I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 221 Cutting off the future

"Elite player?"

Fang Bai was stunned for a moment, and then he discovered that all these elite players were mecha masters, and judging from their aura, they should all be mecha masters made of ordinary iron ingots.

"Huh? To become an elite level so quickly is not a little weaker than a normal extraordinary elite level."

Fang Bai couldn't help but mutter.

"Besides, this is completely suicide."

Mecha divisions are roughly divided into three levels, divided by the metal used when changing professions.

In other words, what is used at the professional level is the division of training resources.

If all ordinary iron ingots are used, it will be the worst mecha master. Fang Bai calls it the Fan Tie mecha master. This kind of mecha master is the weakest.

If all elemental alloys were used as training resources, Fang Bai would be called an alloy mecha master and would be slightly stronger.

If all elemental metals were used as training resources, Fang Bai would be called an elemental mecha master.

In terms of combat effectiveness, similar to ordinary warriors and elite-level transcendent warriors, Fantie mecha masters are stronger than professional-level warriors, but far weaker than elite-level warriors.

The strength of the alloy mecha masters is basically equivalent to that of elite warriors. They may have advantages in some areas, such as strength and defense, and may have disadvantages in some areas, such as speed and flexibility, but their overall combat power should be Similar.

As for the elemental mecha master, he can completely crush elite warriors, and can even go head-to-head with master-level warriors under the cloud.

In the actual cultivation process, due to various reasons, it is generally rare to use a pure substance as a cultivation resource.

After all, using Fan Tie to change jobs does not affect the continued use of elemental alloys as training resources in the later stages.

Similarly, those who use elemental metals to change jobs may choose elemental alloys as training resources because of poverty.

After all, not everyone is like Fang Bai, who can kill an extraordinary cavalry of nobles in one go and directly use their weapons and armor to practice.

Therefore, all kinds of adulteration are the norm and are normal people.

Normally speaking, the more elemental alloys used, the stronger the combat effectiveness, and so on.

The weakest ones are those of pure mortal iron.

Fang Bai has plans for the subsequent elite level training process, but the prerequisite is that he must have elemental gold in his body.

In other words, you must have at least elemental alloy gold to practice at the elite level, so as to continue to become stronger, or even break through to the master level.

This requires that mecha masters must use elemental alloys for training in professional-level training, even once!

And if you don't use it at all, you will kill your future, and you will most likely have no chance to break through and become stronger.

“It may be that I am a little stronger now that I have advanced to the elite level, and it seems to have gained some benefits.

But this basically means annihilating their future, and it means they will always be the weakest group of players! "

Fang Bai couldn't help but feel a little speechless. Now a group of elite mecha masters seemed very strong, but the stock of ordinary iron ingots was too large.

It's big enough for every player to switch to a mecha master class, and it's big enough for every player to become a Fantie mecha master.

So in the future, the weakest players will all be elites, without exception, because there are no thresholds or requirements, and the resource requirements are unimaginably low.

This is equivalent to forcibly raising the player floor to the elite level.

This is also the reason why Fang Bai retains Fantie Mecha Master.

Otherwise, for the sake of future potential, the alloy mecha master would be Fang Bai's final bottom line.

So this also means that unless the players in front of them change to other professions in the future, they are destined to be ordinary people without any extraordinary abilities and cannot beat any player.

Fang Bai made it clear in the post announcing the job transfer method.

And it is written in front of the job transfer method. As long as you have read the job transfer method, you will definitely see these contents.

And since I saw these contents, I still made this choice

This is their freedom.

Fang Bai looked at these elite players and sighed slightly, and they seemed to notice Fang Bai's gaze and raised their heads slightly proudly.

Fang Bai remained silent, then left with Zhang Zhong and others.

Asking Zhang Zhong and others to march towards the Longwei area, Fang Bai came to the valley and found the old rhinoceros. He kicked away the little rhinoceros that came closer. Fang Bai asked aloud.

"You said you drove them in that direction and didn't let them come out?"

Fang Bai pointed in the direction of Long Wei and asked, and the old rhinoceros nodded.

"Moo, moo, moo."

"How many times have they tried to come out to occupy your territory, but you still let them in until they dare not come out?"


The old rhino is quite proud.

"Moo moo moo."

"You also said that if it wasn't so uncomfortable to stay inside, you would have to go in and chase them for a hundred and eighty miles?"


The old rhinoceros nodded, Fang Bai looked at the Longwei area in front and pressed his forehead.

“God, won’t all these horses be crushed to death by Long Wei?

It was probably an ordinary horse, but the Warcraft horse was probably not dead, at most it was in a bit of a mess. "

As long as you don't go deep into the Longwei area and are just on the periphery, you can withstand it with a strong will.

After looking at the approximate location, without hesitation, Fang Bai led fifty players to change routes and enter the Longwei coverage area in the direction pointed by the old rhinoceros.

The moment they entered the area covered by Longwei, many players trembled. Although they didn't make any big moves, they were still noticed by Fang Bai.

"Sure enough, although the mecha master who changed his profession in this way may seem fine on the surface, he has certain shortcomings in consciousness."

This situation exists for some people and not for some people. Fang Bai estimates that some people have stronger consciousness, so there is no problem.

Withdrawing his gaze, Fang Bai led them deeper and deeper while paying attention to their status.

When some people vaguely reached their limit, Fang Bai found an open space nearby and stopped.

Looking at the people holding on, Fang Bai said slowly.

"Everyone is disbanded. You can move around freely except that you cannot leave this area."

Fang Bai let these people adapt to the pressure on their own, while he practiced on the side.

The main consciousness is concentrated in the mind to continuously interpret the solid structure, and a small part of the consciousness is controlling the body to continuously learn to use the ground.

One foot after another, the shaking of the earth became smaller and smaller at the beginning, and gradually there was no sound at all, as if the soles of the feet were just gently placed on the ground.

Over and over again, if you get closer, you will find that the rocky ground is shaking slightly.

After you learn to understand it, there is no technical content in it. The main thing is to repeat it continuously, so that this skill becomes instinctive in the body.

Until there is no need to control it at all and it can be used by just moving your feet.

And the scope is not only the legs, but also extends to the hands.

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