points are often much higher than the impurities inside them.

The impurities have all vaporized, and the elemental metal may not even begin to melt.

Of course, that’s not necessarily the whole story, but that’s the case with this piece of rock.

The impurities were quickly and completely removed, leaving behind a honeycomb-shaped piece of metal with fine cavities and pores all over it.

After reaching this step, Fang Bai instantly raised the temperature, and the fire lotus gradually turned into dark blue.

The elemental metal turned red little by little, melted little by little, and gradually turned into a ball of golden liquid inside the fire lotus, about the size of a suitcase.

The fire lotus slowly dispersed after the temperature was continuously raised and tempered, and the mental power was scanned through it to make sure that all impurities were removed and only pure elemental metal remained.

As the temperature drops, the liquid elemental metal gradually melts, turning the gold color created by the high temperature away and turning back into its original red color.

The liquid elemental metal the size of a suitcase was divided into red iron ingots of equal size under Fang Bai's division.

After it was completely cooled, Fang Bai grabbed an iron ingot and felt it was heavy. After thinking about it, a stream of energy and blood poured into it.

Qi and blood flowed into the inside of the iron ingot.


The iron ingot instantly turned red, a burst of blazing heat burst out, and Fang Bai threw it out violently.

However, as soon as he threw it, he was caught by the mage's hand, but the mage's hand was instantly burned to the point of collapse, and a burning pain instantly swept through Fang Bai's mind.

Fang Bai couldn't help but cry out in pain.


The iron ingot fell to the ground, and as the energy and blood inside it was consumed, the high temperature on it slowly dissipated.

Forcibly suppressing the burning pain in his brain, Fang Bai recalled the time when the Qi-blood ant used the cloud of Qi-blood to burn his mental energy.

It's exactly the same feeling.

It's just that before it was a huge cloud of qi and blood, this time it was just a small stream of qi and blood, and it was still his own qi and blood.

The qi and blood that originally wouldn't burn him, and weren't enough to burn his mental power, actually hurt his mental power.

"I burned myself. This should be the effect of this piece of elemental metal, and then there's..."

Fang Bai looked at his right hand that had just grabbed the iron ingot.

The red color of the part of the gauntlet that had just held the iron ingot slowly faded away, leaving two straight lines.

It's like a plastic toy that has been burned by high-temperature pokers.

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